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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ready_Set_Lose

  1. Ready_Set_Lose

    Anyone in Chicago ???

    Hi- I'm in the SW suburbs of Chicago. I had my surgery done at Bolingbrook Hospital. Where are you planning on having your surgery? I'm 6 weeks out and had my first fill today. So far I'm down 29lbs. I'm thrilled with my decision. Best of luck! RSL
  2. Ready_Set_Lose

    Need Breakfast Ideas

    I've been doing a cheese stick and a few pieces of deli meat rolled up. Or greek yogart and a handfull of nuts. I dont' have time for eggs in the AM, I'm running out the door, so the food has to be quick and easy to take to work to eat. I do like the single serving cottage cheese as well. Goodluck! RSL
  3. Ready_Set_Lose

    Diet Coke

    I replaced my diet coke habit with unsweetend iced tea. I get the caffine that I so need in the morning and it has no calories and actually has some health benefits. I make my tea weak, as I perfer the light brew iced tea. I also try different tea's to spice it up every now and again. My favorite is the TAZO black, ice tea. I make it at home or buy it from Starbucks when I'm out and need a drink. Yummy! RSL
  4. I lost 11 lbs in pre-op diet and then week to ten days after surgery I had lost another 14lbs. But now, I'm at 3.5 weeks post surgery and still just holding at my 25lb loss. I'm thrilled I haven't gained it back, but I would love to see some more gone! My appetite is back to normal, I dont' feel any restriction. The one really good thing is that I'm not hungry between meals like I had been pre-band. I'm sure that is assisting in me not gaining back the 25 I lost. I'm still eating less at my meals than I had pre-band, but way more than I would like to. I'm looking forward to my first fill in 2.5 weeks. RSL
  5. Hi Everyone- I was banded on October 1st. I'm doing great. I have my 2 week check in on Friday with my surgeon. I'm hoping i get the okay to move to soft foods. I'm on puree/mushee now. It is hard to stick to the diet, I'm quickly getting bored with my options. I want more variety. The good news is that my appetite is still very small. I do get hungry ( man, I never heard such loud hunger noises) but then I'm full rather quickly and stay full till my next meal. I love that!!!! Best of luck everyone. RSL
  6. Why is it that the doctors don't want us drinking from a straw? Is it the volume of what we would swallow? I'm trying to figure this out. On two different occasions now I have accidently drank with a straw. Just curious what you all think?
  7. Ready_Set_Lose

    My little revelations :)

    Hi Fluffy- That is awesome. Finding the "real" reason we got to this place is the biggest battle and the one that will payoff the biggest i'm sure! Best of Luck RSL
  8. Ready_Set_Lose

    Drinking from a straw?

    Thanks for the answers folks. I have always been a straw drinker and it seems I can get more fluid in me with a straw. I'm only 8 days post op so I think I will hold off for a while. Thanks!
  9. Ready_Set_Lose

    MUSHIES! What are you eating?

    I just had some refried beans, with a little bit of melted cheddar and some sourcream and picante sauce. YUMMY! I never thought I would have something taste so good again. I think that will be my dinner tonight as well. RSL
  10. Ready_Set_Lose

    I am hurting badly...

    I'm one week out today and can honestly say it does get better. I had a rough week, but I'm so glad to finally be here today, with no nausea or gas pains. Hang in there!
  11. I thought i was one of the lucky ones with no gas pains in my shoulder, however today at 5 days post op i'm feeling horrible pain in my left shoulder and under my breast. Has anyone else gotten gas pains this many days after surgery?
  12. Hi Fluffy I'm sorry you are in the same boat as me with the gas pain, it is not fun. However I had some severe nausea before and I'm just so pleased that has passed. I'm hoping to return to work tomorrow, wish me luck! As for the BM, I had 2 loose stools since surgery. I'm not surprised that you have not, we are just not eating enough to warrant that at this time! Hang in there! RSL
  13. Hi Blessed- I'm with you 100% that I will take the neck and shoulder pain over the nausea which seems to have past for me as of today. I'm still scared every time i drink or eat soup that I'm going to get nausea again. Thanks for the update, I'm going try the GasX tomorrow and the heating pad tonight if it gets bad. Smiles RSL
  14. Congratulations ladies! I'm on day 5 post op and am doing well. My incisions are healing and every day the movement of getting in bed, in and out of chairs, going pee etc. gets better. The only negative for me is I'm having issues with nausea. Cant' seem to get as much liquid down as I should either. I'm trying to stay positive and focus on the fact that this will get better. My surgeon now has me on only Gatorade so I dont' get dehydrated. Hang in the ladies! RSL
  15. Blessed- I was hopeful that today would be better but I just had another bout of nausea. I actually feel better after the episode passes. It is almost like I'm too tight and that one extra sip of water pushes me to a sever state of nausea. I called my doctor this morning and he said it isnt' too uncommon and to keep him posted. He said as long as I wasn't thirsty, I'm probably not dehydrating. Although he did recommend that I push the Gatorade. (yuk) Keep us posted on how you are doing. I'm so grateful for this board. I would be super frustrated if I didnt' ahve this for reassurment. Take Care, RSL:rolleyes:
  16. Ready_Set_Lose

    Day 3 and I'm Nauseous???

    Hi- Today seems better for me, however I have noticed that my nausea seems to hit me later in the afternoon or evening. No idea why. I'm hoping today is the day it doesnt' and I can turn the corner. RSL
  17. Okay I need some advice. I was banded on Friday. Felt pretty good on Friday and Saturday, starting on Sunday I had some severe nausea, my mouth would water, I got sweaty, exactly like I was going to throw up. I just sat with my face over the bucket and willed it to stop. It happened about 1 hour after I had some soup. Then again tonight after drinking some Gatorade. Is this normal? I'm not getting in the full amount of fluids I should be, nothing goes down easy, so I just sip. But then after getting that horrible feeling like I was going to throw up, I don’t' want to even try to drink anything. Anyone else have these symptoms? Thanks for your help! RSL
  18. Hi Folks- I have been having horrible nausea, seems the start of the day is fine, but by evening i'm so uncomfortable with the nausea. This morning I woke up feeling great, but the thought of drinking anything is so uncomfortable. I'm now about 2 hours in and have drank about 3/4 of a pre made protein shake. Not feeling bad, but not feeling great either. I'm going to try a walk now and see if that helps. Are you guys noticing that in the morning you feel any better? Also, I took some advil last night, I crunched up 2 tablets and I'm wondering if that might help my swelling. I'm only theorizing that it is the swelling that is causing me the uncomfortable feeling. Just thought I would share that. Thanks RSL
  19. I totally understand. I was banded on Friday 10-1-10. The first day after surgery was fine, no problems at all. However the second and third (today) have been super hard. I can't get the recommended fluids down either. The Protein Shakes taste horrible to me, I feel full super fast, and i get burpy after i drink, even water. A couple of times yesterday and today I have had bad bouts of nausea where I probably would have thrown up, however I just waited it out, my mouth was watering really bad and I got sweaty and uncomfortable. Yuk!!! I'm with you that this better resolve itself or I will be wanting it out. I can't stand feeling sick and nauseous all the time. I'm sure I'm dehydrated at this point in time since I can't get anything down. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day. I'm going to take some advil tonight, in case it is from swelling, since that is an anti-inflammatory, it might help...i'm also going to call dr. office in the AM and see if there is anything I can take for this nausea.
  20. I was banded on 10-1-10 as well. Day after surgery was good, day 2 was rotten. I felt nauseous all day long. Today being day 3 is better, still not getting much down in terms of food though. My doctor said i should have lots of creamy soups, protein drinks and Gatorade. I'm lucky if I get one protein drink in a day, and maybe a cup of soup. My appetite just isn't there and after the severe nausea from yesterday, i'm scared. Since surgery on Friday I'm down 9 lbs. For a total of 20 including my low carb pre-op diet. I'm sure much of this is water weight as I'm not hydrating myself as much as I should. Wishing you all lots of luck! RSG
  21. Ready_Set_Lose

    Nausea and Indigestion!

    I was banded on Friday 10-1-10. I felt pretty good day of surgery and the on Saturday. However yesterday Sunday I felt horrible. Very nauseous throughout the day and had an episode that I thought I was going to throw up, my mouth got all watery and i started sweating. Almost the whole day I felt sick and had a lot of indigestion. I'm currently doing creamy soups (thinned) protein shakes and Gatorade. Today I'm going to go back to just broth and a protein shake if I can stand it. The thought of a protein shake right now is gross, I really dont' like the taste of them at all. Hopefully I will find one I like. Best of luck to you all! RSG
  22. Hi - I'm from the suburbs of Chicago, and I work in management for a web consulting company. Was banded 3 days ago, I love all the support out here. You guys are all great.
  23. Ready_Set_Lose

    Nausea and Indigestion!

    I was banded on Friday and I too feel full after drinking fluids. I probably had a 1/2 cup of soup (cream of chicken) and i felt burpy after that. I know so many people keep saying walking is the best thing for it, so I'm going to try to get moving today. On my way to grocery store for some sugar free popsicles.
  24. Ready_Set_Lose

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    I bought the Flinstones chewables, and honestly I don't like them. Would prefer to just swallow a pill. But i dont' want to mess with anything so I will stick to what the doctor said. Today is day 2 post op and I'm feeling better but not 100% yet. I need to go do some walking, I'm hoping that will help. It is cold in Chicago today only 44 degrees, I'm not looking forward to that walk! Best of luck to those of you getting ready for the band, hang in there on the pre-op, it is so worth it. RSG
  25. Ready_Set_Lose

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Congrats Donna! I had mine yesterday as well. So far so good. I'm still sore, mostly muscular, I guess it is where the port was attached. Of the 5 incisions that is the only one that hurts. I have no appetite but I'm trying to get my fluids down, I just don't feel thirsty or hungry! My surgery was at 7:30 and I was home by noon...hard to believe! Best of luck to you! RSG

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