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Everything posted by ssinole

  1. and I've generally felt like a truck hit me. I'm a big strong guy...(or so I thought) and I definitely underestimated what this surgery would do to me. Now, I really don't mean to scare anyone....we all have read how differently people react to this surgery. The biggest problem for me has been the shoulder pain. Up to today, it hurt..but just like a general pain. Today...W"""""""""""OW:eek: Sharp pain in the shoulder, moving to below my left armpit. This did happen after the longest walk I've taken since Friday. Tonight I have actually had some hunger pangs, which I haven't had since the surgery...a good sign. I was down 15 elbees on my pre op diet...I'm now down 27. Hanging in there!!
  2. Hey everyone, I'm a 41 year old man that lives in coastal Georgia. Weight has been a struggle since the ol' college days...and my move back south 6 years ago really kicked it into high gear. Sweet tea, fried shrimp, banana pudding...all the trappings of the south has really done a number on me! I've tried every diet known to man over the last 18 years. None of them took. I'm an active guy... put don't exercise. I have two great kids and a wife of 17 years, and they are all very supportive. I'm getting nervous. But I HAVE to do this..and I have to SUCCEED.

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