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Everything posted by kellyodoran

  1. kellyodoran

    Losing friends

    Lori, where did you find your name? It's purty!
  2. Even though I'm only 6 1/2 weeks out with 1 fill, a chicken leg quarter takes care of me alllllllllllll day! I'm sure when I get another fill, it will be much less! I mean I hope it will be less! I mean it better be less! The first time I had it, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. I am truley carnivorous:wub: Kelly
  3. kellyodoran


    I don't drink soda pop! I really have never cared for the fizzy stuff. But I just wanted to hear everyones opinion on it. And maybe some hot summer day, having an ice cold beer...that's about it.
  4. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    I ate a baked chicken drumstick and thigh:cool:
  5. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    Just one more note....... I did eat at 9:30 this morning and.........I'm still full! WTF! That never happens to me. Here I am at 6:30 and still full. OMG I can't believe it.. Mom even gave me the High-Five. Wow. O.K. May be hungry in the morning, All my love Kelly:redface: P.S. will let you know
  6. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    yes you did your homework assignment for the day! lol now just keep up the good work :thumbup:
  7. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    I could go on to explain the low-carb (Atkins) methodology, but instead I'm going to recomend that you do a little research via Google. There are really several different plans that work. And in essence to boil it all down cut the crap(bad or processed carbs) bread,flour,sugar, etc. and eat protien and veggies. Pretty simple. Depending on what ever plan you choose they all have there own methods.Research, and choose wisely. I do garauntee (spelling?) You will feel better, and may even help the weight come off faster. GOOGLE IT GIRL Kelly:tongue:
  8. kellyodoran


    wrinkles are just the lines your face gets after smiling and laughing for 30 40 years!
  9. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    Well All, yesterday I kinda pigged out. I wanted to finish this imitation crab up (not really low carb) and then last night I had a chicken thigh and leg. OMG it was like heaven.......I did take little bites and chewed,chewed, chewed. I was nice and full when I finished, and oh yeah I ate the skin too! (that is a low carb thing) Anyway, I stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down 3 pounds from my original up 5. Go figgur' for the life of me I don't understand..Maybe too few calories before or who knows. Just glad to see the scale move in the right direction after 14 days! Well it will be chicken again tonight yum! Tomorrow is day one of induction, because I'm using up the last of this bbq sauce that is not really carb friendly. But really for two days my carbs have been fairly low, so maybe that is the big scale secret:confused: Everyone have a great day! Kelly:redface:
  10. Thanks for being honest, so like some of us won't have suicidal thoughts if we cheat....lol CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Oh I'm looking forward to the day.
  11. kellyodoran

    Inches V.S. Pounds

    Sounds to me like your not consuming enough calories.....are you exercising ? Say,,30 min 3 times a week, min.
  12. Hey Spoiltmom, I saw you over on another forum, and rcognized you! I said hi, but it looks like you have not been there in a while. (thinner times, or OH) I go to about three different forums or is that four? Don't know! But there is something you can learn from each one!
  13. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    How much and where do you get isopure?
  14. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    Actually my protien is only 3 carbs per scoop, that would be a big 10-4 for fills! Broth is low carb, egg drop soup is low carb, mushies could be egg salad or tuna salad etc.
  15. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    Thanks for all your encouraging words....yeah still holding firm on that platue! I won't be able to begin induction until Wed. because that is when I go grocery shopping. I need to finish up my fat free cottage cheese, etc. I really can't afford to throw food out at this point. Lucky for me there is not that much left. I'm hoping some of you will join me on the low carb band wagon while we are ALL in this stupid phase. Seems like all of us are struggling right now from hunger or weight loss stalls. My boyfriend just laughs at me and says "poor baby"! Then says but 25 pounds is alot! I say I'm ready to throw a temper tantrum and kick my feet and hold my breath blah blah blah. In Sept. of next year there will be this huge reunion for the elementary school that I went to in the tiny town where I grew up. Anyone and everyone who attended this school will be there, and I want to look fantastic! Call me vain, I don't care. I wan't to look fit and healthy. I want to look maaavuuuulus daaahhlliinng! Anyway, I just think that the low carb way will really make the weight roll off ( just like it did before) for me. If anyone wants to join me, I think it would be a great support network, just like this forum already has been. Future Thin Person Kelly:wink:
  16. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    Well I just think I'm going to low carb it! Start induction the day after tomorrow. I lost 50 pounds before very fast. Seeing that it is all about protien anyway, why not? That is the whole basis of the low carb lifestyle anyway. Seeing that we are not at our sweet spot yet, and hunger is at the forfront,,,,,,,why not be able to eat till you are full? Hell, I think I'll start right now! Peace out Kelly
  17. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    Good Sunday Morning "August Rusher's" Well......I have been stuck at the same weight for 8 days now. I knew I would hit platues, but I just did not think it would be so soon. I am trying to stay positive, because I know these things happen. I am following the rules and exercising 30 minutes a day, doing the calorie counting and drinking lots of water. I know I should have measured myself so then I could count inches too. I intend to do that this week. I am trying to be patient.......oh well, somethings gotta give:biggrin:! Hope all of you are doing well. Peace out Kelly:biggrin:
  18. kellyodoran

    I need smaller pants again!!!

    You go girl! Congradulations!
  19. kellyodoran

    How many eggs?

    beachbunny like even with my first I could still eat three eggs....I stay away, am happier with cottage cheese (fat-free) maybe some salsa in it or yogurt mixed. I realize that I won't be eating this long term because it is fairly soft, but then so are eggs.
  20. kellyodoran

    August Rush in bandland!

    Man o man I do know that feeling,,,wanting to eat every couple hours...now I'm every 5 hours :thumbup:
  21. Yes, yes I shop at Smart & Final..I remember seeing them too! Thanks
  22. cna you get torani at trader joes?

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