That's what I was worried about, being able to swallow it. I have to take 3 a day for my back pain. I am hoping that my back pain will get better when the weight comes off. Thanks for the info.
I just called the Drs. office and asked if I needed a referrel and she no. They made me an appointment for Aug.3rd. I dont know if they are all the same or if some need referrels just call them and ask. Good luck!
Well I go August 3rd for my very first consultation. I am nervous but excited to finally get started on my new life. I have been heavy all my life, I have lost-gain-lost-gain. I cant wait to get started.
Thank you so much for your post. I go 8-3-10 for my 1st consult and I know I'm still a long way from a surgery date, but post like yours keep me motivated.
I am from Alabama and I have had several friends that have had the Lap Band with BC/BS and it is my understanding they have not had any problems. All of the costs were covered. I am looking into having the Lap Band and I also have BC/BS.