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Everything posted by nbrett

  1. hang tight... try to walk as much as possible, every day it gets better!!!


  2. nbrett

    My journey...

    You can do it!!! THIS IS THE BEST JOURNEY YOU ARE GOING ON!!! Nikki
  3. nbrett


    hi there and WELCOME!! I love spicy food soooo I mix some cottage cheese with pasta sauce and add chili flakes. I heat it in the microwave and top with a little parm cheese. Mix and enjoy.Mmmmm Nikki
  4. nbrett

    Day 2 Pre-Op Diet

    Yes it will get much easier. I remember someone telling me that. I was like " I doubt it" Let me tell you it does. Right after surgery you don't want to eat. Your body is sore and you are having to recover, the last thing your really want to do is eat. I know it sounds funny but hang in there. Nikki
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care


  6. nbrett

    a day b4 admission to the hospital

    Good luck!!! You are entering into an amazing new life decision and it will change you forever... You might be in a little pain in the beginning, but just wait it only gets BETTER!! Take care Nikki
  7. nbrett

    2nd day post surgery

    i found that drinking warm liquids went down way.... better. I still have a tough time with cold drinks in the am. Good Luck Nikki
  8. nbrett

    This is so complicated......

    You will be fine. Try to have some "me" time and put all your positive thoughts forward. This is all very positive for "you". Just think, by next year or even sooner you will have a totally different outlook on life. I never had any pain prior to my surgery but make sure your MD is well aware of your needs. You know your body better than anyone else!!! Take care Nikki
  9. Hey there,

    I'm so glad your surgery went well!!! I am about two and a half weeks out and LOVE my sleeve. The whole surgery experience was kind of like getting tortured for a few days...lol.. But it all went great. I had no complications and was back to work in a week. Can't wait to hear an update from you!

    Take care,


  10. nbrett

    A little tight in the am

    Hi everyone... I was wondering if anyone else has this problem? In the morning I have to wait a couple of hours to eat breakfast. I have no problem with liquids, but the mushy foods are a smidge tough to get down. After a few hours I have no problem.... in fact I then need to watch how much I am putting in my mouth.. Take care, Nikki
  11. nbrett

    One Year VSG Anniversary

    Wow! You look amazing. It's so nice when people keep us updated on their progress. I am only 3 weeks out and am super excited about this journey. Thanks for the great Blog Take care, Nikki
  12. Don't worry about your surgery. I have had no problem what so ever with my sleeve. It's like anything.... there is always a chance of complications. Thy to remain positive.


  13. nbrett

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

    I wish you lots of luck with your journey. I was sleeved on Sept.2 in Tijuana and am super happy with my decision.
  14. nbrett

    About to blow a gasket (RANT)

    please go back to your MD. It sounds terrible. There might be something wrong. Ask them to do another x-ray or another bariem swallow to rule out an leaks. Take care Nikki
  15. nbrett

    one week out !!!

    Well this week has been such an adjustment to the way I used to live. I didn't realize how often I would put something in my mouth with out even noticing. My tummy is still a little sore and I have wicked heartburn. I am forced to wear some pretty un-sexy granny panites to make sure there is no rubbing on my incisions. I am craving meat. I have almost had it with all these super sweet shakes. ground up chicken and a little mashed potatoes sounds blissful right now. I hope everyone is doing well! Nikki
  16. hi there,

    I was just pulling some stitches out..lol... the are getting pretty itchy. I am having a wicked heartburn. It seems to be when I have cranberry juice or any orange juice. i have a little weeping(bleeding) from my main incision site. I am changing my dressings twice a day. I am starting back to work tomorrow.. I am not really looking forward to that. My hubby is doing pretty good. (Men can be a little hard to deal with when they are in pain) I try to keep him motivated. I feel like I am pretty hungry at nights. I can't wait for mushy foods.

    Take care


  17. I am so glad you are also doing well!!! I still have some nasty gas pains. I hope they go away soon. How are your incisions? I am a little sore around the main port site. Are you having any protein drinks yet? I started yesterday to add protein drinks with my clear liquids. I feel much better doing that. i have lost about 17 lbs in total from the start of the pre-op diet (I did two weeks of it). So I am pretty happy with the results so far.

    Keep in touch!!


  18. nbrett

    Hola I'm back from Tijuana

    well, I did it !!! I am 4 days post op and feel pretty good. It was such a journey to get this done I am super glad to be home. I had my surgery done at the Jerusleam Hospital in Tijuana by Dr.Almanza. HE WAS AMAZING !!!!! I am soooo pleased with the treatment that I received at the hospital as well as the recovery house. I had my surgery Sept.2 at 3pm and was up with little pain less than 24 hours. I was sitting and talking to all the new patients at 10 am the next day. The staff were so professional and the hospital was very clean. NOW.... let me tell you a little about the first 10 hours post-op. YOU WILL FEEL LIKE YOU ARE DYING...lol seriously. I was in super pain, pain like I have never felt. The gas pains are CRAZY! :crying:Gas x strips were a waste of time for me. The only and I mean ONLY thing to get rid of the pain is to walk and walk. My hubby came with me and had me up every hour on the hour for a walk. It really helped. I will blog some more about all the tips and advise I can pass on. Take care, Nikki
  19. nbrett

    Hola I'm back from Tijuana

    Hi there everyone. I made it back in one piece. I had my surgery Sept.2 in Tijuana done by Dr. Almanza at Jerusleam Hospital. The experience was GREAT!!! He is a fantastic Doctor and his team are all amazing. I was CRAZY sore after surgery. The gas pains were NUTS!! I had my loving hubby with me and he got me up pretty much every hour on the hour. Thanks to him, the next day I felt a million times better. I am very fortunate to have had a great support team. I hope everyone is doing well!!!:smile:
  20. Hi there, I feel pretty good actually. I had my surgery on Sept.2 and have had a pretty recovery. I still have some nasty gas pains but am trying to walk as much as possible.

    How are you feeling?

  21. Hi there, Good choice on going to Tijuana for your surgery!! Where are you going? What Doctor?

  22. nbrett

    I'm off to start my journey....

    Tomorrow I leave to start my two day trek to Tijuana to have my surgery. As I posted a while back, I am having the gastric sleeve done. I can't believe this time had finially come . I want to thank everyone for all of there amazing stories. They have filled me with hope and have settled my fears. I will blog when I get back to let everyone know how it went. Take care, Nikki:thumbup:
  23. nbrett

    I'm off to start my journey....

    I am off to tomorrow to start my two day trek to Tijuana. I can't believe it's finally here. I have been waiting what seems like forever. I have been planning and researching to my hearts content... but... now.. I seem to have forgotten everything I was reading. I all of a sudden don't feel prepped yet. I'm sure it happens to everyone..lol.. I am sad to leave my little one with my parents and I had to tell her I was going to a nursing meeting for a few says. She is not ready to hear that mommy is having an operation. My dear hubby will be by my side the whole time. He is off to the movie store to pick up some DVD's for the hospital for me.:huh0: He is such a gem. I am so lucky to have him. i will blog when I get back to let you all know how it all went. Take care, Nikki
  24. nbrett

    one week today.....

    It's officially one week today that I well be getting the sleeve. It seems like forever that I have been waiting. I have quite the trek to get to Tijuana for Sept.2. I will be leaving Winnipeg (Canada) on Aug 31. to go to Grand Forks ND to stay the night. My flight leave from Grand Forks at 0600. I will be stopping in Denver then a connection to San Diego. I will stay the night in San Diego and be picked up at 0700 the next morning to go to Tijuana. YIKES ! I know it seems like a bit excessive but I soooo need this surgery. Thanks to everyone who has blogged about their experiences, I have picked up a few great tips. Take care, Nikki
  25. nbrett

    Post surgery thoughts

    i totally agree with your blog. I am a nurse and I feel like people are looking at me thinking....Hmmmm... I don't really want to take health advise from her. I'm not sure why we do this to ourselves? I get my sleeve in 5 days and I am getting a little nervous. Keep blogging, I really enjoy the updates.

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