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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nbrett

  1. nbrett

    :-( Sad weekend for me!

    i am sooo sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  2. nbrett

    So today is 6 days post op....

    That IS a GREAT idea about the mini raviolis. I will have to remember that when it is my time.
  3. nbrett

    Someone's gonna get hurt!! LOL!

    I loved your blog. I am starting my pre-op liquid diet tomorrow. I have a very CRAZY 5 year old to keep up to. I'll think of you if I want to kill... lol
  4. have a very happy and healthy year!!
  5. nbrett

    Terrific for a Tuesday!

    Wow!!! You look fantastic. It totally shows in your body, how much weight you have lost. Great Work!
  6. nbrett

    the ticking clock

    I totally agree, I have been in this site for over a month and don't have my surgery until Sept.2. I LOVE reading all the great stories of the up and coming. I thank everyone who has the courage to write about their journey.
  7. nbrett

    Day 5...

    I'm glad you are ok! Good luck in school...
  8. nbrett

    Grand Jete

    great blog!!! I LOVED IT !!!
  9. nbrett

    My bowels moved...and so did the scale!

    Too funny!!! I love your description of you "BM" I have a 5 year old and we clap every time she goes like a big girl. Good job keep up the hard work!
  10. nbrett

    Trying hard not to Compare

    i think that you are doing great. Keep your chin up!
  11. nbrett

    short shorts....

    Don't worry, even models have cellulite lol...
  12. Hi there, thank you so much for the info for the "clear protein drinks/shots". I live in Canada but will be flying out of the states to get my surgery. I hope to pick up some the products you are talking about then.

    thanks again Nikki

  13. nbrett

    Clear Fluids???

    I have a question about the clear fluid phase. My MD wants me to be on clear fluids for 1 week post-op. I was wondering about getting enough protein with only clear fluids. He does not want me to have any protein shakes during that phase. Does anyone have any suggestions to help keep my energy up during the post-op phase?
  14. nbrett

    last beer run

    i loved your blog. I can totally relate to what you were saying. I am getting banded on Sept. 2 and the whole "What if..." is a little nerve racking. I have never been "skinny" Even I was thinish I never had a thin frame of mind. I have bags and bags of clothes that don't fit. I hang on to them like my secret bag of treasures that maybe I can open up again. (they will most likely be way out of date). We WILL do this , I Promise. This is our chance!!!
  15. I saw that it was your surgery today. I hope it all went well for you!

  16. nbrett

    The date is nearing closer!

    Sorry to hear about that. I also hear that form people... their biggest concern is all about my loose skin... I tell them that loose skin is the least of my worries. How about the fact that only three tops and one pair of pants fits me right now. That's a problem not my up and coming possible loose skin. Good luck!
  17. nbrett

    Pre-Op Day 3

    Hi there, I just bought some "lemonade protein powder for my pre-op diet. I tried it in the store fist. It was pretty yummy. It's called "Nector' wehy protein isolate by Syntrax. It has 23g of protein in each scoop and 90 calories. I blend it with water, ice and a splenda. It's pretty yummy
  18. nbrett

    Waiting is HARD!!

    Thank you for your post. You are so right. I need to take a deep breath and just relax. All in good time!
  19. nbrett

    Crazy Dreams

    As my surgery date comes closer, I find that I am having CRAZY dreams.... Last night I was dreaming that I forgot to do my pre-op diet and I liver was soooo big that they had to pump me with twice as much air. I was so big that they needed a crane to get me to my hospital bed... Good Lord... I also dreamed that they used green mint gum to hold my incisions shut... Did anyone else have these crazy dreams?
  20. nbrett

    Questions and Doubts?

    I love this blog. You write the most powerful messages. I look forward to reading them always. You are so right about doubt/depression starting one drop at a time. When in doubt I always turn to my faith!
  21. nbrett

    What should I do?

    I also feel trapped as a Canadian, we have no other option but to pay for the surgery ourselves. Even then we must fall under certain criteria . We must be at least 100lbs over weight. Crazy but true, considering we are the ones paying for it. Perhaps I am wrong about that but where I live the only way to get lapband surgery is to pay for it myself. I also wish the government realized the severity of this disease. i wish more people saw obesity as a disease and not a choice.
  22. nbrett

    First Plane Ride Post Surgery!!!

    have a wonderful time. You have been doing so well so far, I am totally proud of you. wow, 5am training session... you are motivated!!! Sleep and eating are the two best things that I do in life lol.. I also have a trainer lined up for my post op work out. Gosh they are expensive but so is eating junk food all day long. I wish you a safe and relaxing trip and can't wait to hear how it all went. take care
  23. nbrett

    Slap upside the head...

    People are so crazy. I get asked that ALL THE TIME. I have never had an hour glass figure. I am like a big old apple. I am a nurse and people always tell me not to get too close to certain medications because I don't want to harm my baby. I have even had people grab my tummy looking for a baby to kick. They are lucky I don't kick them....lol
  24. nbrett

    The Art of Self Sabotage

    Great Blog. I will keep this one tagged for future reference. I have tried so many diets in the past and gave up way too early. I had an excuse for them all. This is an awsome reminder that I hold all the tools.

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