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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PhatterThanFat

  1. Hi Bandsters... I was banded 8th March 2010, first fill at 3 weeks, second fill at 7 weeks - doctor doesn't tell me how much so can't comment on that. I am about 18kg down! No issues to date with anything - it has all been smooth sailing, a few discomforting "stuck" moments since my second fill but it usually passes and I can keep eating. I am fairly thorough with my chewing etc. Until a few days ago I was boasting in fact that I had never had to PB - lucky me!! This week I came down with a cold, first I have had in over a year - feeling generally lousy and found because of that I have been eating more than usual and probably not thinking as much about what I am doing. Yesterday at lunch time I had left over chinese food, which went down fine, but silly me decided to "pick" at it about an hour later and from that moment I knew I had done the wrong thing. I instantly felt stuck and for an hour tried to ignore it (dreading my first PB) but then succumbed. I retched and retched and retched only to bring up Fluid and no chinese :thumbup: About 20 minutes later I had another go and managed to puke up a large quantity of the lovely "slime" that I have now learnt all about. Still no actual food. Throughout the evening everything I tried to eat / drink caused me chest & back pain and slimey vomits - even a couple small sips of semi melted icecream & chicken broth. This morning I woke feeling better but only until I tried to have Breakfast. Even a sip of milk with a zantac sent me running for the loo within 5 minutes. I have tried some Water, ginger tea & Soup this afternoon and managed only a few sips of each and spent the next 20 minutes after each pacing the living room trying to burp. Burping relieves me for about two minutes. I have a headache and have even tried sucking on a lozenge just to get some kind of sugar in....it made my chest ache. I haven't consumed anything more than a couple of spoonfuls of liquid in over 24 hours. My surgeon is out of town at the moment. I am in so much discomfort hoping someone might have some idea of what to do? The worst part - I'm frikken starving!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks :thumbup:
  2. PhatterThanFat

    24 Hours of Vomitting Slime

    Hi Christie - Thanks for this. Unfortunately my doctor must be the only doctor that does not have a stand in when he goes away. ER it will have to be. I have managed very very small sips of fluids, still causes some discomfort but they are going down. I am just going to see how I go over night and if I am still suffering by morning I will head in to the Hospital. It did concern me that for all the PBs I did yesterday I didn't bring up the offending piece of meat...I hope its not wedged in my band :thumbup: I didn't think it would be possible for something to stay stuck that long - wouldn't the stomach acid break it down eventually?? Thanks for the advice - good to hear from people who have had similar experience. My sister has a band but has not had this kind of complication so she didn't know what I should do! Lauren :thumbup:
  3. PhatterThanFat

    24 Hours of Vomitting Slime

    Hi Elcee - I saw in another thread that someone had mentioned ice, unfortunately I don't have any in the house but I do have some icey-poles so I had a go at one of those....managed to get about a third of the way through it over the space of 45 minutes... Since then I have gotten down one soluble panadeine and am attempting a second...Also about to make a cup of peppermint tea which I am hoping adds some relief. At my Surgeons rooms he is the only one there, he doesn't have a "stand in" for when he is away in fact the answering machine at the clinic says we are not here so too bad basically. If I get desperate in the next 12 hours I am going to take myself to the ER. Thankfully I haven't spewed again since this morning but have had a few moments of feeling dicey, I know if I tried to eat something I would definitely bring it up. At the moment its awful because I have the hunger pains that make you feel sick too! As for the PB... I guess it is the fear of the unknown, its like the way I dreaded my first fill until I realised it is relatively painless. After my first slime spew yesterday I did actually realise it is not so bad, in fact I have had a lot of practice the last 24 hours....I just wish I didn't have all the agony and what not going on with it! Thanks for your reply - feeling a bit desperate and miserable at the moment! Lauren:blushing:

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