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About Mw9955

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 07/25/1976

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  1. Happy 37th Birthday mw9955!

  2. Happy 36th Birthday mw9955!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary Mw9955!

  4. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary mw9955!

  5. Dr Watkins, I had my GPS done about 7 months ago by Dr Corvala... I am doing fine, weighing in at about 135 from about 190... But I worry now thinking that a perforation will be inevitable - is there anything that I should do to put my mind at ease? Thanks!
  6. Dr Warkins - thank you so much for posting this info. You are a true professional for presenting possible complications as well as the benefits. If gastric necrosis occurs, what options does the patient have? Thanks again!
  7. Mw9955

    Day 3 after Plication

    Genepha! Our thoughts are with you.. The first week was soooo hard on me - but you will feel better day by day.. Take care of yourself and I am rooting for you!
  8. Mw9955

    Family Photos

    What a wonderful and beautiful family!
  9. Hello! OMG - I am glad that you are doing well after that excruciating time! I have to admit, I have not been really scared through this whole process (GPS in August by Dr. Corvala) BUT after reading your post, I am scared shi*less!!! Seriously, I don't know what to think.. I never thought of the blood flow restriction, scar tissue build up, or the stitch holes "eating away." Please keep us updated - it makes me think of scheduling a flight to see Dr. Watkins and have a reversal done! Get rest and best wishes!
  10. Mw9955


    Congrats!!! I heard nice things about Dr Rod... Good luck!
  11. Yay!!!!! You are doing awesome. You got it Mellifrits - exercise is essential for a healthy success. After my stall, i recently started a light workout and the weight is going down again - 143 lbs as of this week! I look healthy and am perfectly happy at this weight, but just wanna tone up a bit. I am sooo happy with my gastric plication surgery as well - and wouldn't change a thing! You go girl and thanks for posting your success!
  12. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/83-total-gastric-vertical-plication-sleeve-surgery/ Hello again! It's the Total Gastric Vertical Plication Thread.. I remember you posting a few months back about your experiences with Dr. Rodriguez.. A few gals are having some stalls and it would be good to hear from you - I also recall when you hit a slight stall too. Thanks so much and congrats once again!!!!
  13. Melifrits! It's good to hear from you and congrats!!! Do you mind posting on the GPS thread your success? There are quite a few ladies who could really use your words of encouragement right now. Thanks!
  14. Mw9955

    slow weight loss

    Hello Karen! No problem - hang in there and keep positive!
  15. Mw9955

    slow weight loss

    Hey there! Yes, the first few weeks after GPS - my weight loss dropped to about 1 or 2 lbs per week. But important question for the original poster - are you able to eat much less than prior to the surgery? If yes - than I wouldn't worry. Take that 1 or 2 lbs per week and after several months, and much weight will come off. I just hit 5 months and I am 41 lbs lighter! I am happy about that although I was a bit miffed during the first two months, but I would much rather have the weight come off at a more "normal rate." I know we all spent a lot of money - but try to stay positive and look at the long term, k? As long as you are able to have a small appetite and are exercising a bit - I think you are on the right track! Best wishes!

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