I just want you to know that you are not alone. I think for me, it comes from the many years of yo-yo weight loss. I discussed this with my nutritionist during one of my visits. She said it is common to feel this way, but I must change my "will I" to "I WILL". She said to also be sure to acknowledge even the smallest weight loss as a success, and don't give up even when I slip up.
As far as people who I have told...Not too many. My husband and daughter, my parents and brother, and 3 very close friends. I find people are offten quick to critisize, in order to make themselves feel better. I realize the band is a tool. It will not drag my butt to the gym, or choose the veggies over the french fries for me. That will be my job. I just don't want to do all the work of loosing the weight, just to hear someone say "Well I would be skinny too, if I had surgery". This is my battle, and I refuse to give anyone the ability to knock me down for my success. This is why I only told the people whome I know genuinely care about my happiness and health, before their own vanity.
Good luck with your journey, and remeber we WILL be successful .