ok, so i am going to be bruitally honest, so please don't get mad at me!
I have had the lap band August 31sth 2006. IN the first two months i lost no weight because i only had 1.2 cc in a 4 cc band... By novermberI got up to 1.9 cc and it was great. No heart burn or reflux, only pb ed if I overate. The only problem was that I would eat my small amount and i would be hungry again in 1 hr... so I thought, get another fill. I got another fill in novermber. 0.3 ccs. So I am at 2.2 cc... Terrible heart burn, constant pb covered in mucus. It was the worst week of my life. Went back, down to 2.0 cc... This was MUCH better in that I was never hungry, my portions would hold me to my next meal... Heart burn came every other day but I have been having heart burn since my early teen... From december 6th to January 26 I dropped 30 pounds. This may be because i started exercising and weight lifitngs every day. But i knew I wasnt eating much and I would stick to fluids and soft food, couldn't hold down meat. I was pbing every day. Like almost after every meal. I was eating 1-2 bites to much, which would just bounce back up. I spat it out, and it IS disgusting. THe heartburn got progressively worse. Could this be because I was pbing alot? I know this is not the right thing. I just think that i was too tight and I was in denial because i was dropping the weight so fast. So 5 pounds a week = pbing.. i didn't tell anyone. Now, this week it got so bad that I choke from reflux in my sleep and I keep pbing stomach acid. I went back today, got defilled to 1.8... Where 1.9 was not enough restriction, still with 1.8 i can't hold down food. Could it be that I developed an ulcer or some sort of stomach irritation from all the stomach acid and my stomach lining is swelled? I am really confused. I didn';t know i lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks untill my doc weighed me in today. So its not like i was trying to keep up weightloss, i wasn't even weighing myself... My clothes fit better... daily... and i thought this was good. Anyways, my main concern is that i think i have damaged my stomach in some way. Can someone please give me some guidance as to what I should do? One time it was so bad that my esaphogas felt like it was on fire. Im really worried and scared now. The nurse gave me a big lecture about my health and not losing weight too fast. I understand this now, but im just really scared. They mentioned somethin about completely defilling me and thats why i don't want to address my concerns with the nurses because IM afraid I will stop losing weight
ps. im rarely hungry, ever since my stomach has been burning constantly..