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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by virginia7769

  1. virginia7769

    Relief Band

    That sounds great what is the name of it
  2. virginia7769


    Never mind I see that you are from Canada, Aside from that I wish you the best of luck on your surgery, I have a couple of test to take and hopefully by the end of Oct. I will have had mine.
  3. virginia7769


    are you by chance from Albany AL :thumbup:
  4. virginia7769

    Who's Excited? ME ME ME!

    Hello, I see that it has been a while since you have posted I am also seeing Dr Freeman and I was wondering if you had any other updates.
  5. virginia7769

    New here attending seminar next week

    Welcome, I am just starting out. I should finish my pre-op testing. by next week. I am a native AZ girl my self. What part are you from?:thumbup:
  6. virginia7769

    Starting a long and new journey

    I am just begging this myself. I feel like I have been in this along time. Months of internet searches. I don't have a ton of advice, I have had my consultation, Psyche appoint. all I have left is lung function test. I am in the process of quitting smoking, I had blood work done testing me for H. Pylori a bacterial infection that apparently is common. I do have it and I am on a round of horse pills. Then I can schedule the surgery. When are you scheduled or have you already had surgery. Its very exciting:thumbup:
  7. I am at the beginning of this journey. I am in the pre-op testing stage. My husband has recently been sent overseas with work. I will be doing this alone aside from a dear friend who has had the bypass surgery. I am worried about my will power. I should be have my last test for H. Pylori. when I finish the antibiotics. Wish me luck:unsure:

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