I wanted to let you know that I spoke maybe a month ago about my hair loss. I too had a very thick head of hair and for almost 2 months i was shedding worse than my dogs!!! It was really freaking me out because I never thought it would end. It stopped right after I got a new hair cut. My doc and just about everyone i talk to says its normal - we are shocking our bodies by eating healthy and exercising!!
I also want to bring up (just incase others are experiencing it) that for over a month i lost NOTHING!!!!! I was having trouble couting calories, fat, protein, etc so I joined Weight Watchers. I have lost 8 lbs (2wks) and am going to continue counting points while it works!!! Also I have had 5 fills and i think i am finally feeling something like restriction (2.9 in 4cc)
GOod luck to all and don't worry