Well I have finally got a surgery date and it feels wonderful just to know the answer to "When?". August 3,2010! I'm so excited to get started on living a healthy life and feeling better. Being able to enjoy the rest of my life without being so miserable. I have steadily gained weight over my life first 5-10lbs more a year to 10-20lbs more a year. I have tried almost every diet you can think of over a lifetime and nothing ever worked. As soon as I stopped dieting I gained the weight plus a few extra. Now I am at my heaviest and I HATE it. I'm tired all the time and make excuses for me doing nothing that I used to LOVE doing. Like...swimming, hiking, working out. I used to love taking off on a day off with my kids for a hike up the mountain, or going to Kennywood. Riding 4-wheelers with family and friends. Now I have a million excuses NOT to do those things. I want to enjoy my life again. I have a two year old grandson and I don't want to have to tell him "nana's tired honey lets sit down". I want to take him to Disney World and ride the rides with him, not stand on the ground and watch. I believe that the LAP-BAND® is the answer. Wish me luck