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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lovinlife4eva

  1. My advice is no different from any other here, get a new doc! I had a doc when I was a little girl who made fun of my size and weight in front of my mom and my older (skinny) brother. Doctors who are not compassionate towards their patients struggles tend to do more harm than good.

    That being said, I do have some words of caution. I am relativley young, 27, and I was banded 3 months ago. Before my banding I would get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about shopping. I highlighted half of the victorias secret catalogue and put together tons of outfits in my mind. I saw myself 100 lbs lighter and 100lbs cuter. That was a driving force behind my surgery.

    Fast foward to 1 month post op. I hit rock bottom. I thought I would get banded and my life would be instantly changed. It was NOT. I actually gained a few lbs post op. I looked no different and had NO restriction. Yet another failed diet, and this one cost me 12 grand!!!!!! For the first time in my life I actually experienced depression. It was scary.

    Now, 3 months post op and I am doing much better. I have lost 25 lbs and am soooo glad I got banded. I am telling you all of this b/c its hard pre op to understand what being banded is like. You just get hyper-focused on actually getting banded.

    Here's the deal, post op you will still be on a diet. You will have to say no to foods that are delicious and that you can still eat (ice cream, melted chocolate, french fries, etc). You will have to excersize.

    At this point, the band makes it impossible for me to eat:


    *bread {bread, pancakes, muffins, pizza dough}

    *large bites


    *large quantities

    All the other food issues I delt with before I still deal with now.

    Having the band has helped me change, but it did not change me. If you can truly understand and acknowlage that this will be alot of work and you are still ready to make that commitment, then you should get the band no matter what your age is.

    Sorry to be long winded, I just dont want you making the same mistake I did. :rolleyes2: Best of luck

  2. I have great restriction, but I can still eat more than 1 1/2 cups of food at a sitting so I am going in for a fill on monday. However, I am losing about 2 lbs a week so i am pretty happy and this is what I eat.

    B: 2 eggs, 2 tky sausage patties

    L: 2 frozen ckn patties with lite ranch

    D: varies, but usually a meat (meatloaf, ckn, italian sausage) a small portion of carb (wheat couscous, smashed cauliflower) and a green veggie.

    I will eat, if I need a snack, string cheese, nuts, or a protien bar. At night I will almost always eat a sugarfree popsicle or Jello.

    It sounds like I have this all figured out, but I did TERRIBLE before I got restriction. I gained a few lbs post surgery b/c i could eat anything and lots of it.

    I can remember reading about what people ate and how it sounded so simple and how hard it was for me at the time. It is a process but one day you wake up and you realize that you ate GREAT all week and you didnt even notice. It is a fantastic feeling and you will get there.

  3. I agree with betsy and jingle, OUCH OUCH OUCH! It feels like if you ever swallowed a giant pill and it went down sideways, except much more painful. I also do alot of sliming which is not plesant.

    Also, like betsy said, I have given up foods I used to proudly proclaim I could never live without {bread, I dont even want them. I nearly cried before my surgery at the thought of not eating saturday morning pancakes with my hubby and son, but now its no big deal. I make theirs, maybe lick some batter off a spoon, and then make my 2 eggs with turkey sausage.

    As for sandwhiches, I threw up 3 times in the Subway bathroom and NOTHING is worth that. No more sandwhiches for me!!!!

  4. Banded June 26, 2010. Had a very rough start. I had no restriction and for 6 weeks I wished I had not gotten the band.

    Now I wish i had not put myself through torture for the first 6 weeks. That is my biggest regret. I had VERY high expectations and they were NOT met right after surgery. I should have relaxed but I didnt and I actually ate worse right after surgery than I did B4.

    Now I have great restriction and I am losing and happy:thumbup:

    :redface:I regret being a total psycho for the first 6 weeks:redface:

  5. Mike,

    I totally agree with you about the preachy people. I spiraled out of control after my surgery because of frustration and depression. I had done major surgery and put my life on the line and for 6 weeks I felt NOTHING!!! I began to make jokes that I didnt even have a band in. I would come on here, and I was desperate, and people would say the same thing, " this is a tool, make better food choices, this surgery is not a magic cure....." I would just cry, like there was something wrong with me. If it was all about better food choices I would have just done that and saved myself the 12 GRAND!! Obveously it is about better food choices, but I needed a **** load of help.

    Well good news, I got the help i needed. I am 10 weeks out and I have GREAT restriction. I had 2 fills so far and I have 6.5 cc in a 10 cc band. I can no longer eat any bread or Pasta. I finally feel like I am how I am suppose to feel. In the past 2 weeks since my most recent fill I have lost 6 lbs.

    I was where you are and it will get better. Like everyone else said, you should be frank with your doc. I was self pay and I got 3 months of free everything (fills, check ups, nutritionist). I explained to my doc that I wanted to be nice and tight by the time my free fills ran out. I wasnt asking him to go against his ethical code, but just give me my money's worth. He agreed and I will get one more small fill B4 my free fills expire.

    Best of luck :)!

  6. The day of my surgery my hubby came to the hospital with me and waited in the pre surgery hospital room with me for hours. I was such a basket case that the nurse brought me my pre surgery meds early (a mix of meds to relax you).

    Then as they were about to take me back I began to cry as if I were saying goodbye to my hubby for the last time. I was thinking about my beautiful son and had a horrible feeling. This was made worse by the fact that I chose to do this, unlike previous surgeries. I truley felt like they were rolling me off to the morgue.

    Honestly, that was the worst part of the whole thing. I, obveously, made it through the surgery fine. Ever since then it has been a breeze. If I hadnt put myself through all that pre surgery crap, the whole experience would have been a positive one.

    Try to understand that this is minor surgery, as far as surgeries go. You WILL be fine!! Good luck!!!

  7. So can I have red bull? I know carbonation is out, and I havent touched it since my surgery, but what about the very lightly carbonated beverages? If you have ever had red bull you know it does not have nearly the amout of carbonation a coke does, it dosent burn your throat or bubble up if your pour it in a glass.

    In the intrest of full disclousre, I will admit that I am asking because I like drinking red bull with vodka. I drink sugar free red bull so it does not have many calories. I havent had it since surgery. My doc cleared me for the occasional drink at my last visit and I am going out for the first time this weekend. I understand about the calories and the decreased control over my willpower, and I plan on having only one or two drinks.< /p>

    So has anyone had red bull or heard if it is safe for the band?

  8. Im sooo glad to hear all of your responses. I did really feel so alone 2 weeks post op, I hope none of you do!! Trust me, I went through a really tough time.

    Now, 1 week post fill, still feeling great. Hunger is not an issue, so food is not an issue. So thrilled about how I am feeling!

    Laylas grandma, everyone is sooo different and you may not have the same experience as I did. My doc has me fill out a form explaining how much food I can eat at one sitting and how long after eating I stay full. If I can eat more than 2 cups of food and stay full for less than 2 hours then I get a fill. Im sure your doc has guidelines for your fills but if you have restriction you may not need a fill. Many banders lose lots of weight b4 they need a fill.

  9. Am I the only one who likes the restriction feeling? I was banded 6.28 and had my fill almost one week ago on monday 7.26.

    I have gotten something stuck almost everyday, since the fill( im still learning what an how to eat). Dont get me wrong, getting things stuck is very uncomfortable, but I like it.

    I am satisfied with such a small amount of food, and one bit of the wrong food gets rid of my appitite all together.

    Never in my life had I had this feeling about food! If there was ever a time when I didnt overeat or have a second helping of cake it was out of willpower and determination. I have never actually not wanted to eat a ton of food.

    Maybe Im weird, but I like the pain. Like I said, it hurts sooo good!!!

  10. I definatley struggle with this. I dont have any other addictions but I lose control with food. However if I tell myself I cant have something then I want it sooo badly and I obsess over it.

    I posted about this a few weeks ago and I got alot of advice to visit overeaters annon. I have started that process, but I still dont know how things will go.

    I think alot of people who struggle with weight struggle with food addiction, many just cant admit it. Its good that you are self-aware enough to do so. Good Luck!!

  11. No undies. I have an IUD and I bleed at odd times, and just guess what happened as soon as I got to the hospital on surgery day?!? Thats right, BLEEDING!!!

    I think it was the stress. No tampon or pad. I told the nurse and she put one of those peepee pads under me on the bed. Very embarassing. I did see a little blood on the sheets when I woke up from surgery but it was really not that much. I asked and they gave me a pad for my undies for the ride home.

    I dont think they noticed or cared, but I was mortified.:cursing:

  12. I am 4 1/2 weeks post op.

    My surgery went great and I was healed up and back to my life in 1 week. Then the panic set in. I honestly felt NO restriction for 2 straight weeks. It was like I had gone through this major surgery and spent $12000 to feel no different!!! What the @#%@ had I done???

    I even went through a dark time where I started overeating and testing my band. "if I dont have restriction, why cant I have a slice of pizza". I thought I was the only one who went through this, and maybe I am. It all happened sooo fast after surgery. Within 2 weeks I was back to a regular diet (yes I did follow my doc's instructions, he had me on liquids for 7 days, then mushies for 3 more days, then progressed to regular foods) so by day 14 post op, with NO restriction I could eat pretty much anything.

    I was eating less, but I didnt lose weight, infact I gained 1.5 lbs post op.

    I am sharing all of this because no one told me that this would happen and I was not prepared for my old eating habits to pop back up sooo soon after surgery. I read all of the threads about bandster hell, and they did help a little, but I still felt lost and regretful.

    Well I got my fill on monday ......

    (que the chior singing Hallelujah:thumbup:)

    and I hope to save someone from the torture I put myself through for 2 weeks. I was feeling like the weight loss failure I had always been. Losing weight pre op, then gaining and falling back into old habits post op.

    I weighed this morning and I have lost 3 lbs. I know that I will loosen and need more fills but right now, I am NOT HUNGRY. I can now see, or I should say feel, how this band will help me lose weight. It was not a mistake. I had 1 scrambled egg for Breakfast and I am still full, 3 hours later!

    If you are freaking out or going to a dark place of self doubt, please dont! It all gets better soon!!!

    I know that I have tons of work to do and I know that my bad habits wont die with one fill, but right now, today, I feel like I can do this. That is a damn good feeling and I wanted to share it!! Sorry its long winded:redface:

  13. It all depends on your doc. Mine would have filled me 3 weeks post op but I had a little trouble out of my port incision. We waited one week and I got my fill 4 weeks post op.

    If you are hungry (I was really hungry about 2 weeks after surgery with no restriction) just tell your doc. I explained that, unless there was a medical reason not to, I wanted my fill darn it!! My doc laughed and said there are guidelines, but every patient is sooo different, so he gave me a fill and I feel great.

    If you feel like you need one, be honest with your doc. But if you can go without one for a while then great!

  14. Ahhhh.... bandster hell. Im with ya!!

    My 4 week anniversary was yesterday and I also got my first fill yesterday.

    I lost 17 lbs pre op and 3 lbs post op, then I gained back 1.5

    lbs and it was starting to feel like everyother diet I have ever done:cursing:. Lose at first then start to gain back!!!

    But I got my fill yesterday ad I feel much better.

    RESTRICTION!!!! WOO HOO :scared2:

    Today I am satisfied with my mostly liquid diet. No hunger!

    I know this feeling wont last too long but at least now I know how I will feel once I reach my sweet spot.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel. I dont know when you get your first fill, but just try to survive until then.

    I spent the last 2 weeks regreting my decision to get banded and now I just feel silly and short sighted. Dont beat yourself up and waste time feeling down, it will all get better soon.

    Best of luck:wub:

  15. Mine is in the center of my upper tummy. About 2 inches below my bra line. I told my doc that I wanted to get pregnant and he said where he puts the port wont affect that. Also there is less fat in that area so it is easier to find the port and get a fill. When I lay on my back you can feel the port very easily, but I like that. I know where it is and I know that they can find it easily too.

    The only down side is that my sports bras kindof hit that area. It really dosnt hurt but I can feel it sometimes. No big deal though.

    GOOD LUCK :bolt:

  16. My sister in law just got preggers and she is 30, 6 feet tall and weighs around 330 lbs. She also has pcos. You will be able to get preg but the stress may be slowing you down.

    I got banded b/c I want to have a healthy second baby. I weighed 260 lbs when I conceived my first son, now 3. I gained 40 lbs during pregnancy for a grand total of 300 lbs. I swore I wouldnt do that to my body again and tried for 3 years to lose the weight. Finally I got the band and am excited to have a fit healthy pregnancy.

    There are all sorts of pregnancies, but one thing is for certain, you will have a better chance of getting preg and being healthy if you lose weight! best of luck!!

  17. Overall, 5 MAX. It really wasnt that bad.

    I, too, have had prior surgeries and did well with all of them. I had a back surgery, ovarian surgery, and a c-section. I pride myself on healing quick and did so with this surgery as well.

    I remember waking from the surgery and asking my post op nurse for pain meds, i was hurtin. She asked what my pain # was and I think I said 8. She gave me meds. Then she came back 15 min later and asked me my # again and I said 6 and she gave me more meds. The next time she asked me I think I said 0 and laughed myself to sleep:drool:. When I woke up I felt fine, just sore. They gave me meds B4 I left and I took my meds @ home for 3 days. Then I only needed one at night for 2 more nights to help me get comfy for bed. I still have 1/2 a bottle.

    I did have some gas pain but I had MUCH worse gas pain after my c-section. That was the worst part of my c-section. I got lucky with this surgery and only had some discomfort. I starting walking the day after surgery and my doc said that helps with the gas. I dont mean walking around the house, I mean slow walking a mile on a track.

    Since you have had other surgeries, you are prepared for the experience and you will be fine. Take your meds if you need them and keep a good attitude. Dont just lay around after the few days after surgery. Move as much as you feel comfortable, it will help! GOOD LUCK!

  18. Hey guys, thanx for the "cute pic" comments. I wanted to post a pic of me but I dont have that many..... Ive always hated my "fat" pics. I will find one soon and put it up. Trust me though, my kid is cuter!!

    You guys crack me up with your stories, Ive enjoyed reading them!! It is so great to hear all the little tales of victory along the way.

    I do have a question and all of you seem to be such seasoned vets I thought Id ask. Im self pay and my doc includes 3 months free visits and fills post op. I talked to him about wanting to find my sweet spot B4 the free fills run out and he said that would be no problem. My question is, if I do find my sweet spot, how long does it last? When will I need a refill? :biggrin:

    Last night was my mom's surprise 50th b-day party. I ate so much less than I would have B4. I only had a little piece of cake and, honestly, I didnt tolerate it that well. It made me a little sick!?! This was surprising b/c I could usually eat 3 or 4 pieces. It didnt get stuck and I didnt throw up, just nausea. That was nice. Sort of like my little angel on my shoulder telling me not to eat it. I guess this happens?!?!

    I want to shop @ VS sooooo bad. I get their cataloges and just dream about the clothes and lingere. But Karen, lets be honest, the shopping trip was not for you, it was for your hubby:lol:. We love to buy it but THEY LOVE to see it:tongue2:.

  19. I have a 3 year old son who doesnt take "no" for an answer. When he says "mommy hold me" I jump to attention. I was so worried about this.

    My doc said that I really shouldnt pick him up for 2 weeks. I would sit and he would sit on my lap. I showed him my booboos on my belly and explained how I went to the doctor. He was/is fascinated with the booboos. He is not scared of them at all and likes to look at them and talk about them. You really need some help for 2-4 days b/c you will be so sore.

    Also, my doc told me that while I may hurt my incisions or feel extra pain, I cant actually hurt my band. 7 days post op my son took one of those falls that requires an immedate pick up and I did it. I actually felt ok and just sat down with him right away.

    Listen to your body, you will be fine.

  20. Cocoa, just call me lovin'! I didnt think I would ever ask anyone to call me lovin!!?

    I am 7 years married to my stud of a husband and we have one 3 year old son (<- see potty pic to the left). We have 2 dogs and 2 cats, all rescued, and one fish.

    I made the decision to have LAP-BAND® for the health of my second child,unconcieved. I hope to get preg in about a year.

    My goal is to lose 70-80 lbs in 1 year and run the little rock 1/2 marathon next march.

    I love to exercise and walk 3 miles everyday. I have done this for years.

    My highest weight, nonpregnancy, was around 280. I now weigh 262.

    I am 27 and I have had a weight problem since I was 10. Always the big boned athletic girl. My weight spiked after I got married and only got worse after my 1st pregnancy.

    My ultimate goal is to weigh 160-170 but for the sake of time, I will start trying to get pregnant as soon as I reach 190.

    I have been obese for 9 years and I cant WAIT to be fit, healthy, and happy!!!

    Cant wait to read all of your stories, I think I will start now....:thumbup:

  21. What a great thread! I have been feeling down, but seeing so many successful and positive banders lifts my spirits.

    I have to remind myself that I have lost 18 lbs even though I have no fill yet and have been struggling with post op eating.

    I didnt read all 50 pages but I am still glad to have found this thread. I figure I will work my way through all the pages, reading 4 or 5 everytime I feel down or unmotivated.

  22. WOW! Its great to hear from so many happy banders. I went to the doc 2day and was suppose to get 1st fill but couldnt b/c my port incision hasnt healed quite right:crying:. I am ready to get the weight loss train out of the station, so I am still having my doubts, but also still hopeful!

    Thanx again for all the input

  23. I went the day after I got home. I know that doesnt help you feel better but my nurse did prep me for Constipation. She said it is VERY normal to have hard poops after any surgery.

    Ive had 4 surgeries and have never had that problem. However, I was so convinced it would happen this time that I took my nurses advice and bought some milk of magnesia. It sits unused in my cabinet, wish I could give it to you:smile2:.

    I figure if they tell all their patients to go ahead and buy a mild laxative, then this is a common and normal issue.

    I think this is a side effect of the anestesia.

    You can do it girl, take the browns to the superbowl:lol:

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