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Everything posted by itsuptome

  1. itsuptome

    Smokin Bandsters?

    I have officially made it 3 weeks and am so proud! I quit smoking for several years but picked it up again when my oldest hit the teenage years (a little stress) I cant say the cravings are gone (they are not) but I am also on the prediet so fighting a few addictions/demons at the same time. Wish me luck! Good luck to all those others that are quiting!
  2. itsuptome

    Did you meet your wl goals

    thanks kat I am sure you are right, the dh reason is exactly why I got a laptop last year on black friday, so he cant touch my cpt, lol. I am so excited about my sx date (and the end of the prediet) i to have yo/yo for more than 17 years and been on every plan available....it was actually dh that recommended the sx for me (and handed over the dough) he has suffered weight related issues in the past although the other side of the spectrum (hes 6ft 10 and 165 when we met) so very supportive and understanding. He loves me the way I am but simply said if it bothers me he wants me to be healthy and happy and is willing to do anything to help. I am currently doing the prediet and mourning food!! this is all part of the process and I know if I pay attention to the feelings/emotions i am having i can learn to be healthy from every step of this process and that is the key. thanks again for your info and I will just be patient with responses. Have a GREAT week! Julie
  3. itsuptome

    Did you meet your wl goals

    i think i might have put this in the wrong place? any suggestions? fairly new to the board and not banded yet, I was curious about success in wl after sx. What do you all think? Ive had 13 people vote thus far, (and maybe that is normal?) maybe I just need to be patient? (not very good at that) Thanks again and I appreciate those that have responded up to now. If there is a suggestion on where to post this for a better result please let me know. Julie:)
  4. itsuptome

    Will be banded on tuesday

    Im not banded yet but have been surfing the posts for the same info and came across a couple things i found helpful, one woman used the plastic containers they give patients there meds in while in the hospital to measure her food and make sure she was cosuming SMALL amounts after sx (according to her post she still uses them often) she would use 3 containers every 2 hrs and that was what she was allowed. i think she said one for broth one for jello and one for applesauce or something. and the other one was stool softner, this sounds paramount to me, sounds like dehydration can be a problem with the small amounts we are able to tolerate. anyway good luck to you!:peace:
  5. itsuptome

    December Bandsters

    i had been posting on the other december sx thread and just found this one. my stats are below and i am on day 5 of the diet, had a few cheats bit otherwise doing well. they say the 2week preop diet is the worst. I sure hope so. Anyway good luck to all!! Maybe we should post on the other thread that we are just gonna post on one so we dont get confused (i do that easily on this pt diet, lol). Oh btw I am a mere 5ft 1. If I was like 6ft I wouldnt be overweight, (i wonder if there is a sx for that?):Banane44: :bolt: :eek: :Banane44: :Banane44:
  6. itsuptome

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    Aside from the medical reasons to go on the liquid diet I also think it has helped prepare me for the sx mentally as well as the "life after". It has been difficult but I feel truly empowered after the first 5 days and expect the remaining will be evan more enlightning!! Good luck to all of us. BTW another great side effect of the liquid diet is the 9# ive lost in 5 days, WOW!!
  7. itsuptome

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    Well, its over and I made it!! I couldnt eat anything but turkey cause i am on the 2 week liquid diet. Dietician said turkey would be okay. Anyway things are still tough with the liquid diet, i find myself a little cranky and bitchy but better by the day. I have not lost anymore weight since the first 7 I guess thats normal and if I can keep that off then we are that much ahead. Just dealing now with the emotional issues I have with food and that is a little overwhelming, hubby says better to deal with it now than after sx and I think he is right. I am beginning to see the difference between this and every other diet/plan I have ever done. It was me, this time I am forced to deal with the emotional connection/addiction I have with food I would have argued with anyone that told me I had any emotional connection or would cry over the loss of food, I did cry and am sure I will again but I know if I deal with this I will NEVER be fat again and I can teach my children healthy habits this decision had certainly made me do some soal serching I didnt evan know I needed to do! Go luck to all. Julie
  8. itsuptome

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    I am so happy I found this board!!! I am scheduled Dec 5th and live in az. i am currently on the PLAN. drinking Protein drinks, sf Jello, sf pudding, broth. YUK! I am on day 4 and its thanksgiving (how bad does that suck) anyway my dr said i could have the turkey, yeah!! so i have turkey, sf cranberry jello and sf cheescake pudding for dessert! I am excited but feeling a little overwhelmed also, mourning I guess. And of course wondering if Ive made the right decision (i am sure that is normal) my family is supportive except for my mom and she is supportive just scared. I wish you all luck and am looking forward to watching us all loose the weight together. Julie
  9. itsuptome

    Hello all, I'm out of hiding...

    not sure what program you are talking about as i am new here, not evan banded yet (dec 5th). but i do know of a GREAT free site for tracking calories/nutrients, goals, exercise etc. its called sparkpeople.com and I love it. it gives you the option of entering foods on your own if they are not on the list as well as recipes you make in your own kitchen. hope this help and happy turkey day!!! Julie
  10. itsuptome

    Someone Help me please

    i am all ready for turkey day tomarrow, i talked to my dietician and i can have "a little" turkey since its no sugar and ff it sould be fine he says, soooo i just bought some sf cranberry jello for my side dish and som sf cheesecake pudding for dessert, i am sure it wont be as good as the stuffing and mashed potatoes but this way i wont have to go hide during the dinner. i think i will also try adding some pumpkin pie spice to a vanilla shake and try that. its really silly how creative ive become with this.
  11. Congrats on just a mere 19days until the big day, I have 13 and am soooo excited. Do you have to start the liquid diet soon? I am on day 3 and it is finally getting a little easier, I have learned some tricks on the Protein shakes thank god!! Good luck with your preop diet and the sx. BTW where are you having your sx done? Im in az and having it done in Tempe. Julie :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
  12. wow, great thread! its funny how the same thing motivates lots of people. i havnt crossed my legs in years!!!!and will Celebrate the day it happins. I also would love for my boobs to stick out farther than my belly, i hate my big belly! I would also love for my belly to not touch my thighs when i sit. I am scheduled for sx on the 5th of december and am looking so forward to all these milestones as well as many others i dont evan remember! Good luck to all!! Julie
  13. itsuptome

    Someone Help me please

    I really dont mind the whey Protein (eas) that I have but a ? for all you others. My dr requires me to use a shake that has less than 1 carb which makes the options slim and I can only mix in the syrups, crystal light or pudding/jello (the sf variety of course) I cant use any juice or yogurt or fruit at all? It sounds like some dr's have different preop requirements than others. I have to do this for 2 weeks and it consist of simply....shakes, sf pudding/jello, broth and sf popcicles and that is ALL! Oh, and thats 2 weeks preop and then the 1 week post op also (I think) The good part is I have already lost 7 pounds and Im on day 3!:clap2: So would love to be 15 ahead of the game before sx. Good luck to all! Julie
  14. itsuptome

    Someone Help me please

    i am on the same diet with the whey shakes, a few ideas i like. I mix the vanilla with 1/2 packet of the crystal light to go any flavor but I like orange, it ends up tasting like a creamcicle. Also, you can add the sf coffee syrups (torino,sp) they come in all kinds of flavors and have no calories fat etc. I have found the biggest selection at Cost Plus, the inport store. I also like the shakes WAY better in the blender with some ice, I use my magic bullet (the best 50 I ever spent) they just go down better. One more thing, after the 2nd day I didnt want another shake, not one so I called my dietician and he suggested broth and it really worked the hot savory broth was a welcomed change and I would have never guessed, I dont normally like broth. Anyway, hope this helps sorry for the long post. Julie
  15. itsuptome


    Congrats on your new band! I am scheduled to be banded on the 5th of december and very excited!!! Dr. Orris is performing by surgery, I like him very much. Did you have to go on the 2 weel liquid diet with the Mexico diet? I might have been more swayed to go to mexico if I didnt have to do the 2week preop diet (this is HELL!). Anyway best of luck and keep up posted! What part of the valley are you in? I am in gilbert. Julie
  16. i am on day 2 of the 14day preop diet my dr requires. all liquids - protein shake/broth/sf jello pudding/non carbonated sugar free beverages NO COFFEE. :faint: does anyone have any suggestions for the caffeine headache....it is horrible and i still have 12 days to go. i am sure i am having withdraw from the caffeine and sugar i am SOOO used to and this is something my body needs to go through just cant deal with the headache. thanks for your help.:sick one more ?, is this 14day preop liquid diet common? how did everyone cope?
  17. Hi there Lisa! I am not banded yet but scheduled for the 5th of december and super excited. I have battled this demon for almost 20years and am DONE! Sometimes ive been ahead but most of the time the demon is in the lead. I decided to get the band when I was about in the same place as you, JUST DONE! I want this to stop being an everyday thing. I would be more than willing to give you my dr's name etc if you want, he is in tempe and I am very impressed to far. Best of luck to you no matter what method you choose. Julie
  18. I am having my sx here in az on Dec 5th. I start the "liquid diet" monday and am looking forward to the next step of this process. I am 5ft1 and 196 so i have about 90# to loose (that what they tell me) i would be thrilled with 75. I am private pay so needed to be SURE this was the answer. anyone with any suggestions for being successful with the protein shake and still feeding my family regular meals would be appreciated. also, am i allowed to have the turkey on thansgiving or is it really nothing? i thought maybe low fat protein might be okay??

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