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this sucks

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Everything posted by this sucks

  1. this sucks

    This Is Very True

  2. this sucks

    This Is Very True

  3. this sucks

    This Is Very True

    I didn't, but I sure ate a lot less than ever before and I wrote it all down. I will make up for the extra calories over the next few days. It's all about taking ownership for what I eat.
  4. Another thing that helps when you do get stuck is to do a sort of "chicken dance" move with your left arm. No dancing required, just an up and down movement kind of like a flapping bird. Seems to help get things moving. I never fail to be surprised at the amount of relief I have once the troublesome food passes. I have NEVER been able to get a food back up, so getting it through is the only thing that works.
  5. My first stuck episode hurt so much I thought I was going to be calling for a life flight helicopter to rush me to the nearest major medical facility! Remember, chew, chew, chew!
  6. this sucks

    Why Greek Yogurt?

    The sugar free Greek yogurts are not all sour. Chobani is, but the Light version of the Dannon isn't.
  7. Whatever you can do to burn calories!
  8. I use Procal but its only available from the weight management clinic where I did all of my pre surgical stuff. I also use Isopure which is a ready to drink product. I have found it at GNC. I like the zero carb version. They have lots of flavors that have 160 calories and 40 g of protein.
  9. STOP FREAKING OUT!!!! Your weight can fluctuate from day to day, hour to hour. Depends on lots of things- have you eaten more salt and has less to drink? Is it near your time of the month? Have you been exercising more? If you want to be successful with the band, you will need to stop letting the scale make or break your day! Take a deep breath...then again.....
  10. this sucks

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I friended you too. My journal is open...finally got up the balls to share my diary.
  11. this sucks

    Omgosh Taco Soup

    My sister gave me a recipe for "8 Can Taco Soup" that I have fallen in love with. It could be use for any type of diet, from liquid or puréed to regular. 1 can black Beans drained and rinsed 1 can pinto beans, drained and rinsed 1 can chicken broth 1 can enchilada sauce 1 can corn, drained and rinsed 1 can diced tomatoes 1 large can chicken (I used two to increase protein) 1 packet taco seasoning I cooked in the slow cooker for the whole day. I put it in the blender for the first day after a fill and ate it all chunky after the liquid phase. I did nutritional info on it through My Fitness Pal. It has about 200 calories in one cup but it provides 20 grams of Protein when 2 cans of chicken are used.
  12. this sucks

    Pumpkin Mousse

  13. this sucks

    Got The Shakes

    You can try other Protein sources if you are on a full diet now. String cheese, nuts, lean deli meat, are a few that I use. I also use hard cooked eggs, I remove the yolks, and they only have 34 calories with 15 grams of protein.
  14. this sucks

    Got The Shakes

    I think a shortage of protein is what's going on. Three tablespoons of Greek yogurt has about three grams of protein, jello has zero, mac and cheese has little to none. if you dont want solid food yet, then keep some protein shakes available. I plan my day with three small meals and three snacks with a total of 60-80 grams of protein per day. You don't need to be diabetic to have blood sugar issues.
  15. this sucks

    Northern Mi

    Maybe she feels more comfortable with the sleeve as surgery. I do agree with what was said already. I would also add, don't let a surgeon push you into what they want you to have. I don't believe that the regain rate is any higher at 5 years than gastric bypass, and I don't believe that the sleeve has been used long enough to have any way to compare the surgeries. My surgeon told me that people are more successful if they have the surgery they feel is best for them since they have ownership on the procedure.
  16. You have to remember, if someone is happy with their choice ( on anything! Not just type of WLS), they tell one person and they don't rant and rave. If someone is unhappy, they will tell TEN people. It's is true in everything-from good restaurant choices to favorite food. People who are unhappy with their choice are looking for others to support their rants. There are people who fail with the band by no fault of their own, but there are also many who fail because they chose not to follow their doctors orders and get good follow up care. Like everything else on the web, buyer beware! Just look around this site to find the people who have succeeded and are happy with their band. Just saying....
  17. We all suffer through such hurtful words being thrown at us....sad, but true I have been heavy my whole life, my mother put me only first diet when i was six or seven. Does anyone remember when they had "chubby"size in kids clothes? Well,that was my size and my siblings ever let me hear the end of that. An entire lifetime of hurtful words. It's hard to narrow it down to just a few moments, but let me try. 1. The first Christmas that my husband and I were married, his family gave me a gift certificate for Weight Watchers. At that time, I was only about 150 lbs. Not only did they have each person open their special present individually, everyone was welcome to make comments on the gift. I opened the envelope and was so shocked. When I quickly put the "special gift" away, they all wanted to know why...shame piled on shame. 2. About five years ago, before I started my band journey, I was very committed to exercise and my diet. I had dropped about. 35 pounds and was feeling pretty good about myself. I was in the cafe at the gym, when I overheard a man say to his wife "If you ever get that fat and out of shape, I will divorce you". He was talking about me and I could hear him clearly. Of course, I showed him! I ended up quitting working out and put back on the 35 pounds, plus added another 15. I have three kids, and many times over the years I was the fattest mom in the classroom. I vowed to myself that I would be a better Mom and get myself healthy. I was banded in July 2010 and have learned to silence the mean people, at least I try not to listen anymore.
  18. I agree with the others. You sound like you have been trying to live with a band that is too tight and you have to understand,it's really not good for you to stay too tight. People think that they will lose quicker if their band is tight, but the reality is that you can gain. I am speaking from my own experience. In the beginning, way back in 2010, I believed that tight was right. I was wrong and I ended up not losing well because I was eating slider foods trying to keep my blood sugar consistent. You need to be able to eat real food, not soft or mushy. That's not the way you are meant to live. Take their advice and call for an unfill. There is no shame in asking to be looser.
  19. this sucks

    Lapband And Ms

    Good luck as you get back on track. My thoughts and prayers are headed your way.
  20. this sucks

    Good Soup..

  21. Starting again is a very humbling experience. I had surgery in July 2010. Due to some health issues, I had to be emptied out completely and start all over again this past winter. My recommendation is that you do two things. 1. Start journaling. If you eat it, write it down. I say "if I eat it, I own it" and even if I don't like to see the calorie totals at the end of the day, they are mine to claim. No one else needs to see what you eat, but if you don't know how many calories you are taking in, you won't know where you can start cutting them out. I use My Fitness Pal-a free app because it syncs with all of my devices so I cannot make excuses about why I didn't record. 2. Order Jean McMillans book "Bandwagon". Might as well buy the newest 2nd edition. She also has a great cookbook. You can find her books advertised at the bottom of this site, not from Amazon or the big booksellers. I got it a few months ago and read it cover to cover the first few days after it arrived. I followed her advice of eating only "real" food and have lost the ten pounds I gained over the last two months. I still use a protein shake for breakfast because its an easy way to get a good start on my protein needs but I am finding that I stay full much longer when I eat real food instead of meal replacements.some people call it clean eating. Cut yourself some slack, but be very proud of yourself for being willing to start back at it. Good luck!!!
  22. this sucks

    Good Soup..

    Sorry, the stupid iPad sent it before I had my post finished! Hope you like it. It's even better the second and third day.

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