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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shellyh

  1. Knowing you are going to have a wonderful beautiful Day friday!!! cognrats and best wishes!

  2. :thumbup:I agree Brian, The sugar free pop's are saving me bigtime.. specially at work when everyone brings in all the snack foods.. i work in a huge medical office, there is take out every day and snacks galour ! I have been on a liquid diet since last monday and i'm 10 day's of nothing but liquids so far.. i'm hungry but they really help ! I'm going into this knowing i need to make huge changes in the way i live my life.. the way i eat.. the way i think..about food and exercise. I'm not gonna like it for a while.. but i will learn to LIVE with it and love it later. If i were to find a possible way to eat the icecream or sherbert, i don't think this new lifestyle would last too long and i'd right back to the me i've become and not the Me i wanna be again.
  3. hey thats where that came from !! lol Thanks Miss
  4. You CAN do this LovelyMiss ! believe me.. I have alot of weight to lose.. I smoked 2 packs of ciggs a day since i've been about 14 yrs old.. i needed my coffee and diet coke every day.. and yet.. the need to see myself thinner is overwhelming now.. I have quit smoking all together since 5/5/10,, stopped caffeine completely and have been doing NOTHING but liquids and following the pre op list to the T since last monday! YOU CAN DO IT ! WE HAVE FAITH IN YOU !:thumbup:
  5. WTG Danide I'm sitting in work drinking my crystal lite just waiting for this week to get overwith! My surgery is scheduled for next monday 9/20/10. Believe me i don't think it's possible to feel like it's going any slower! I'm glad your feeling better, and on your way ! i'm looking forward to being out of work the next two weeks and here you are hurrying back LOL :thumbup:
  6. Thank you Maxi ! let's see if this works :thumbup: woohooooo ty ty ty wow i gotta long way to go huh LOL
  7. I'm excited for everybody !! and me too ! Can sombody please tell me how to get the ticker on my blogs or forums or profile?? i went and picked out the tracker i wanted and i copied the thingy in the box but when i put it into my forum signature it doesn't show.. it just shows like a link and not picture:bored:
  8. :thumbup: Starving and hanging in there LOL Surgery next monday woot woot ! Anywho.. they hubby and kids.. aaahh YES.. i had my little freak out on them all this weekend LOL.. I've been on liquid diet since last tuesday and they thought they were going to sit right in back of me and eat take out food!! r ya kiddin me LOL i turned to them all and said.. IT would be nice if you could all show a little support maybe.. and eat that in the kitchen seeing how i havn't had a bite of food since tuesday! I'm not asking them to not eat i'm just asking them to not do it right in front of me and maybe refrain from the take out stuff for a month.. it's not going to kill anyone ! I have living with me.. My hubby my son who's 14 and my daughter who's 21 with her fiance and their daughter who's 5 weeks old. Bad mistake on hubbies part to say to me .. Well Hun i mean come on what am i suposed to do , we didn't have anything defrosted.. i mean u r the one who made the decision to do this.. OMG he said it.. i couldn't believe he said it LOL.. i lost it.. i said.. O really ?.. Well let's hope you don't regret the decisions IVE made! and a few more choice words LOL.. needless to say the next take out was wonton soup for all .. and let mommy strain the broth for herself hehe.. which was cool .. LOL and no more take out for a month or more he said
  9. Ok So i'm almost 8 day's into liquid diet Pre-Op. I actually made it through the weekend yay! Caffeine withdrawel headache has subsided compeltely but sunday i had a total meltdown and had a cup of caffeine FREE coffee with fat free skim and a splenda.. so if that is cheating then i'm sorry but it was heaven and really helped me throughout the day . I've not had any food thats not on the list of liquids and i don't plan to, but my weekend needed that ! I have givin up smoking from 2 packs a day to zip 0, alcohol, and food and caffeine. I think i'm doing great! woot woot.. surgery next monday 9/20/10
  10. Good Morning All ! Im 6 day's into Pre-Op Liquid Diet. I'm surprising myself actually that i've been able to do it ! I've got down the not eating thing so far, I had a migraine for the first 5 days of no caffeine , but it's slowly subsiding. Can anyone tell me why i cannot have caffeine free coffee with fat free skim milk ? it's not on my list.. all i see is any flavor herbal tea.:thumbup:
  11. WTG ! I quite smoking also in may.. May 5th to be exact! it was the day i got admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and was there for 6 days on oxygen. My surgeon said no smoking or no surgery. so i vowed to never smoke again and havn't.. GOOD JOB!:couch2:
  12. No worries about the EGD it'll be fine and over before you know it . I had mine yesterday and I am actually put out for mine which i have to have every two years due to family history stuff. The most that'll happen is that you may be very tired the rest of the day and want to sleep. don't plan on driving the rest of the day or night just plan on taking over your couch :couch2: I also started my 13 day liquid diet yesterday which is required by my Doc. the only solids i am getting is a small banana :bananapartyhat:a day if i choose that for my portion of fruit snack, but other then that it's instant breakfast 3x daily with smart milk, crystal light iced tea and broth, and jello. O wait i almost forgot i actually get a snack of sugar free freeze pops LOL.. yummm! My surgery date is sept 20 !! finally! I've been waiting since december ! :blushing: LOL i just love the little smiley's in life !
  13. shellyh


    long dark hair was me @ 35 Red hair was me @ 40 and dark night picture is me now 44
  14. :Banane13:hey Kim ! How 's everything going?? =) you look great! How R U feeling? I finally have my date! after all this time since december and then getting cleared from pneumonia. I finally have everything in gear =) this friday is my pre testing at the hospital, next tuesday is my gastroscopy that my Dr insists on before surgery, and i also start my 13 day liquid diet that day, Surgery is 9/20/10 if all goes well !!=) let me know if you think there is anything i should know day of surgery or after that you found helped you ?

  15. Hey Lucky! How is everything? havn't been around much i know but just became a grandmother at age 44! lol I'm waiting on my packet to come in the mail from surgeon office with pre op info, and a call from his secretary on surgical date! everything else is done.. i'm nervous , excited, worried, doubtful , hopeful al of the above. lol so how bout you =0)

  16. :thumbup:hey how are you feeling? Sorry I havn't been on to support much.. soo busy here at work and i just became a grandmother @ 44 LOL and my daughter the baby and the boyfriend just moved in .. ! I love it but i'm tired of a messy house LOL.. anyway back to you! I was trying to catch up and i did get that you had the surgery =) and other then some soarness around port you are doing well? have you switched over to normal food yet or still mush? sorry for all the questions lol i'm all done now and waiting for my phone call with surgery date and my packet to come in the mail =)

  17. shellyh

    August 2010 anyone?

    If your asking if having Sleep Apnea can postpone surgery?? It would depend on your doctor. In my case YES. he is strict about it. He said i have to use my CPAP ( breath machine) at night every night for 6 weeks before i can have surgery. That way i get used to it and my body will be relaxed during recovery, i am expected to bring my machine with me to the Hospital also. When you have sleep apnea your body struggles all night long. I know before using the machine I would wake up so many times a night to go to the bathroom or feeling pressure like I was holding my breath things like that. I found out it's because your body is working overtime to keep you breathing so it's putting pressure on everything ( kidneys / heart / organs). Not every doctor is as strict as mine. He/she will get your results and will decide. Every person is different.
  18. shellyh

    North of Boston Lap Band Support Group

    Hello All , I'm from Lynn and work in Peabody. My surgery will be at NSMC in Salem about the end of August. I love the idea of a support group close to home. I'm not so much into group meetings myself, but would love to go through all the trials and tribulations with others in my neighborhood. Who knows maybe down the road we can meet up for a decaf or lite luncheon to celebrate our success!
  19. Good Luck Tomorrow !! I'm so excited for you =)

  20. shellyh

    August 2010 anyone?

    Yes exactly ! If your Doctor required it he would have you do it 3 different times 4 weeks between =)
  21. shellyh

    August 2010 anyone?

    :rolleyes2:C02 tests the levels nicotine in your lungs. You go to the nurse. you hold your breath for a certain amount and then slowly blow into the machine.. anything under a 5 means negative. My surgeon requires you to have 3 clear c02 tests 4weeks between each test, before he will do surgery to show you have completly quit smoking. It's very important to stop he say's because it helps the oxygen levels and blood flow in your body and blood vessels. first time i blew a 0, but the next one was a 3! thats because i was at an outdoor cookout and some of my friends still smoke, Can you believe that is second hand smoke that caused me to score a 3! Anyway it's still passing sooo i'm almost done :grouphug:
  22. shellyh

    August 2010 anyone?

    :grouphug: Morning All, I still don't have an exact surgical date yet but he did say august. I am trying to lose a few lbs before i see him again in 3 weeks. It's not coming off as easy as it did before i got the pneumonia, I'm blaming it on not smoking. The only thing i have left to do now is within first week or so of august i do my last C02 test for nicotine and once i pass that again he said it'll be a matter of a few weeks. We will do an Endoscopy to take a look at my esophagus and stomach and do the 2 weeks liquid diet. O i'm so dreading the instant breakfast shakes 3x a day :puke:But i'll do what i have to! I've never been able to shop in a normal section of a store. My entire life even when i was little i remember having to shop at sears because they had husky pants. As much as I love The Avenue. I want to have the option to shop someplace else and NOT in the plus section. My goal will be to do something i've always wanted to do and that is to walk into a store buy a cute little sundress and sandals and have it look the way it's meant to look !
  23. :coffee:Good Morning!

    I was looking at your before Pic's and Your absoulutley beautiful and will make a gorgeous Bride! =) I am at the exact starting weight right now. I'm not scheduled to have my band until end of august because of some pneumonia i just got over recently BUT am looking sooo forward to it! Good luck to you and keep us posted! i'd like to add you to friends list if i can figure it out lol so you can be my inspiration!:rolleyes:

  24. shellyh

    August 2010 anyone?

    Hi Everyone! I believe i'm going to be august Bandit also. I was suposed to have my surgery end of June early July but due to a hospital stay with pneumonia and then a long taper of prednisone, they have pushed my sugery back a few months. I saw my Dr yesterday and he's thinking late august! I'm very excited:tongue:. I joined program with my sister in December of 2009. I have finished my sleep studies,psych evals,nutrionists,C02 testing and i'm about good to go! I'll help her and then she can help me so it should all work out great! I'm worried about the two week liquid diet, is anyone else? My fear is i have a very hard time drinking instant breakfast drinks or shake drinks like that every since getting very ill on a program years + years ago called Optifast. It kind of makes me sick to drink anything like that now .
  25. shellyh

    Wheew.. I LOVE MY DOC!

    :smile:Ok sooo as i stated yesterday... i was very afraid to go to my follow up appointment with Dr B because after being on prednisone for pneumonia and also stopping smoking i had gained some weight which i am NOT happy about.. But wow did he make me feel soooo much better! He said to me .. " Listen, thats what your here for, to get help with losing weight. Thats what i can help you with. You concentrate on the two things i can't help you with which is staying off the smokes and using your Cpap machine, and lets not worry bout the rest. Get back on track and i'll help you to lose the weight." LOL i had to put that in a mellow light color because he is such a soft speaker and calm LOL.. but yes that was a great appointment because not only did he make me feel better but he put me back on track and i want to do well again and show him on my next 6 week follow up that i'm back on track. Run down now is because of the set back with pneumonia.. i have two more breath tests for smoking and 6 weeks of cpap. soo surgery is now looking like end of august beginning of september!! [ATTACH]347[/ATTACH]

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