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About Altalomaguy

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 05/30/1982
  1. Happy 31st Birthday Altalomaguy!

  2. Happy 30th Birthday Altalomaguy!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary Altalomaguy!

  4. Altalomaguy

    need some help losing weight in a certain area

    Unfortunately your body will decide in what order it will burn fat. Exercising a location does not cause the fat cells in that area to be used up(shrink actually, they never go away) before fat cells in other areas. Exercising the muscle groups in that area can tone it and make it look better. Just keep getting the weight off and don't give up!
  5. Altalomaguy


    A PB may or may not have anything to do with air. It's more like a mini-vomiting. Something you just ate isn't sitting well with the band, for whatever reason, and you throw it up. Wiki says, "regurgitation of non-acidic swallowed food from the upper pouch, commonly known as PB’ing"
  6. Altalomaguy

    43 and just enrolled in the R.N. Nursing prog.

    My mom was older than you are when she enrolled in the San Bernardino Vally College RN program. We car pooled with me going to normal college classes while she went to RN classes. I graduated with a Bachelors Degree after transferring, find it almost impossible to find any jobs in this area, and have yet to get a job that actually requires a college degree or pays a 1/3 an hour what my mom makes. She on the other hand has headhunters falling over each other trying to get her to work for them, and makes $35 an hour, and could do more if she wanted. The only thing that stank for her was that newbie nurses have to start on night shifts. She did two years of 2-11pm and, and hasn't worked a night since. Since I can't find squat in the way of meaningful employment I'm getting into the medical professions too by going back to school to become an X-ray tech. TLDR: You're never too old to learn, and you're going to make bank with this!
  7. Is this to get below the new rules the Chinese Govt. has implemented for adoptions? I remembered reading a story about this and just looked it up. According to the new rules you may not be obese(according to the New York Times that is 40% body fat), single, over 55, have less than a net worth of $80,000, taking medication for a mental illness like depression, or have more than 4 kids. With so many children in deplorable conditions in need of adoption I think it's sad they restricted so many loving people from being able to adopt.
  8. My really bad "fat moment" was on the first roller coaster insider Knott's Berry Farm. It was a lapbar and I could barely get it over my knees, I'm 6 foot 7, but my belly was preventing it from going down far enough to lock into place enough for them to let the rid go. As we were working on it I heard someone say, "what's going on?" and someone replied, "they can't get the bar down for him." I had them undo the bar, and I walked off the ride and out of the park and sat in our van. I was prepared to wait all day for my family to finish at the park, but after trying to find me over the loud speakers(I could hear them calling my name over the PA system in the parking lot) they all decided to leave too. The memory that sticks with me is looking up at the queue of people waiting for the ride as they ALL stared at me being to fat to ride the coaster. There must have been 100+ people that saw me hold up the line.
  9. Altalomaguy

    Harry Potter Anyone???

    I finished the book a couple days ago. Wonderful read. I didn't get into Harry Potter until the 5th or 6th book came out even though I love fantasy books. I was also so happy to have read a long series of fantasy books, and gotten an ending.(I'm looking at YOU Robert Jorden!)
  10. Altalomaguy

    Pro wrestler Chris Benoit, wife, son found dead

    The WWE is going to regret jumping in and having a three hour Beniot-a-thon with gushing from fellow wrestlers if it turns out he murdered his wife and child before killing himself. Frankly a double murderer doesn't deserve the accolades that Eddie Guerrero or Owen Hart got after their deaths. They probably should have waited before cashing in with the ratings that I'm sure they get for a tribute show. Then again with storylines about the company owner being killed in a mock terrorist attack what won't they do for ratings?
  11. Altalomaguy

    Size acceptance movement

    The Size acceptance movement is to divergent to really cover in one blanket state about if I think it's a good idea or not. There are too many different ideas about what it should entail. It ranges from simple to militant with people who still want to lose weight and those who consider them traitors to the cause. However, I do think there is something seriously wrong with society when you ask a group of children to think of words to describe an outline shaped like a child and the overweight outline gets works like "ugly", "stupid", and "bad" attached to it. (real study!) This “you did it to yourselves” crud doesn’t fly either! Try going up to someone who smoked and now has lung cancer and is on chemo and start cracking jokes about how they “did it to themselves” and see how long it is before a family member rightfully knocks you on your butt. Sure they really did “do it to themselves” but they don’t deserve to be mocked or discriminated against for it. By the time I was able to control my personal eating habits (I was able to pick out and pay for myself) I was already morbidly obese. I also had 18 years of bad eating habits ingrained in my mind AND my body to overcome. Once you reach a certain level of obesity it almost becomes a constant battle against your own body who is now used to being fat. Like it was previously mentioned you can only ever shrink your fat cells once you grow them. That’s why it’s much easier to stay thin than get thin and keep it. It’s also one of the reasons the vast vast majority of people fail at diets. So I agree with the parts of the Size Acceptance Movement that attempts to change societies perception that “it’s their fault”, and the faulty “if they weren’t so lazy and would just diet” lines of thinking. I also agree that it isn’t just or fair to be subject to discrimination or ridicule for what amounts to a medical condition that is extremely hard to remedy. On the other hand I don’t agree with the parts of the Size Acceptance movement that deny the clear problems morbid obesity poses to ones health. Hey, I’ll be honest, I know very few overweight people who got overweight while doing consistent exercise. I may think they have a point with the dangers of constant weight yo-yoing, but definitely do not think they need to flame someone because they consider WLS.
  12. Altalomaguy

    Warning Labels in Plus-Sized Clothing?

    Don't morbidly obese people deal with enough shame as is? Does this professor really think that this will work? I don't think we need a state mandated form of public shaming in addition to all the accepted public mocking, stereotypes, and discrimination morbidly obese people have to deal with every day. Shopping for mens cloths is already a pain in the butt as I have to go to specialty stores(I am both large and tall at 6'6'') which cost more and have a reduced selection.(Good luck finding a Metalica T-shirt in 3-X Tall) A warning label to go along with all my problems is JUST what I need. :faint:
  13. Altalomaguy

    Not Banded..What's the hold up?

    I can't afford it right now. I promised my SO that we would move to another state to be near her parents, and when I brought up the possibility of staying in California longer to have the surgery on my insurance(which would only pay for part of the cost) she was crushed. So it will have to wait till probably late 2007 or 2008 when we are settled and have jobs, insurance, or the money to do it.
  14. Altalomaguy

    Negative People

    Had the same problem. The only person who is really supporting me is my soon to be wife, and thats because she wants one too. Stick with it!
  15. 1. No I would not date them, but that is only a personality quirk. I don't favor things that reject me. For example when I applied for a job at a certain business, and didn't get it, I stopped going there for almost a year. I had been a frequent customer before. 2. I would think that they liked my personality, but didn't find me attractive. I would also think that they view physical traits more importantly, or at least as importantly as personality traits. I don't think thats shallow though as everyone has the right to be attracted to whom they please - fat, thin, or wearing thigh high latex boots with a pink wig. 3. No the person doesn't have poor character. Many people believe that physical attraction is important not only in initiating a relationship, but also maintaining it. This is especially true in a dating situation. Unless he or she made a promise to love you no matter what then I don't believe they have an obligation to maintain a relationship with someone they no longer find attractive. To qualify this statement I am assuming that this is significant weight gain, not "I only like girly sixpacks and you gained FIVE WHOLE POUNDS" - that I would consider shallow. Marriage is a different matter as both parties have made vows to love and cherish each other in sickness and in health. I consider being significantly over weight to fall under sickness. Breaking that vow and abandoning a spouse under those circumstances would make me view the person leaving far less favorably.

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