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Blog Comments posted by Dadkins8

  1. We all need someone to hold our hands now and again. When I first started this journey, I relied on this site to "hold" my hand. I found others who totally understood what was going on....and I didn't want my family to get overloaded with all of my Lapband talk. Lean on your fellow bandsters when you need it. They are here for you and know what you are going through. DiMarie made a good point though...when it comes down to it...we have to want it bad enough to make the right choices. Having said that..please know that all of us have had moments on this journey when we realize that we are still learning. I am now a year and 1/2 out and still learning. I know not to let myself get too hungry...or I will eat too fast and get something stuck. There are still time when I do this. Keep doing your best!

  2. I had to laugh (in a good way) as if you were describing me. I really needed the support the first year. I also found that it really helped me stayed focused. I also found that as I began to learn about myself and change things...I didn't "need" to be on the site as much. I didn't want to have my relatives get so sick and tired of me talking..discussing...etc about the band. On this site, I found others who understood and for that I will be forever thankful. I still do come on the site occasionally. I enjoy hearing the excitement of those who are just about to begin their journey.

  3. :rolleyes: You will be fine. It will take some time. The year I received my band in July and was starting my Masters full time in August, taking 4 children to various activities and working a full time job. I must admit that I did cry the first week. However, I did my self talk and promised to take it one day at a time. I organized my week in a way that worked for me and my children. I did just that. Believe in yourself! You are on a journey to improve you and you can do it!

  4. Great attitude!! Make small changes one step at a time. Your doing fabulous!!

    Thanks you! Yes, I had to learn that I need to take it one step at a time...it is easy to want this weight to disappear overnight. Although, that would definately cause a malfunction with having enough cloths that fit and look nice! (smile):lol:

  5. Hi, I am almost 14 mths. out from surgery and have only lost 40 pds. I know everyone keeps telling me the slower u lose the better chance u have of it staying off but I've been at a standstill for a little over a month and am getting very discouraged and like u I too would have given up already but I keep walking and drinking water and telling myself it will eventually come off. I have another 25 pds. I would like to get off so if there's ANY advice u would be willing to offer I would greatly appreciate it?? Your doing an awesome job by the way!!!!

    Congrats on losing the 40 lbs! I know you must already feel more energy from that weight loss. I know that there were several things that I did to jump start my weight loss again. 1. I visited the doctor to have my band adjusted. 2. I changed my exercise up some. I use to do nothing bu walk. Now I bike (hadn't been on one in years...literally since I was 11 years old)....but it is true...you don't forget (smile). 3. I varied my diet. I tend to get stuck eating the same things cause I know that they are lean proteins etc. Now, I search different sites for healthy recipes to get out of my routine of eating the same foods. Keep on working toward your goal! You will be there soon!:D

  6. I know I was definately not ready to go back to work after a week. I know some people were able to do it...just not me. I am glad that I had a full 3 weeks. At that point I was able to go back to work. I also felt better when I was able to eat mushy food. Good luck! :lol:

  7. I had the same thing happen to me right after surgery. I was up 6 lbs. I flipped out...I thought.....how is that even possible when I am not even eating anything. I finally had to realize that my body needed a few weeks to recover from the surgery. The weight will drop off. Just give your body a chance to heal. (smile)

  8. Do you journal? I have found that setting goals for myself each day helps keep me focused and on track. When I venture away from my journal, I don't do as well (esp. true for exercise). As far as the cooking go you can still find ways to make old "favorite" recipes healthier. I have made this my challenge. As I do love to cook as well. I have had a lot of fun revamping old recipes. You might also want to see about volunteering at an animal shelter. It would be a way to get up and out for the day. Who knows...it might even lead to connections for your future career. Keep your chin up and know that you are worth it!!! Take time to appreciate and treasure you!!

  9. Just hope right back on the wagon! You can do it. We all have had those days. You don't have the band yet. It is hard when all of the celebrating is going on around you. I know that prior to my lapband that would have been enough to set me off course for a long time. Now, if I make a bad choice, it is just that a bad choice for that moment. I get right back on track. My biggest suggestion to you is plan, plan, and plan. It will really help keep you on track. It allows you to be ready for obstacles. Good luck as you continue your journey!:rolleyes:

  10. Please know that many of us think this way when we first have this surgery. You are in the stage of redefining your relationship with food. That is/was the hardest part for me. I think it is something that we do not quite prepare ourselves for when we have this surgery. However, once I got to the mushy and solids. I felt 100% better. It is just so stinky hard on the liguid phase of this diet. Keep you chin up! It does get better. Keep us posted. :rolleyes:

  11. Oh yes....you sound just like me...another "emotional" eater. I think that was the hardest part for me. Learning that I could not use food anymore for my emotions. I remember feeling the same way and wondering what in the *&$^ did I do? However, when I reached the mushy stage, I became a little more focused and was finally able to exam things.

    I am now 8 months out. I can't say that I have it all figured out because I don't. However, I have learned a lot about me and my relationship with food this past 8 months. That I am truly thankful for my band and how using this tool has really helped me tremendously. I have hit a plateau but I will continue on this journey. I would have quit prior to my band. However, I know realize that I am not in a race. I will do my best each day. Good luck as you continue on this eternal journey! You are off to a good start!!!:)

  12. girls. i needed to read this, im totally plateaued! I feel like I'm doing a lot of things right, but its discouraging! i guess we will just keep our heads up!

    I know...it is so frustrating. Keep at it and this too shall past! Soon...we will both be on our way again. We just need to persevere! :D

  13. Sounds like you are very busy! I lost my job and am having trouble finding another one. On April 4, I turned 57 and even though I don't think that is old, the employers do. I have lost 27 pounds since October when I started the liquid diet and then Nov. 4 when I was banded. I feel like I could have lost more if my surgeon would listen to me. He did give me 1 full cc on Monday and I was very thankful for that. I am torn about him telling me not to exercise. I feel like I should be. Everyone else is. He said that exercising doesn't constitute weight loss. I am confused. I am losing but only 2 to 3 pounds per month. Isn't it supposed to be 2 to 3 pounds per week? I am feeling blue over not having a job. I do get unemployment, but it runs out in June. I am worried. I am trying to just enjoy my grandchildren. I spend time with them and consider myself very fortunate that I have this oportunity to do so. They make my life so worthwhile. I am praying that something good will happen job wise. Anyway, you sound so busy. Don't forget to take time to smell the roses! Best wishes!

    I would be confused too if my doctor told me not to exercise. I mean...I watch the "Biggest Loser" (LOL) and they encourage all age groups (ours included) to exercise. I know that I was losing weight faster when I had time to get more exercise in my schedule. I am working very hard to make it a priority. If this is your weight loss doctor ...I might get a second opinion with my family physician about the exercise. Also,

    I am hopeful that you can find a job that you want soon! Good luck...and keep enjoying those grandchildren...make those memories!!! :rolleyes:

  14. I totally understand where you are right now. I was banded in July 2010 and I just had a two month plateau. Its officially over though. I started a new workout plan that has helped change things up and the scale is finally moving again.

    Thanks! I did start to up my exercise program today. It makes a person feel better to know that others have experienced the same thing and they are on the other side of it now. I am hopeful to be moving with this weight loss again soon! :rolleyes:

  15. Oh...trust me it does get better and you are almost there. I remember on my liguid diet I watched food network to just to be "close" to real food. Strange..huh? I am such an emotional eater. Now...I have turned it into finding great recipes that work for me and my lapband. My first mushy food was mash potatoes. I know it was not full of potein...but I just needed it for my first small soft meal. I knew at that point that eventually I could have "real" food again. I also had chilcken/turkey salad made with the food processor. It grounded it so smooth and fine that a baby could have eaten it. I absolutely enjoyed it and it helped me to get my protein. I know everyone is different and some people may not have been able to do those at the mushy stage. Good luck!

  16. I am 8 months out. I remember thinking those first few day..."what the *&%# did I do? If I can do this stupid liguid diet, I should have been able to do it on my own!!" However, I realized that the hardest part was not the physical aspect of the diet, but the mental. I had to redefine my relationship with food. I was use to drinking 3 or 4 diet soda's a day. I did not think I could go without it. However, I do not miss it at all. I feel great and have loss 63 lbs. Although, the scale has not move more than a lb this past month. I am going to persevere and keep moving forward. I knew I would eventually hit a plateau. Previously, I would have given up. Not this time....I have been reevaluating what I have been doing and my stress level. I am contributing most of it to stress. I have had to travel 3 out 4 weeks this month. I have done a good job eating when traveling. However, I still retain a lot of fluid.

    I was also like you. There was NO way I could have gone back to work right away. It took me a week to just feel like I was on my way to recovering. I truly was not ready to go back to work until I was able to eat mushy food. The liquid diet made me feel like crap.

    As far as pain, I can honestly say that it was very minor for me. I did have annoying gas pains for a few days. LIke everyone else...I walked (small and short ones) to help get rids of those.

    Would I do it again? Absolutely!!!

    Just know that it is normal to questions things as you go through this process! Good luck on your weight loss journey!:)

  17. I think most of us are afraid of surgery. However, I can say that it was the best thing that I have ever done. I am now 7 months out and down 60 lbs. I knew this surgery would take longer than gastric. However, it was the right surgery. I have found that I enjoy the time to learn as I go along. It has been a journey for me relearning my relationship with food. However. one that has been well worth it! You are almost there....ready to begin work on the "new" you. :)

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