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Ron K

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Ron K

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/19/1963

About Me

  • Biography
    I am not an animal. I am a human being.
  • Interests
    Collecting and trading Pop Tarts, squeezing fresh fruit, and plucking my nose hairs out one by one to the tune of "Bittersweet symphony" by the Verve.
  • State
    New York
  1. Happy 49th Birthday Ron K!

  2. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary Ron K!

  3. lol. And do you know how many people have also said they've experienced the same thing and they laugh about it? Maybe you can tell all of them to calm down too. Since you seem to be in control of what we can say or do. My humor is just like that honey, so you better get used to it. And if you don't like it, don't comment on my threads anymore.
  4. First off, I was only kidding around. Secondly, Find something else to complain about? Who are you....the thought police? Try getting a sense of humor and lighten up a bit. Maybe you'll find people will like you a bit better now that you're not so bitter.
  5. No, I do not want a sample. I am looking at the menu trying to decide what I want. Quit asking me to try the sample over and over. Can you please shut UP already??? One more wave of that toothpick and I walk.
  6. On surgery day, 5 days ago, after I was prepped by the nurses and after an hour they walked me into where they do the surgery, they asked me to get up onto the gurney. One of the guys I remember telling me to scoot down a bit more so my legs would be touching the black padded thing at the foot of the gurney and I remember him coming over with a pillow and me raising my legs so he could put it underneath. That's it. I remember nothing else. Nothing about them putting me under. Did I have amnesia of some sort? The next thing I knew I woke up all groggy and it was all over. It's something that's just kind of driving me crazy because I just have to know. lol it's not that important or anything, but I'm just so curious about it. How quick did I go under? Was the mask or whatever put right over my face after that? Me, ever the smartass, also had to make a remark about how I felt I was in Texas and asked the warden if I got to make a last statement as I was getting onto the gurney.
  7. Ron K

    Is this normal?

    Thanks all!
  8. Ron K

    Is this normal?

    I was in some pain and discomfort last night and took two percocets when I went to bed and was able to get to sleep. Feels a little better today and I went for my walk. Thanks everyone.
  9. Ron K

    Is this normal?

    I'm thinking this is gas because I feel like I have to burp and can't.
  10. Ron K

    Is this normal?

    Please tell me it isn't. Had the surgery two days ago and keep feeling this thing in my upper stomach that feels like there's a lump of lead sitting in it all the time. I first figured it was either something got stuck, but how's that possible if I'm on all liquids? And then I'm thinking maybe it's gas possibly. Help. I'm freaking out here thinking I'm going to have to put up with this the rest of my life. No way I can do that. It's pretty uncomfortable.
  11. Ron K

    As far as I'm concerned...

    No prob jlly. There's things I'm going to like about this surgery, mainly the weight loss. And there's things I won't like. Maybe certain changes in my body, can't eat the way I used to. So it'll be a struggle I know. This isn't going to be easy but we'll get through it together. :scared2:
  12. Ron K

    Day three

    Well, the surgery was on Friday and it's Sunday now. Still a bit sore but feeling better than I did yesterday. The liquid diet thing is getting old already. Although the protein whey shake wasn't too bad. I got this strawberry powder one you just mix with water or whatever. Wasn't too bad really. Something different. You get sick of just eating broth and jello. I can't wait until the end of the week when I can go on soft foods like eggs and maybe hot cereals like cream of wheat or farina. Took the bandages off today and my skin is really irritated around the incisions where they were. Walked for a while today around the neighborhood. I'm trying to get out there for at least 30 minutes every day. I'm just happy these two days are almost gone because hopefully the worst of the soreness is over. I know I'll still be somewhat sore for the next few weeks but this really hurt the past two days. I'm off the percocet and just taking a tylenol here and there now. Hard thing so far is eating slower even with jello. I feel hungry so I'm eating it way too fast and later on I feel like there's a lump just sitting there in the pit of my stomach. So I've really got to work on that especially since I'm going to regular food soon. The weird thing is gauging whether or not you're really hungry or you THINK you're hungry. The mind is still telling me "EAT! You're HUNGRY moron, why are you not going upstairs and grabbing a snack?" The commercial on TV for Chili's new burgers didn't help. I sat there like Pavlov's dog and salivated so much I needed a shamwow towel to clean up the mess. Good news by the way. I just came back to writing this after visiting the little boys room and I'm proud to report I had my first bowel movement after two days. I haven't felt such joy since I watched a "Facts of life" marathon on TV Land. I'm just wondering what advice Mrs. Garrett would have had for me about this, what with her down home folksy good humor and wisdom beyond her 68 years. Ok. That's about it for now. I'll write again soon.
  13. Ron K

    As far as I'm concerned...

    Thanks Jane. I hope all goes well with you. Good luck!
  14. NO one here is a failure. You all made a decision to get this thing done and that's probably the hardest part. Getting to that place where you say "OK. I'm going to DO this!" and psyching yourself up mentally for it. I had alot of thoughts running through my head. For one thing, there was this feeling that I had to do this because I had failed in my quest to lose how much I wanted to lose and even though I kept off 30 of the 50 lbs I had lost on Weight watchers in 2006, I had a tough time keeping it all off and losing more. I had gained some back but in the 2 months before my surgery I guess with being more active and lots of yard work I lost 15 lbs. Which was good because it gave me a head start I felt going into the surgery. But part of me felt like getting this done was like waving the white flag of surrender and an admission that I screwed up. I had to really get past this and I'm still working on it. If I lose alot of weight now and people tell me I look good and ask how I did it I feel they're going to say to themselves "Well, it's not like he did it himself" and judge me. Someone else had posted that they looked in the mirror and even though they had lost alot of weight they still saw a fat person in the mirror. That's something psychological I'll probably deal with myself. But getting back to my point, like that lady in the NYC marathon episode of "Seinfeld" yelled down to the runners from the window, "YOU'RE ALL WINNERS!!!"
  15. Thanks Astromom. I'm still somewhat sore on day 3 but I got out and walked this morning for 45 minutes and I feel ok so far. Took the bandages off today and I look like I went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson lol. Bruised up pretty good. Thanks for the advice and just supporting me. It's good to be able to talk to people who have been through this and have probably asked all these questions at one time or another.

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