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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nomorejellybelly

  1. Okay, so I've mentioned in a couple of recent posts, about my last fill (a little more than a week ago). I've done great, losing 4lbs, but that was all within a week of having the fill. Now, I'm the same weight for the last 4-5 days. I'm not eating a whole lot, but am trying to make sure I take in enough calories. It seems like the amount of protein has a lot to do with how much we lose? Does that sound right? If so, I should make sure I'm drinking at least two or three protein drinks/shakes a day? Hunger has not been a problem. I have eaten very, small amounts and am not hungry in between. So, if someone can offer any pointers, that would be great.
  2. nomorejellybelly

    Cant get my last 20 off

    I am in the same boat. I'm up and down the same 5lbs for the last 3 1/2 years, since getting banded and losing about 60lbs. I'm at the low end of that 5lbs right now, after my fill a little over a week ago. I've not lost anything in 4 days now, so am going to work on getting in more Protein and hope that helps. I need to make sure I'm getting enough Water also.
  3. nomorejellybelly

    Proper Calorie Intake while VERY Active

    mommymaverick, I am not as active as you, but I've had the same problem. It's hard to eat enough calories, get enough Protein with the band. I am working towards drinking more Protein shakes and hoping that will help make a difference.
  4. nomorejellybelly

    Drinking while eating

    I've been told it was okay to drink during a meal, but most people are told not to. I'm making an effort to get back on track with not drinking during meals. If I do, I try to just take small sips.
  5. nomorejellybelly

    Burping ?

    I've had a lot of little burping, gurgly noises and hiccups since my last fill. Uggh.
  6. nomorejellybelly

    Wishing I had told NO ONE!

    I only told family, the nurse at work (who has since left; so I've told the current nurse), my boss at the time (who said he'd take my secret to his grave; it was very sweet) and some friends. I chose to not tell people at work and it has created lots of times where I have to say "Oh, I'm not very hungry" or "I don't like to stuff myself", if I am out with them. Everyone else has been pretty cool, so maybe my work people would have been, I just didn't want them to know. I am wishing I had told them; it would be much easier on me now. People shouldn't give us a hard time, because we had weight loss surgery. It is a great tool, but it is just that 'a tool'. They think it falls off like magic and sometimes it does move quick, but sometimes it doesn't. Hang in there.
  7. So, when last I was on here I was talking about how I hadn't been losing (plateau for over 3 years) and really wanted to lose the rest of my weight. Well, my last fill was just over a week ago and I'm down 4lbs! If it was slightly more, I'd be happy, but I'm good with this. Nothing in the last three days, but I'm sure I'm heading in the right direction. Down! My band is 10cc and I believe I'm at 7cc now. Way more restriction than I've ever had. A little uncomfortable at times, but if this is what it takes, I'm doing it. I'm hoping to reach my next goal of 145lbs by mid-June. I need to be realistic, but this should be doable with this restriction I have going now. I am 40lbs from my goal weight. Go me! Who can tell that I am trying to pysch myself up? Hope everyone is doing well.
  8. nomorejellybelly

    I feel like a failure...

    Hang in there. Definitely work on getting back on track, but you can do it. I'm getting back on track now. Just had my last feel a little over a week ago and it's working again. I've had fills, but have not been able to get past my plateau, that has gone on for three years now. I've just been up and down the same 5lbs for three years. I'd change up exercise, diet and fills, but still stuck. Anyhow, I did really good at first right at 60lbs, but I'm still at that now. I just told myself that I got the band for a reason and it might not be real comfortable/fun right now, but it will be worth it, when the weight comes off. Most everyone will tell you we're all different, so just do your best on diet and exercise. Hang in there.
  9. nomorejellybelly

    when is it time to see the plastic surgeon?

    I needed to know this also. This helps. I'm still too far from my goal, but it helps to know.
  10. nomorejellybelly

    Feeling defeated

    Hang in there. I know it seems like it is tougher for some of us. I've been frustrated a lot. I lost about 60lbs from getting banded to about 7 months later, then, up and down the same 5lbs for 3 years. I am about 45lbs from my goal, but if I like how I look at say 30lbs less, then I'll stop.
  11. nomorejellybelly

    Had another fill on Friday.....

    Thank you, lisacaron and bandista. I do need to get back on track with my exercise. I've just gotten so frustrated, because I was doing everything I needed to do and nothing for over three years. I am down about three lbs since I had the fill, but that's most likely because I'm doing mostly protein liquid and just starting back with soft foods. The band feels so much tighter this time around and is actually a little uncomfortable today. Kindof a constant 'stuck' feeling. It's also a little difficult, when I am out with coworkers who don't know I have the band (I chose not to tell everyone). Not a problem since the last fill, but I've been invited to lunch on Friday. Think I'll stick to queso. That's soft. I don't feel like using the same old story of "I'm not very hungry". Good luck to you ladies also. Thanks for your support. We can do this!
  12. Hey guys, I hadn't had a fill in awhile. I went on Friday, because I'd gone up to that high weight that my weight fluctuates at. I've been up/down the same 5lbs for 3 1/2 years. Lost 60 lbs after my banding and then it stopped! I have to admit I had slacked off on exercise, because nothing was changing, no matter what I did. I can't look like I did again and I really need to get the weight loss going again. So, that's why I got another fill. Well, I knew it was working and lost 2lbs but, now nothing in two days. WTH? I'm still on mostly liquid and only had 1/3 cup of cottage cheese for dinner last night. It is pretty apparent that restriction is really good this time around, so I'll just keep at it. I wanted to know if this happens to others? It's discouraging, to go get a fill, lose a small amount and then it just stops. Like I said I'm going to just keep at it and it should start coming off again. Just let me know if this has happened to you? I'm tired of not having anymore loss (in general). I was banded 3 1/2 years ago! I want the rest to come off. Current weight is 157.7 lbs. I'm very short, so even though this weight looks good on taller people, it does not on me. Ready to get this done (and get back to the gym).
  13. Hi, veterans. I've not been a regular user of the forum for quite awhile. I'm back now, because I really need somewhere I can go for support in my weight loss journey. I had my surgery on 09/08/10 and lost close to 60 lbs in the first 8 months. The problem is that I cannot get below 153lbs, for the life of me. I have slacked off on exercise in the last few weeks, but have been a regular 5-day a week gal for the whole time otherwise. I've gotten fills, but should start thinking about going back for another. I'm making an effort to eat less meat and am planning to cut way back on sugary foods. I don't drink soda. I do drink coffee, but not every day and usually only one cup, when I do. I am on full thyroid replacement medication. I think that probably has something to do with it. I think it also could be how my body handles sugar (see above comment); Although I am not diabetic, it runs in my family. I struggle with my body image, even though I can still wear the smallest clothes from my lowest weight (after the close to 60lbs). I am a size 10, but would like to be a size 6 or a size 8. All I know, is that I am not happy with how I look. It doesn't help that I've been divorced for just over 2 years and have no dates. No interest at all; None. So, I'm hoping that there are forum members that I can keep in contact with for support.
  14. I have only ever had a little Water come back up once, the whole time I've been banded. I've had some 'stuck episodes', but I try to watch it when I know I am eating the foods that trigger that. I haven't totally cut some things out, I just try to very rarely eat them. Like potatoes/french fries, meat that's not moist, rice, bread. If I treat myself to a burger, I get a jr. size burger and eat only half or less of the bun. I know I'd hoped to be at my goal before my two year bandiversay, but that didn't happen and I'm still not at it at my almost 3 1/2 year bandiversary. Major plateau. I know the band is a tool. It helped me loose what I have so far and will continue to help me, I just have to put some extra effort to get to my goal. And I know I will. You will too. Good luck to you.
  15. nomorejellybelly

    Came back to forum, because I need support...

    Okay, so since the last time I had logged in, I went up to 159 (the high end of what I fluctuate at) and am now back to 155.2, since I did mostly liquid Protein this last week. Ate more regular this weekend. I'm concentrating on my portion sizes and I feel I am making better choices. I missed out at the gym most of last week, but that was because of my work schedule. I'll be back to it this week and will do high protein this week again also. I've found I really like those little clementine oranges. They are a good little snack. They're so little that I snack on usually two at a time. But, I don't shovel them in, just enjoy slowly.
  16. nomorejellybelly

    Came back to forum, because I need support...

    Should have reviewed my post before submitting. It sounds totally random. I was saying I want to date, but meant to add that it just hasn't happened.
  17. nomorejellybelly

    Came back to forum, because I need support...

    Great advice. Thank you! I'm making some progress with cutting back on sweets. Am cutting back on caffeine. Increasing Protein and will work on the counting calories. Maybe I do give off 'a vibe'. I want to date now. I did meet a cute police officer today (I volunteer at my local pd, but met this one at an accident that I witnessed this afternoon). When I am out, I try to show a good attitude, but maybe I could do a better job. I try to look nice, when I go out or to work. I'm not a fancy dresser, by any stretch of imagination, but I try to look nice. I'm going to go back on a protein drink/supplement plan for a few days and see if that helps kick things back into gear. My birthday is in early March. I'd like to lose 8-10 lbs by my birthday. I have a goal, which should be attainable. I just have to also keep up my exercising as well. Thanks so much.
  18. nomorejellybelly

    sleeping after eating

    loseit - I've worried the same thing about mine. Never have been told that I have stretched it. The dr's office I go to for my fills, does that upper GI test every time. I've been pretty paranoid about not laying down after eating. I wait as close to 3 hrs as I can. I have laid down earlier than that, but I am too worried about potentially stretching my pouch to do that regularly. Have you had an upper GI scan/xray thing when you've gone for fills. If you're concerned, you could ask your doctor. Good luck to you.
  19. nomorejellybelly

    Coping with Body Image

    I feel good when I receive compliments, but that doesn't happen every day. I have low self-esteem anyhow and struggle a lot with my body image. I'm still pretty much wearing the lowest size clothes I got down to when I hit my plateau, but I feel huge. I lost close to 60 lbs in my first 8 months and have been stuck ever since. Even with exercise and fills. I am ready to feel better about myself and to me the only way I'll feel better about myself, is if I look better. I think you look great now and I love that short, haircut.
  20. I'm going for a fill tomorrow. The last one in August, was too much and I had to go back three days later to get some out. But, I'm still at my plateau. I don't know what I can try different other than what I'm already doing (changed up exercise routine again). I also never thought I'd enjoy baby foods, but I have been using the little squeeze pouches (trying different brands) and have found some I actually like. I am all stocked up, for this next fill. Wish me luck. P.S. I haven't been on this site for quite awhile. I've added a ticker and am pleased to see that I do only have 42 lbs to go. That's awesome. I just need to remember that I'm really not that far from my goal weight.
  21. nomorejellybelly

    Hoping To Get Back On Track.....

    I really try to do the baby food when I have fills (you know the soft/mushy stage) and have used as just a little 'snack'. I'm not using the baby food for Protein. I do use a protein supplement (protein shakes) and am getting back up to the amount of protein I should be getting. Didn't anyone else have this suggestion of using baby food (for the soft/mushy stage) when you got your band? I like protein shakes, because I have not quite worked out getting enough protein on my own and not overeating. They work for me. They are not always super filling, but at least I know I'm getting protein. On a lighter note, I am up to 6cc in my 10cc band now, after this fill. And I feel good. The last time I couldn't take a sip of Water without feeling uncomfortable. Now, no problem. I guess my body just need time to get used to having more Fluid in the band. @LoveTheNewMe - I will see if I can find that book.
  22. nomorejellybelly


    I've had the hiccups a few times, but I've not had any pain from my port.
  23. nomorejellybelly

    Green Zone/sweet Spot

    I think 1-2 lbs is okay. I don't remember how quick mine was. I was banded in 09/2010 and the first 50 lbs came off in about 6-7 months. But, I've been at a plateau since then. I have thyroid issues, so that's part of it. I've started back with fills (a few months ago) and am really hoping to kick it back in gear with a fill tomorrow. Good luck to you. You're doing fine. P.S. I heard the slower the loss, the less problems you might have with excess skin?
  24. nomorejellybelly


    I got stuck at having lost 60 lbs (fluctuating between the same 8 lbs or so for a whole year); technically, I guess I'm back to about 50 lbs. I hadn't been for a fill in forever and finally went to a different clinic today (which I liked alot) and got another cc. Hoping it helps for me. Good luck to you.
  25. nomorejellybelly

    Finally Got Another Fill.......

    I hadn't been for a fill in over a year (finances and life changes). Instead of going thru TR, I went to a different clinic. It's more convenient, a bit cheaper and they were sooooo nice. I am excited to get back on the track to losing more. I have about 30-50 lbs to go to my goal. The amount depends on when I like how I feel and look. Anyhow, I had a flouroscopy to check on the band and my pouch. Everything looks good! The lady that helped me, then checked how much I had in my band and then we added 1cc. I feel good. No pain. I'm on liquids for 48 hours. She was very helpful and answered all my questions. I want to tell anyone who is struggling, to just hang in there. I've been so frustrated lately, but am re-dedicating myself to being healthier and losing the rest of my extra weight.

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