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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by junibug

  1. Hi, congratulations on your lap-band. I had mine on Monday. The first couple of days I was really sore, but now it's not as bad. I am just so excited to finally have the surgery over with. I been working on it for a year now.LOL. But I look forward to the sucess of both your and my band. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. Hi CamiC, Have you tried GasX strips, they just dissolve on your tongue. They are great. Try them they may help. Hang inthere. Keep your eye on the prize!!!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement. My surgery went well. I have been very, very fortunate. Came home two hours after the surgery and haven't had too much pain.(of course the pain meds helps that) lol. My daughter and a friend of ours live with me and they are wonderful to me. So, all is good. Thankfully, I havent had all the gas pain everyone is talking about. Is it yet to come?? And I agree, this is one of the best gifts we could ever give ourselves. I love this web-site, so encouraging and beneficial. Thanks again. Junibug

  4. Hey I am now part of the junebug group. I am new at all of this, just had my surgery yesterday, June 28th. So excited about my new life.

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