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About junibug

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/05/1961

About Me

  • Biography
    Love life
  • Interests
    Preaching the good news of God's Kingdom
  • Occupation
    Cleaning Lady
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  1. Thanks for the encouragement. My surgery went well. I have been very, very fortunate. Came home two hours after the surgery and haven't had too much pain.(of course the pain meds helps that) lol. My daughter and a friend of ours live with me and they are wonderful to me. So, all is good. Thankfully, I havent had all the gas pain everyone is talking about. Is it yet to come?? And I agree, this is one of the best gifts we could ever give ourselves. I love this web-site, so encouraging and beneficial. Thanks again. Junibug

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