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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by junibug

  1. Hi Brian, Sorry you are having such a hard time. Please go to another Dr. on Monday!! Don't waste anytime. You have done the right thing by asking for advise, so that shows you are a strong person. YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS HUDDLE WITHOUT HELP FROM DRUGS OR ALCOHOL!! I am new, only been banded 6 weeks, so I can't help you with the right advise, but I do know you sholdn't be drinking alcohol, so please call a friend and don't isolate yourself. You WILL get thru this. Hang in there buddy. Junibug

  2. pearlgirl. I understand your fear, when we are food-aholics(which I am) it is scary, you don't trust yourself!! I don't feel restriction much either and that scares me. I havent had a fill yet and will not get one until Aug 12, so I feel your fear. Although I hope I don't feel the pain of food stuck. I do wish I felt more dispiline!!!! We will get past this and be skinny-minnies one day soon!!! Keep your eye on the prize!!

  3. Hello Rita, congrats on doing good. I was banded on June 28th, had my first Dr visit today and have lost 11 lbs since the surgery, 21 all together. It feels wonderful. Doesn't it? How much have you lost. Don't have to feel alone. Look how many members are on this site. Very encouraging place I have found. Hang in there and keep your eyes on the prize!!

  4. Thanks so much. I welcome all the support and suggestions you can give. I was just banded on Monday the 28th. I'm doing great. So glad that I took this first big step. I have been a little hungry. But I am following all the rules, just liquids for 8 more days. Any suggestions or comments are welcome

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