I am 3 1/2 months post lap band surgury, doing pretty well the first two months, lost 36 pounds, only 8 of which came after the first fill at 6 weeks post op. Not doing as well now, the restriction is better, which i thought would be a good thing, but i chew really well, and still end up with pain when the food gets stuck. not all food, just some foods. this week got really sore and went back to soft foods because it seemed tender. so this weekend, i ate a hamburger patty, chewed really really well, thought it was going well, at the very end of eating it it started to feel wrong. like i couldnt swallow spit, so i was readying for the regular stomach pain til the food got thru my port. well this time it was really sore, and like i said, came on late, and then settled in my left flank. I see enough kidney stones in the hospital that i am thinking this is a kidney stone pain. :cry never had those before, is this a by-product of my surgury? I am for the first time starting to doubt my wisdom in getting this done. :think any words of wisdome out there? anyone else get kidney stones?