i had my surgery august 25th 2010 and found out i was pregnant in october . i was less than a month out and came up pregnant . im 39 and told i could never have children. i was 330 when conceived. im due june 30th.
i am 39 years old never pregnant in my life. i had the gastric sleeve done on august 25th 2010. wonderful experience in mexico. october i found out i was pregnant!!!! every doctor said i would never have a child and here i am 20 weeks pregnant now. there is hope! god bless!
wish i would have done this years ago! i am so happy with my surgery! anyone thinking about the surgery do yourelf a favor and DO IT!!!!!!!!!! i went to mexico for mine and have no complaints!!!!!!!! feel like a champion!!!!
i am a self pay for mexico ..............dr almanza. i seen a company that said good credit or bad credit they will loan you the money . i clicked on something from here. im so sorry i cant remember but i will look for it again.