I'm getting laser hair removal on my armpits and hooha right now. I'm a dark blonde with pale skin and the hair in those areas is quite dark - not quite black, but definitely dark brown, so I should be one of those people for whom lasers would work very well. On my pits, I'm getting a laser with concurrent vacuum action, not sure what the point of that is - but it's also quite painful (like rubberbands snapping against your skin as others have said). I've had 2 sessions to date and have lost about 1/2 of my armpit hair. However, I feel like almost all - if not all - of the hair loss was after the first session and I'm not sure if there's been any decrease since the 2nd session. My coupon was for 3 sessions, and the last one's coming up this week, so I'll see how it goes, but it definitely won't be enough to remove ALL my armpit hair. I don't mind given that I only paid $100 for these 3 sessions, but if I had paid full price, I would've been pissed.
On my special place, I'm getting a regular laser (no vacuum). It's painless BUT I'm unimpressed with the results so far. I've lost maybe 1/4 of the hair after 2 sessions. Again, I only have 1 session left. Definitely wouldn't bother with that laser again.
I've had friends get laser hair removal and also end up quite unimpressed. One of my friends is a light-skinned South Asian and she got laser hair removal on her forearms and was very disappointed.
Bottom line: don't get your hopes up and try to find a discount (through Groupon or LivingSocial is best, that's where I got my coupons).