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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by trace10

  1. I just got my first fill yesterday, 5 weeks after surgery. I was like you, very hungry and didn't do well after the surgery. This has given me new hope again. Can't wait to hit the "sweet spot".
  2. Hey, how you feeling after your fill? Yesterday I didn't feel much different, but today I just had some soup and feel very very full. That makes me happy. I know I have a long way to go to hit the "sweet spot", but I am hopeful again!!

    Hope things are going well for you.


    Take care,


  3. Hi Ravyn. How are you doing this week. I got my first fill yesterday and just had some soup, and I am very full. That makes me very happy!!! I know it will be quite a few more months until I hit the "sweet spot", but I feel like I have moved on to the next step and am feeling very hopeful again. How about you, how is your mental state this week? I hope you're doing well and will check back in on you soon. Let me know if there's anything you need to talk about or need support with!!


    Take care,



  4. Hey Ravyn, sorry I have been MIA. Unfortunately, no I haven't been at the gym all week. Another bad week. I am in the process of buying a house, and I am amazed how much I turn to food when I am stressed. Wednesday I go for my first fill, I am really hoping to get some restriction with that, because right now I have none. So, I hope you are off to a good week. Sounds like you had a fun night out going for Mexican. We need those. I'll stay in touch more this week, and work harder. Hope you have a great week!!

  5. Fabulous!! Just reading this this morning has changed my outlook on the day. I just took out some chichen breast to grill up for dinner tonight. Maybe a salad or some zucchini with it. It was a horrible weekend food wise, so I am looking forward to wiping it off the record and starting fresh.


    Good luck on your fill today. I have one next Wednesday and am very much looking forward to it. Will you be on liquids for the remaining part of the day or what does your doctor request?


    Take care...Tracy

  6. New week Ravyn...no lies...only accountability...let's start Monday...you in????

  7. I get it Ravyn. I could eat anything I wanted within the first week post op. What a failure I feel like, and I imagine you feel the same way. I have gained back about 8 pounds or so since my surgery almost 4 weeks ago. (huh...that's the 2 lbs per week they always spoke of after surgery, only in the wrong direction!!!!!) I applaud you for working out. I unfortunately haven't been able to since surgery. First there was the "after surgery" requirements, and now I have a knee injury. I am only 4 weeks post op, but it has brought me to such a low, both physically and emotionally. However, I think we both know that our calorie intake is the most important part of our weight loss. Therefore, that's our downfall. At this point, we can't, or at least haven't, taken control of our intake. With the 'no restriction' added to the mess, I don't even know how to cope. food is an addiction. I am so stressed over things in my life, and the calorie intake is where I turn. Here's what I think Ravyn. We need accountabiltiy. We need to state to someone else, what we ate, how we worked out, what we ate, how we felt today, what we ate, what we need, what we ate. Are you getting the gest of what I am saying. We need to do what is needed, or admit to someone, who is non judgemental, what we actually did that that day. We may have done everything right that day, or we may have done nothing right. I throw the gauntlet down. We'll start Monday. We'll be honest with each other. We'll be honest with ourselves. I'll tell you what I did wrong, you tell me what you did right (and vice versa). Together, in this out of body website, we'll be truthful for the first time in our lives about what we are actually doing on a day to day basis. I'd say for better or worse...but in actuality, it will be for better or best. Honesty among us can't hurt us at this point...it will be our backbone to achieve our goal. I think we are at the same point in this process...and I hope you accept this inviation, challenge if you will, to be the best we can be. Either way, I want the best for both of us. Good luck Ravyn....
  8. I saw my surgeon today, and the reason for the "no bread, pasta, rice" is because they don't want you to throw up. They are afraid you can't tolerate it. Apparently it has nothing to do with anything else. So wth am I waiting for 5 weeks for to get a fill??? I don't throw up on anything...I can't even tell I had surgery at this point....I get it if I saw my surgeon one week after surgery, but he was on vacation and I didn't see him for 3 weeks and more out...I should have gotten a fill at my visit!! Wasted time and money.
  9. trace10

    Useless Advice

    Thank you everyone for the support. I was having a very bad day, and posted my frustration here. I know in my head it isn't a big deal, just a lot of overwhelming pressure building up for me. LeighAMason, the car anology is very funny. Thank you for that!! Llyra, that was a very thoughtful post...it was very comforting to have that support in my first response. Thank you!! Dman, I had my fill July 26th, so it has only been a little over 3 weeks. Sounds like you are doing great Samatha, keep up the great work and hopefully we will follow in BetsyB's footsteps and have a successful journey~!! Thanks again all for letting me rant...and giving me support instead of lectures on how the doctor is always right!!! Good luck to everyone!!
  10. trace10

    Useless Advice

    Please understand, I don't mean the surgery was a waste of time and money, I mean the extra trip I have to make to the doctor's office is wasted time and money. Sorry, feeling a little disillusioned this evening...please don't jump on me tonight...I know how these kind of posts bring out other people's frustration.
  11. trace10

    How much do you lose

    I'm not sure water aerobics will work within the first couple of weeks because you aren't supposed to submerge yourself in water for long periods of time. I have only one cut and am glued, and I am not supposed to swim for 4 weeks. Maybe cycling could substitute for a few weeks?
  12. trace10

    I cheated! Please help! :(

    My doctor requires a 7 day preop too, but they didn't even let me know about the surgery until there were fewer than 7 full days. All and all, I had 4 1/2 days of clear liquid diet. Just follow your diet for the next 7 days, you should be fine.
  13. Hope everyone is doing well. Today is day 6 post op for me and I have made some sugar free banana jello and some potato soup, which is basically water and a bit of milk after I strain the potatoes and onions out of it. But I am looking so forward to a few bites of something other than jello!! I have been feeling a little down this week, but reading past post op threads, this seems to be normal. How is everyone else doing?
  14. You can do this Regine, but it looks like it is going to take a little more work on your part than some others. Some feel restriction from the get go, you unfortunately are not in that category. That's okay. You took a lot of time coming to this decision, and you know why. Eating for comfort and giving in to all of your cravings didn't make you feel good about yourself. We have all learned from others that even with restriction the band can be manipulated. You need to stop worrying about what the band is doing for you, and start focusing on what you can do for yourself. Put the acceptable amount of food on your plate, and don't go back for seconds. If you are craving and "starving" for something between meals, go for a walk. As stated, this isn't a miracle worker. It is a tool. And you are having a problem with the biggest demon we all face, our mind. You need to remember how you felt to even begin this journey and realize that you don't want that feeling anymore. We are all at a point that we need a change to feel good about ourselves. Ultimately that change comes from within us, not from what is put in us. Look for support groups in your area. My hospital that did the surgery has one every Monday. I am sure that would be beneficial to you. Stay strong, do your best, and for goodness sake, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. It isn't the "last hope." Every day is a new day for us. If one day isn't so great, we always have the opportunity for the next day to be fantastic. That's the beauty of living. We live and we learn, and if we screw up, we get to live and learn a little tomorrow. Good luck in your journey, you can do this. We are all rooting for you....
  15. If you work in an office setting, and it isn't a hectic pace, you should be able to go back to work in a week. It will be uncomfortable, but it can be done if necessary. I'm not sure if you do manual labor. You shouldn't be lifting things for quite some time I would imagine.
  16. trace10

    Looking for a buddy

    Count me in, I got banded on the 26th. I can listen and complain with the best of 'em. I am also from Illinois, but further south. I look forward to navigating this journey together!!
  17. Other than feeling like sore muscles when I move around or sit up, I have no pain inside my stomach. Not when I drink or any other time. I wonder if this is a result of having just the one incision.
  18. trace10

    What will you miss???

    You guys are so lucky to have time for one last binge of all your favorite foods! I found out on a Monday morning that I would be having surgery the next Monday morning, so I had to stop eating immediately. I thought my surgery wouldn't be for a couple of weeks and I would have that last hoorah!! I want fried chicken, white castles, open face beef smothered in gravy, mcdonald's fries, steak n shake, pasta with white sauce. Boy, you name it, I wish I could have had it before my surgery. Maybe it's best this way. I probably would have just added another 10 lbs to get rid of. But oh, how I would have enjoyed myself!
  19. I have the single incision, right across/through the belly button. I can't imagine it being any better or easier for recovery!!! It's very impressive.
  20. Thanks Meg, will do!!!! I am glad everything seems to be going so well for you!!! Do you go to the support meetings at St. Alexius on Mondays? I think I may want to do that, at least for the first couple of months.
  21. My doctor requires 1 week pre op and one week post op of "clear liquids." That means sugar free jello, popsicles, broth. But that is about it. No protein supplements or anything else. Who knew I would cut my right arm off for one bite of cottage cheese!! Tonight is a bad one for me...the only bad one so far. I should just go to bed, I am sure tomorrow will be better.
  22. My doctor says he doesn't want me on protein shakes. Plus I am not supposed to have creamed soups until next week. It amazes me how different every doctor is in their advice. Before the surgery did you have a work out routine? Have you been doing any excercise since the surgery? I started walking a bit before but got pretty lax with it a week or so before surgery. I have a membership to the Y, I just wish I had someone who could show me the best way to start toning the muscles so I'm not just doing cardio.

  23. Mine was very quick. My insurance received the paper work in the afternoon on Wednesday July 14th and my doctor's office got the okay on Monday morning, July 19th. They said they could get me in on the 26 or I would have to wait a couple of weeks for the surgery. It was nice that it went so fast, but I didn't get that last hoorah of dining that I so wish I would have. You know, a chance to eat all the foods that I love, the foods that have gotten me to this point in the first place. It would have been nice to be able to "say goodbye" to many of them. Guess that in itself shows how food controls me, not the other way around! There are so many eye openers with this process. I hope by realizing all of these things it is easier for me to make the changes I need to. I hope we all can.
  24. I got banded on Monday, and of course for the first time this summer my sister and her family invited my family, including my mom and sister and nieces and nephews boating and swimming the sunday before. Since I have only told my SO about the surgery, I had to tell them I had some blood work on Monday so I wasn't supposed to eat or drink anything that day. Of course that is very odd, so they all had questions. It was certainly hard watching everyone eat and drink all day. Now this weekend, first week after surgery, some friends asked if I wanted to go down to their lake house for the weekend. Not only can I not eat or drink, but now I can't even get into the water. So I shipped my SO off without me, hoping for a peaceful (and hungry) weekend for me and hopefully giving her some much needed down time after putting up with me and our life changes for the past couple of weeks. The timing is bad, but I just have to keep focusing on the positive, like how much more I will enjoy those activites next year, hopefully down quite a few sizes!! Just keep looking at the big picture....and the little little girl/guy in it!!
  25. trace10

    I am banded!!!!!!

    My hospital gave me a pillow before I had the surgery. I also got one at a different hospital when I had surgery on my abdomen. I would just inquire within the hospital instead of having to pay for it yourself. Seems like a fair trade, $16,000 for 1 pillow.

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