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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Scorpionrn

  1. Hi everyone, my name is Becca. I was banded July 28th, 2008. So far I have lost 99lbs, was 115 (oops). So I am new to this whole thread thing. I am 37 years old and live in Tempe, AZ. This band thing has been a doubled-edged sword! It's been a vary hard road (alot of throwing up), but thanks to the band, I feel "normal" again and would do it over in a heart beat!!:smile2:

  2. Wow, what is wrong with me?? I hear everyone saying how it hurts to drink soda! I WISH it hurt me!! That's the thing that made me fall off the wagon! I quit cold turkey 1 month before my surgery and was fine for a whole year! Then sitting at dinner one night, I took a very small sip from my sons glass and BOOM! Right back to where I started! :( Now I have 2-12 oz Mtn Dews (my crack) everyday!! But I do drink it slow, one can will last me a couple of hours. This sucks!:smile2:

  3. On the days when I can eat a mtn, I can eat EVERYTHING!!!! chicken slides right on down! That's why i keep trying to eat it...sometimes it goes down...other's it comes up! And any meat gets stuck...sometimes. like 60/40...60% of the time it gets stuck. I do need to see my doc soon. Just waiting for insurance to kick in! And to be honest...i hate water! But I do try and at least drink tea:rolleyes2:

  4. Hi Juliansmom, the only problem with that is I cannot give up meat!!! No waay! And they told me if I took small enough bites (which I do) they should not be a problem. And I'm tired of the smallest things getting stuck one day and can eat a mtn the next. The inconsistancy is killing me!! I was happier right after surgery when I was eating nothing but chicken and everything was fine! I don't understand what has changed over the last year, it makes no sense. My fiance' wants me to have it removed...but I worked too hard and too long for it!

  5. Thank you so much Kimaly!!! The sad face was actually because I gained about 15 lbs! Which was due to my...baking...that I couldn't give ALL away! So, how much weight have you lost in 2 years? I am really trying to get back on the band (no pun intended) wagon! I have a fiance' that is real big into fitness and health, so he is pushing me!! We should keep in touch, we are almost exactly the same time out!! It would be fun to compare notes!:thumbup:

  6. yea, I admit i never fully got over the need to feel "mentally" full or satisfied. I was thinking about a fill, but it scares me because some days, Water gets stuck. I haven't seen my doctor in over a year:redface:. I was worried I had stretched my stomach (if that's possible). Can they do a test to see if that's it? Just stretched? Oh...and I didn't really eat the whole pizza! (probably could have :smile2: One thing that started the old habits was the vomiting. Healthy food like chicken and veges, would get stuck, no matter how small the bites were, but junk food would go down smooth as silk!! I finally got so hungery, I would eat junk. small amounts mind you, but still junk....and it just snowballed from there

  7. Ok, so I had surgery 2 years ago. I fell back into old bad habits about a year out, and regret it miserably. One problem I have had with my band since day one is inconsistancy!! One day Water gets stuck and I vomit everything, the next day I could eat a whole pizza by myself with no problems. Well, for the last 3 months or so I have noticed I can eat alot at one sitting, I have to stop myself even though I am not satisfied. What does this mean? Do I need a fill?? Has the band slipped? I was worried about filling the band more because food still gets stuck...like small bites of rice! Rice and chicken kill me! Any ideas?

  8. Hi everyone, my name is Becca. I had surgery on July 28th of 2008. So far I have lost 100lbs. It should be more, but I fell into some old habits that I'm trying desperately to break...again:mad:. I started out at 330lbs and today I am 231. I WAS 216 about 3 weeks ago:confused:, but I love to cook and got on a baking binge. So now, I'm not allowed to bake, haha. Before and after pics coming soon. OOPS...I had surgery 2007! 3 years out! Wow, has it been that long??

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