I've been a diabetic since 1997. I have had three surgeries, two c-sections and two healthy babies in that time, with varying levels of control - from perfect control to no control at all. So, I know of which I speak.
A cardiologist is NOT an endocrinologists. Yes, they are both doctors, and no, you shouldn't just dismiss his medical opinion out-of-hand, but rather take it with a grain of salt. Remember this is not his area of expertise.
High blood sugars *can* cause you to heal more slowly than if you were in perfect control. I say "can" because that's just it - everybody's different. If your surgeon knows that you're diabetic, and knows what your sugars are running and still recommends having the surgery on time? I'd go with that. From my understanding, LOTS of people who have this surgery have diabetes. I would imagine that they also have varying levels of control. So, if your surgeon has done a respectable number of surgeries, then he or she should know. You know?
If you don't mind - what do your fasting sugars look like?
(And congratulations - you made me post! This is my very first post. )
Still contemplating the band