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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banannie

  1. Banannie

    December Bandsters in March!

    I can't decide if I should do exercise again (started with a goal of 15 workouts, changed it to 20, actually did 21!) or if I should do weight loss... hmmmm....
  2. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Kay - GOOD LUCK on your exam, girl!!
  3. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Nat - glad you're taking an extra day to enjoy the sun, and that your ex is behaving and making the visit enjoyable for your adorable little boy. He's what matters, right? It sucks that your friend is getting jealous. On one hand it's gotta feel good that he cares enough to get that upset - if he didn't care, it wouldn't bother him. I'd say if you can have one good heart-to-heart discussion with him about your situation with your ex, and he's still a green-eyed-jealous monster to the point that it's unreasonable, it's like others have said, good to find out now. Definitely give him a chance to see you're trustworthy and worth it, because you are!! Brandy (BBK) thanks for the kudos! I just keep working my butt off, hoping that it's a literal working my butt off! For everyone with a cold/flu - I had one a few weeks ago and nothing really helped, I took a sudafed or something during the day, and NyQuil at night. Chicken soup is your friend! Get lots of soothing liquids in, even if it doesn't cure anything, it gives you a touch of good-for-you comfort food!
  4. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hi guys! I've been having the same struggle, although the weight has slooowly been creeping off - mainly due to hitting the gym five days a week (cardio of 30-60 min/day all five days, weights on four days). I feel a ton stronger and notice some definition/muscles where I didn't have them before. So, if you're slowing down, consider more exercise on top of getting your fills & watching what you eat. It is *way* harder than I thought it would be!!! I went in for my fourth fill yesterday. My docs don't use flouro unless absolutely necessary so they're quite conservative with the fills. My last fill felt *GREAT* for a few days, then I went back to searching for food and getting hungry too quick, which is why I went back in for a touch more. Many of you that are struggling - do you find yourself thinking/looking for food a lot? It may be you need a bit more of a fill!!!
  5. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Steph, good luck on the fill! Mine is 4:15 Pacific time, so you'll be done well before me... and thanks for the encouragement on the name change... I have the same concern with failure and having people watching me, which is why only a few people know. Nat - personally, while I agree that if you're getting intimate that you should feel comfortable telling, I wouldn't myself. Just because I wouldn't want even the chance of everyone knowing. But go with what's in your heart - he sounds like a good enough guy that he'd keep it quiet. Good luck and enjoy the sun!
  6. Banannie

    December Bandsters in February!

    Steph, I totally overate last night, too. I've already got an appointment for a checkup/fill tomorrow, I hope they're a bit more aggressive than last time! I totally understand your frustration - I feel it, too! Grrrr..... I was hoping this would be easier!
  7. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Brandi - keep your head up girl - you're doing awesome and we all luv ya! Always feel free to vent here, ok? Nat - you crack me up - I'm glad your new honey is working out so well and that your adorable little boy's dad is behaving. Boo - I still haven't hit my sweet spot so I don't know how it feels to be overfull. I'm going for another fill on Wednesday (my fourth! - my docs are *not* aggressive with fills, which is fine). Steph - my scale's not moving much which is frustrating, since I'm at the gym 5 times a week and usually I'm under 1000 calories. It'll go in fits & spurts - for example, I'd go like 2 days losing 3 lbs, then go five days and barely lose a lb. Annoying. I can't seem to stop weighing myself and it sets the tone for my whole day! Grrrr.... Sassy - I'm the same - some days I feel skinny & hot, others, uhm, just plain fat. another Grrr....
  8. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Brandi, you're a machine! You're my hero!!
  9. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Kirsten - WOO HOO! Great job on the weight loss!!! :mad: Hope you're able to get back on the elliptical soon! Nat - we need an update!!!
  10. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Steph, you look great! YES it is very noticable - great job girl!
  11. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Nat, you'll definitely have to fill us in - you've got us hooked! Kirsten, hope you feel better soon! Brandi, it's certainly not going to be long before you're swarmed with hot young things, so no worries about one day stuck at home, ok??? You're awesome and you need to know it! Kay, keep us posted on your family coming in and the dr visit Ok ladies, so I went for a checkup yesterday and ended up with Fill #3. It was noticably tighter with drinking Water after (they don't use flouro). I don't have to do liquids but they say mushies/soft foods for a day. So I had about the equivalent of a scrambled egg this morning, finishing about 8:30am. It's now 4pm west coast time. I'm still not craving anything to eat and feel full (I have been drinking water though, about 6.5 glasses since I ate). This is crazy!!! I hope I'm not too tight... that would suck. Should I be worried or happy?
  12. Banannie

    December Bandsters in February!

    Maurdan, glad the slowing down helps! I was going to suggest that. So I got fill #3 yesterday - I wasn't sure if I needed one, as I did have decent restriction on #2. But, I'd noticed I would get hungry in 3 hours vs the 4+ they recommend and could still eat anything (which was good, since I realized it after taking a few bites of a Lean Pocket). So, since I was still losing and had some restriction, I wasn't sure if I needed more, but explained all this at the doc's yesterday. The nurse said "definitely!" and gave me another 0.3cc's. I'm now at 2.3cc's in my 4cc band. I don't *have* to do liquids, but they ask for at least mushies for 24 hours. So I had some scrambled eggs this morning. I got done eating them about 8:30, trying to eat slow, chew, chew chew. No problems going down, and I got full pretty quick - probably actually ate a few bites too many, but I'm learning. Now it's almost 4 hours later and I have absolutely NO appetite. None, zero, zilch. The thought of eating lunch really doesn't interest me in the slightest. Actually the thought of eating anything almost makes me curl up my nose in dislike! If this is my sweet spot, I'm loving it! I don't want food! I'm hoping this isn't just some swelling from the fill and it'll go away, that would be a bummer! Annie (now Banannie formerly known as ChubbyGirl)
  13. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Kay - get the fill, if you're at ALL feeling like you're "dieting". And your coughing should be fine, but it may make things sore. I doubt that a cough would have enough force to dislodge anything, but could irritate something like the stitches that hold down your port. My fill #2 gave me some restriction, but I was still getting hungry in 3 hours, and looking/thinking of food a lot. So I went in yesterday to chat about it, and they gave me another 0.3cc's, saying "yes you DO need more!" - so go in, tell them exactly what you're experiencing, and you jointly can make the decision - my vote's for a small fill! And ok gals, I've changed my username - initially I signed up wanting to be anonymous and lurk... he he, that worked well, didn't it? This thread and the December Bandsters threads have helped me way way too much to just lurk! So, this is the normal handle I have on forums... Have a super Thursday ladies!!!
  14. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey there everyone! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! My secret cupid certainly hit the spot - perfect stuff. Already have the lip balm on - luv it! :mad: Thanks Kay darling! Nat - would it help you to figure out who your secret cupid was if I told you I lived in Washington? Yup, it's me! Glad you enjoyed everything... I figured you'd get a kick out of the pocket boyfriend. Well, I'm off to meet up with a couple of my single friends for dinner. No V-date for me this year, but I'm hoping next year I'll have to beat them off with a stick! Night ladies! LUV ya all! Annie
  15. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Kirsten, that's AWESOME, especially when you're not feeling well! I'm jealous of all y'all with your ellipticals. I'm still recovering from a foot injury so I can only do the bike since it's not weight bearing. Grrrr..... the elliptical was my fav before! Hey, where did our lil' SweetHot go? Hope she's ok! She hasn't checked in in AGES
  16. Banannie

    December Bandsters in February!

    Happy Birthday Steph!!!
  17. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Brandi! You're DOING GREAT!!! You can see all your hard work in those pics! Steph, the house looks great! Nat, you'll have to give a report out later on how church went... :mad:
  18. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey Sassy! Welcome back! Getting fills will certainly help! I just got #2 on Tuesday, and although my doctor doesn't require liquids after the fill, I'm doing liquids for 24hrs then mushies for 24hrs. It's a HUGE help to have the fills! But, just know that the first fill may not be perfect and you'll need more. Don't get discouraged - just schedule another fill, it's definitely worth it!
  19. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Huh. This is just plain weird. I felt full today after drinking 8oz of a protein shake. Not just the "I just drank a fluid" full feeling, but actually *satisfied*... mystifying... I think I'm starting to understand what it means to get closer to your "sweet spot" for fills! I'm just hoping it lasts... For everyone without restriction - man, go in and get your fills as soon as you can! This is sweet!
  20. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    So my doc is big on "no liquid calories" (except of course right after a fill). I'm allowed a glass of milk a day but they don't want me using protein shakes to get nutrients in. Their logic is good - the band works with solid food, filling your pouch up and triggering you that you're full, and the food taking a while to move through the band. So since I'm ok'd for milk, I should be ok for one small fruit smoothie a day if I'm just doing milk and frozen berries, right?
  21. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Kay - I'm also really struggling on veggies and fruit. I've never been a big veggie eater so it's always going to be a struggle. I got some great raspberries and strawberries last week, but really haven't been consistent on fruit, either. Anyone have ideas? I could use some help, too!
  22. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    WOW! It's amazing to see that all in one place - what an inspiration!
  23. Banannie

    December Bandsters in February!

    It's odd with this second fill. Before, I could really still gulp Water, and would always drink a glass before bed. I decided last night I would drink a 16.9 oz bottle before bed. I couldn't chug it! I could feel it pooling up so I'd stop after a couple small gulps. What an odd feeling!!! Kirsten - thinking good wishes while you wait for your second...
  24. Banannie

    Steady losers ;-)

    BK - I got 1.5cc on my first and 0.5 on my second in a 4cc band... Just got the second yesterday so I'm doing liquids/mushies too - I agree, it sucks, but if it helps with the lbs, yahoo!
  25. Banannie

    December Bandsters in February!

    I got fill #2 today, and it still didn't hurt at all (and I am the ultimate needle-weenie!) Since I'm an hour or so from the doc's office, I only got 0.5cc's bringing my total to 2cc in a 4cc band. I had a touch of restriction before, so I didn't want too much. All I had was some strained chicken noodle Soup broth and a SF Jello pudding for dinner, and I'm actually feeling it a touch - which is odd because normally the soup would go right through. Hopefully this one will do the trick!

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