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About RaSCal

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 03/12/1971
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday RaSCal!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday RaSCal!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary RaSCal!

  4. RaSCal

    Happy 2011 July 2010 Bandsters!

    I'm down about 80 lbs since surgery on July 2nd. I just now feel like I'm starting to get good restriction. Bread and chik-fil-a waffle fries are a clear no-no. I've only vomitted twice and those have been in the past two weeks since my last fill. Other than that, I've had a really easy time of it. I can still eat what I feel like is a good bit and I don't usually get hungry. However I have found that my stomach growls like a bear when I do wait too long to eat. I exercise every day. Usually this means walking at least a couple of miles around the neighborhood. If I don't get home until 10p.m., then I walk at 10p.m. I want to lose another 50 lbs and I know this won't happen unless I keep at it. My weight loss has clearly slowed. I'm only losing about 5 lbs a month now, but I know if I went back hardcore on watching what I eat I could lose more. I still have a sweet tooth and I have to avoid that as much as possible. Another thing that has really helped me is avoiding liquid calories as much as possible. I usually only drink Water, though I will drink some OJ on occassion. I still haven't tried to eat steak yet, but I was able to handle fried deer meat with no troubles.
  5. Like others mentioned above, I tend to avoid threads where people are complaining. I know I'm a band newbie (7/2/10), but I have yet to throw up and have only been stuck for a few minutes a couple of time. Now, I did gain weight this week for the first time since surgery, but I know why. I got shingles all in my eye and on my forehead and the pain was so severe that I could not bring myself to exercise for the past few weeks, plus my wife had a birthday on Friday. We went out to eat twice and had three cakes in the house. (Hey, I'm not superman!) However, I have started exercising again the past two days and got myself back on my eating routine and I expect to be back down next week.
  6. RaSCal

    Are there any guys here?

    Another guy here. I'm three months out from surgery, down about 70 lbs. It's not easy, but not impossible. I've found it takes a daily effort to exercise and eat right.
  7. RaSCal

    sleep study

    I had my dentist make me a mouthpiece that holds my lower jaw out. I sleep great now. A large percentage of people get the cpap machine, use if for a short period of time and then put it in the closet.
  8. I developed shingles over the weekend. My doctor (not my surgeon) said it probably was from my surgery on 7/2 and subsequent weight loss (I'm down about 64 lbs since the surgery). He said it usually takes about three months for the stress to show. Anyway, the shingles are on my right forehead and down in my eye. They are more painful than the surgery and the shoulder gas pain. I'm on about four different medicines and hopefully they will clear up quickly. Anyone else had this problem?
  9. RaSCal

    Who did you tell at first

    I guess I am in a similar situation. I am 39 and my wife had bypass surgery about 5 years ago. My main motivation wasn't that I wanted to be thin or really cared about my weight, but the fact that I had a newborn son. I know that I need to make sure I stick around for him. I started thinking about the process when he was born in November and started the process of getting approved in February. My wife's insurance paid for the proceedure and I had surgery on July 2nd. I'm down 60 lbs right now and feel great. I exercise almost every day. By that I think I have missed maybe 2 or 3 days since I was released to start exercising. I just know that if I didn't have the band that I wouldn't be doing this. I would be sitting around saying that I would start tomorrow and another year would go by. As for telling people, I told a few people that would find out anyway, but that's it. Now I have been asked directly how I am losing weight and I am honest. I just don't go out of the way to advertise it. I'm not afraid of people knowing, I just know that it will turn into a conversation of them asking how much I can eat and that will transition into them telling me about someone they know who had the lapband or bypass and it didn't work.
  10. RaSCal

    Jealous friends & family members

    The worst thing someone has said to me was from someone who I considered to be a friend. He said, "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for with all that." Maybe I am taking it wrong or maybe he didn't mean it the way that it sounded, but it kind of pissed me off. However, nothing feels like going through your closet and digging out all the clothes that you couldn't wear anymore and finding they are too big to wear now.
  11. I'm from West Monroe. Not exactly your area but in Louisiana. I was banded on 7/2. Who Dat!
  12. I have an 8 month old who weights 25lbs+ and I was carrying him around two days after surgery. (I was banded on 7/2). I haven't had any problems carrying him around. The only problem is that little joker knows just how to kick me right in the port incission.
  13. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but the Christmas challenge participants have lost a combined 162.9 lbs. So, we have basically lost a person and that's with a lot of people who have not updated their weight loss!
  14. RaSCal

    This sucks

    Have you tried a high protein/low carb/low fat diet? I did that for two weeks pre-op and lost over 20lbs in those two weeks.
  15. Not to put too blunt of a point on the matter, but I feel like I could power the entire Gulf Coast with the amount of gas I have had since surgery.

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