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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tsaleen

  1. Tsaleen

    Help-I'm Really Hungry

    No carbs for one year? So no vegetables?
  2. Those of you flaming... the poster says Lost 22 pounds, most were PRE-OP, only down 6 pounds after 1 month POST-OP During your recovery period (4-6 weeks) after surgery it is not uncommon to lose slowly, if anything. Your body is still healing and you should realistically expect to lose 1-2 pounds a week when banded.
  3. The hospital billed my insurance $80K for the 24+ hour hospital stay. This did not include anesthesia, surgeon, or x-ray. Based on their contract my insurance adjusted the bill to I think $8K.
  4. Tsaleen

    Horror Stories

    Did you know you can get flesh eating bacteria from getting a pedicure, and possibly die from that? Doesn't seem to stop women from getting pedicures. Any kind of surgery is a risk, I was scared and got cold feet at times as well, but I told myself if it is meant to be it will be, and I had faith in my higher power, who happens to be God, but for whatever is your higher power, have faith. I know someone who has lapband. She and her husband had WLS together. He had bypass and she had banding. She was jealous as the weight just fell off of him, and she had to work at it. She told me a year ago that she would never recommend anyone get the band as all she can do is drink her calories and now she is an alcoholic. After doing my research I realized the band didn't fail her, she failed the band because she expected the weight to come off without effort. That is not the approach I wanted to take with my health.
  5. Tsaleen

    Bra Underwire

    I always take my underwires out, is this an option for you?
  6. Tsaleen

    Concerned about my friend.

    Yea kelly, you don't exactly have a way with words. Hope - Be supportive of your friend, that is what real friends do. Being that she is so young she can either head down a lifelong battle with obesity, or she can do something to change her quality of life, something many of us wish we had the option to do at a much younger age.
  7. Tsaleen

    Slow Weight Loss

    My advice, get off the Lean Cuisines. They aren't teaching you how to get in proper nutrition by cooking for yourself. You should probably get in 1200 nutritional calories a day, with good sources of lean Protein and moderate your carbs by choosing vegetables and fruit first and then whole grains. Your exercise should also be an integral part of your journey to a better health lifestyle!
  8. Tsaleen

    Post Op Struggles

    I was told not to use those Protein shots as they don't have the right kind of absorbable protein that bariatric patients need. You should check with your nutritionist.
  9. Tsaleen


    My pre-op instructions said not to shave your abdomen yourself. They will (operating staff) if needed for the incision sites.
  10. Tsaleen

    Post Op Menu + Water

    I am surprised your having a liquid meal every hour? When do you fit in sleeping? Water is essential but you are also getting in liquids from everything else your taking in.
  11. I was pretty weak too for the first 10 days. Keep in mind your calorie intake is very low, and probably much lower than your body is used too. Your body is also recovering from the trauma of surgery and healing.
  12. I had my first consult April 4, 2010, and had all my requirements done for a Mid July surgery date, but I had a very hard time losing my pre-surgery weight. It was only 15 pounds. I was able to get 10 off, then I gained 3 more back, and my surgeon saw me in early September and said "You lost 7 pounds, that is great, keep it off and try to lose more and you will be fine" then they scheduled me for Sept 22nd.
  13. Tsaleen

    Drinking from a straw?

    I was told that drinking from a straw makes it hard for you to judge how fast you are taking in fluids and it should be avoided post op and after fills
  14. Manda, You look amazing, keep up the good work. We share the same band date, but I am one year behind you!
  15. Hi :) I am doing good, not eating soft foods except egg whites, purees and cheese mostly. Hope you are doing great!

  16. Tsaleen


    daraerin I just saw on the news today that Merida was pulled off the market by the FDA for causing heart problems. This could be the golden ticket you were looking for. People kept telling me I could get medication to lose weight, I told them to f*ck off, weight loss drugs are very high in incidences of health adverse side affects. I already went down that route in the 90's, took phen-phen for six months when I was in my early twenties. When I complained to my PCP about chest and lung pain he laughed and said "You're too young to have problems like that" Then it was found that phen-phen was damaging hearts and lungs and many people died or had to have heart and/or lung transplants.
  17. I was also told the protein shots are a no-no. They do not absorb the right kind of protein that bariatric patients need.
  18. Tsaleen

    ok i have enough

    Couple questions... Are you exercising? How much Protein are you taking? I remember you "cheated" on your post op diet, are you back on track with the recommendations or have you already progressed to solid foods?
  19. Sorry I don't have any advice for you other than I was told by both my surgeon and the hospital that I could never take capsules now that I am banded. I have to empty my gal bladder medicine into warm Water and take it as a shot. I hope it moves soon :thumbup:
  20. I also had breast pain, I could tell it was gas. I bet that is what it is, you are going to have to walk and move to get that gas absorbed into your abdomen and out of your body! Does it hurt to take a deep breath and hold it in, also should rule out a blood clot in the lung. Hopefully it is just gas!
  21. Tsaleen


    Great! Keep it up!
  22. Good luck with your procedure, I am anxious to see how it goes!
  23. Tsaleen


    Please take it easy on the grits :thumbup: High carb content (It's ground corn)
  24. Just got off the treadmill after a moderate 30 minute workout, jumped off and was dancing around. I probably could have ran for 30 minutes if I wasn't worried about getting black eyes!! :thumbup: I haven't felt this great in years. My BP has been consistently below 120/78 since I was banded and it has up until I was banded been between 135/89 - 145/99 for the past 10 years!!!! The first week was hell, but I am looking so forward to getting in shape! I am bringing SEXY BACK!!!! :thumbup:
  25. Banded 9/22, took my pain liquid at only half dose, in the evenings, to help me sleep (every 4 hours) and then didn't take it during the day. I was on them about a week. 2 days with one shot in the morning of liquid Tylenol and after that the pain was manageable.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
