The past week I have consumed so much sugar its scary. I actually felt my body reacting to it as if I was in a trance or something. I mentioned it to my WLS therapist as I know my sugar consumption was sabatoging my efforts. With Easter approaching, I said I was going to go back on the liquid diet for a week prior to rid myself of the toxins and to get back to starting point. She felt I may not need to go back to liquids but that I should try a fast of refined sugars. I know, I know, I shouldn't have been eating them to begin with, but if I am going to do better, i have to be honest and I can honestly say I slipped back into my old habits with sugar. So today's my last hurrah. No I won't be binging but I consumed so much sugar that I cannot just stop otherwise I'll have a migraine like I did last weekend. So wish me luck. I will no doubt be blogging through this process as I know it will be a struggle.