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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ebtkm5

  1. ebtkm5

    3 wks post op and can eat anything

    Is this normal? I think it's so stupid that I have to wait until Sept 14 to get my first fill. I feel like waiting is setting me back. I was doing so good but since I have no restriction, it's hard to resist!!!! I ate a piece of Papa John's pizza tonight. I only ate one SMALL piece. Normally I would have eaten at least 4 pieces. I've lost 15.5 lbs. I sure hope I dont gain any of it back before Sept 14th. That would be kind of embarrassing. :confused:
  2. ebtkm5

    Sick of being hungry!!!

    I dont understand why I am soooooo hungry and others arent. My stomach churns constantly and it's very uncomfortable. I am very close to eating something I really shouldnt. This is crappy and I have to wait 3 more wks before my first fill. That is crazy!!!!! Surely there is something I can do to make this go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Well, I am finally feeling better today. I'm still a little hungry but it feels different. It doesnt hurt. It's a 'normal' hunger pain. Also, I have more energy, however, I take a medication for my sleep apnea called Nuvigil and this is the first day I have taken it since my surgery. It promotes 'wakefullness'. YEAH, it feels so great to feel better today. :biggrin: thanks for all the advice everyone!!! I cant wait to be skinny and healthy again. I keep telling my daughters who are 14 and 25 that I'm going to be borrowing their clothes soon. :w00t: They both weigh around 130.
  4. WOW, you sure give me hope. I have always wanted to run but never been able to. Maybe I can once my weight starts going down. I was just banded 8 days ago. My boyfriend of many yrs runs every other day and I would love to run with him. Congrats to you.
  5. ebtkm5

    What have i done!!!

    Well, it's been 3 days since my surgery. I am finally feeling better. Yesterday was terrible. I had gas pains so bad. I was so bloated, I felt 9 months pregnant. I am really sore today around my stomach mostly. I am starting to get hungry also. I would love to eat some chinese. . I will be on full liquids for 2 wks. I cant imagine how I am going to just eat full liquids for 2 wks when I am already starving. I just keep thinking, what have I done??? Am I going to be able to do this? I think most are thinking I wont be able to stick to it. Maybe they are right.
  6. Today is post op day 8 and I actually am beginning to feel normal, well, as normal as possilbe haha. I'm not near as hungry today either. Until today I have been starving. I mean it actually hurt, I was so hungry. I'm a little hungry today but it's tolerable, nothing like it has been. I will be on full liquids until day 14. Then I see a nutritionist and she will tell me what I can advance too. I take 60 mg of Prozac everyday and would never dream of missing more than one day. The only day I missed was my day of surgery. I take 3 20mg pills and I have had no trouble taking them. In fact, I've not had trouble swallowing anything. I take a lot of meds and they gone down just fine. Has anybody found any yogart that tastes good and is low in carbs?? I'm not crazy about yogart but I know its good for me but I dont want to use up my carbs for something I'm not crazy about. Nancy Surgery date 8/13/2010 Starting weight 226.5 Current weight 216.5
  7. OMG, me too!!! Actually by the time they got me to my room I was hungry. I was asking for 2 popsicles at a time. My surgery was on Aug 13th and I have been starving. I dont know how much longer I can stand this. I dont understand why some Dr's, like mine wait a month before the 1st fill and some Dr's do it sooner. I'm not so sure I can wait another 3 wks!!!:mad: Nancy
  8. Hey Gab, I was just banded on August 13th, so it's been a wk today. I've been up and down for yrs too. Yeah, we can get skinny together. :smile: BTW....my name is Nancy and I just turned 44. I'm the mother of 2 girls. The oldest is 25 and teaches 2nd grade. My youngest is 14. I'm divorced and I'm a RN. My email address is nancy.peach@ky.gov. I'm not really savvy with these type websites. Sometimes I get lost and cant find my way back. :biggrin: Hope to hear from you soon.
  9. Hey Everybody, my name is Nancy and I was banded on August 13th. It's been a week today. I've done ok I guess but I am starving!!!! I will not have any restriction until one month from my surgery. I've already cheated a couple of times and had no problems. I've lost 10 lbs. I am 5'6" and weighed in at 226.5 the day before surgery. Thats when I started a clear liquid diet. I weighed this morning and it was 216.5 and I was thrilled. I am supposed to be on a full liquid diet for another wk. I really dont understand why if there is no restriction. Liquids just dont do it for me? I need some advice. I am screwing things up by not sticking to liquids 100% of the time? When I say I cheated, I had some won ton soup that had noodles in it. I'm not good on finding my way back so if you would like to email me at nancy.peach@ky.gov, that would be great!!! BTW, I'm in KY and would love some new friends. :biggrin: I'll post a picture as soon as I can figure out how. :smile:
  10. Hey RyanZ, sounds like you are doing great. I was banded on August 13th and stayed overnight in the hospital. I felt great while I was in the hospital and couldnt believe how good I felt, but...........the next 2 days were terrible!!! I wasn't expecting it. I am feeling much better today think goodness. It was mostly from the gas I think. I am still really sore and tired but feel soooooo much better today. Good luck!!! nancy
  11. ebtkm5

    Banded today all by myself!!!

    Wow, you go girl !!!! You sound like an amazing person!!!
  12. ebtkm5

    Banded today; August 17, 2010!

    I cannot believe you feel good enough to even think about getting on the computer. My surgery was last Friday, August 13th and I am just now feeling half way normal. Of course I'm a big baby when it comes to any kind of pain. The gas pains were and still are pretty intense. Hope all continues to go well. Sounds like you are doing great. Nancy
  13. ebtkm5

    Banded and feeling sad?

    OMG, I am feeling sad too and I'm reallly not sure why. I was banded on August 13th and all day I have been thinking, I just want this thing out of me and go back to being able to eat what I want, when I want but just now as I was typing this, I realized that would mean going back to being miserable in a different way. Sure I could eat myself silly and be happy for a few mins but duh, this is the entire reason I decided on the band because I wouldnt be able to just give in. This band is forcing me to do what I need to do to get healthy and start living my life.
  14. ebtkm5

    4 days post op

    today has been much better. Still very sore. I also feel very bloated and 9 months pregnant. Can anybody tell me when that will go away? I'm already down 7 1/2 lbs but it doesnt feel like it because my stomach is so big.
  15. Hello Dena, I cant believe you had planned on going back to work so soon. I was banded this past Friday, August 13th and plan on being off work until August 30th. I still feel really bloated also. I' ll be glad when that goes away. During my surgery, my dr found and repaired a hiatal hernia. He said that was very common. I have to be on a full liquid diet for 2 wks. I am already starving and wanting chinese food!!! I am already sick of chicken broth and sugar free pudding and Jello. Anybody have ideas on something good i can eat that is considered a full liquid??? Nancy
  16. I was just banded on August 13th and I feel like crap!!! I think its just gas pains. I have walked and walked and taken medication for gas but nothing seems to help. Any body else have this problem and what did you do?
  17. ebtkm5

    Stuuuupid thyroid!

    OMG, if my TSH level was that high I wouldnt be able to get out of the bed. Didn't you feel like crap??
  18. My surgery date is set for August 13, 2010. Anybody else with the same exact date????? Would be fun to talk to each other about everything.
  19. ebtkm5

    It's official, I'm an August Bandster

    I am soooo excited. I found out today my surgery is set for August 13th. Yep, that's on a Friday. Friday the 13th!! Guess what my first thought was?? OMG, I need to go to Columbia's and eat the special just one last time!!! I love the steak there. That's soooooooo stupid, but I guess that's a food addict for ya!! Did anyone else do that??
  20. ebtkm5


    Last week I worked a lot of hrs in 4 days instead of 5 so I would have a 4 day weekend. On Friday I decided to take a nap so I told my daughter not to wake me up. Well, guess who called?? The nurse who is going to schedule my surgery!!! I can't believe I missed her call. And she said she was leaving work and wouldn't be back in until Tuesday. UGH!!! She is the one person I wanted to talk to. I am ready to get going!!! I'm tired of waiting.
  21. ebtkm5

    Getting Scared!!!

    I've been reading and reading about others experiences after lap band surgery and it's kind of scary. I had a c-section 14 yrs ago, not your little bikini cut kind but the kind that goes from your belly button all the way down because my daughter was almost 11 lbs. :tongue2: So, I was thinking this couldnt be too bad, right?? The people I know that's had this surgery have told me they didnt have any trouble at all but I keep reading about all this pain, and nausea and vomiting. My family isnt thrilled I am doing this so if I am sick and in pain I doubt I will have much sympathy like with my c-section. :smile: Will somebody please tell me they didnt have any problems either??
  22. ebtkm5

    Getting Scared!!!

    Thanks everybody so much!! I feel much better. I really like what ymjackson1 had to say. So, I'm going to stay positive and keep telling myself there will be NO nausea and vomiting!!! Thanks again everybody.
  23. ebtkm5

    Getting Scared!!!

    I am so glad to hear you say that you didnt have all those problems!!! I hope I am as lucky. I hate to be nauseated and throw up. Dont like pain much either. Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!
  24. ebtkm5

    Well crap!!!

    I still hadnt heard from the pre-op nurse so I contacted her and she has 18 people in front of me to schedule their surgery and she is already into August. My life has been 'on hold' since Jan. 2010. I mostly stay at home, besides work, because I'm too embarrased to go out and do things. I live in a small town and I know how I react when I see an old classmate and she/he has gained weight!! I'm like, 'man she sure has let herself go'. And then I think, thats what people are saying about me too!! And its true. I know I shouldn't care about what others think of me but I do and cant help it. I am not a happy fat person. I stay tired and hot and my clothes look terrible. I used to be so full of energy and I've got a huge walk in closet full of cute clothes just waiting to be worn. :smile: I'm ready to get this show on the road!!!!:tongue2:
  25. Catherine, you look great!! thanks for sharing

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