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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ebtkm5

  1. Hello, my name is Nancy and I am overweight. I love food. Eating is my most fun thing to do. haha How sick is that? I have a huge stomach and feel like I am pregnant. I used to be out going and full of energy. For the past few yrs i like to stay at home and hide. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. WORLD........I am on my way back so watch out. :thumbup:
  2. ebtkm5

    Banded Tomorrow!!!

    Good luck. Can't wait to hear all about.:thumbup:
  3. :thumbup::tongue2:Hello everyone, I'm sooo excited. Found out yesterday my insurance approved my surgery. looks like my surgery date might be August too. Was hoping for July though and there is still a chance. My insurance requiresd the 6 month diet also but if I lost too much my BMI would drop below 35 and I would no longer qualify. So,,, since Jan. I've pretty much just been maintaining my weight. I'm 43 yrs old, 5'6 and weigh 221. Yikes, that's the first time I've ever told anyone that!!! I am sooooooooooooo ready to feel good again and wear all of those cute clothes I have hanging in my closet. I have a 25 yr old daughter and a 14 yr old daughter. I keep telling them we will be sharing clothes this time next yr haha. I used to be thin but after a divorce a few yrs ago i let myself go and food became my new best friend. I had a high school reunion last yr and wouldnt go because of my weight. They are already planning another one next yr and I cant wait to show of my new body!! :eek:
  4. Hello, is there anybody out there that is having LAP-BAND® surgery at the end of July or around then? I would love to find someone that's has the same surgery on the same day. I don't actually have a certain date yet because my last weigh in is July 6th then my insurance has 72 hrs to approve or not approve it. Then I will have a date!! I am really excited and want to really get into this and do things right. It would be so much fun to have someone to talk to that's going thru the same thing at the same time. So, if your interested let me know.
  5. As long as everything works out like I have planned my surgery should be at the end of July. This is the first I have ever heard of a pre-op diet. Is this just something they will tell me once my insurance has approved the surgery and I have a date? Does everyone go on a pre-op diet before having lap band surgery??
  6. Yeah!!!! Sounds like we are all going to be doing this around the same time. We can talk to each other everyday for encouragement. I have NEVER been on a website and talked to people other than FB, so I really don't know what I am doing or how I'm supposed to do it. :thumbup: I dont even know what a "thread" means.
  7. Hello, sounds like we are on the same track. Maybe we can help each other stay motivated. :):) BTW..I've have never done this and have no idea what I am doing so If I do something wierd, please let me know. :)

  8. My last weigh in is July 6th before submitting to insurance for approval. I'm getting excited and scared at the same time. This just HAS to work!!!!!

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