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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by belld

  1. belld

    Day 6 Pre op diet

    Ok. I have had enough. I called the doctor. He says he has never had a patient that had a whey protein allergy. I am faced with switching to a soy protein which the girl at GNC says is grainier and she doesn't like it because of that. She refused to grade it on taste. SO...if I can't deal with that for 4 more weeks do I cancel my surgery? He is so particular about the liquid part and the fact that it had to be high protein so my hair won't fall out. I get no other options from him. I took a break today just to get my digestive system back in order. Now towards the end of the day I am starting to feel better. I have to taste the soy tomorrow. I won't get back to town until two days before my surgery but I think I will get an appointment to talk with him at length about my options after surgery. Tell me this is the most miserable part. Tell me I will not regret this. Today is the first time since I made the decision to have the lapband that I have doubted my resolve. The scale says I have lost no more weight but then I am so bloated with gas that who knows. :smile2: It is so beautiful and peaceful in the NC mountains. I don't want to go back to Texas. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Texas and I don't think I could ever leave permanently. but to be away from the heat for at least part of the summer is the best.:thumbup:
  2. Hi, I wondered how many of the Myoplex shakes you drink? I was told to have at least 90 g of protein but stay under 1200 calories perday.

  3. belld

    4th day Preop diet

    I am thinking that something is really wrong about the protein drink. Every time I drink it I get really nauseated and woozy and I get a headache. I did some research and thought that it might be lactose intolerance or a whey protein allergy. I purchased some lactase and some gasX and this evening I took the lactase before I drank the drink and then took a gasX. About 10 minutes after I finsihed drinking, I was extremely nauseous and felt terrible. I sat really still and did a lot of deep breathing and it settled down after about 20 minutes. I walked around a little and belched several times and I feel MUCH better except for a burning stomach. I took a TUMS and I think that worked. If I am allergic to Whey protein what will I do? I know there are veggie type protein drinks out there but they don't have as many grams of proteins and I dread the taste. I am calling the doc first thing on Monday. Hopefully I can get some alternatives. But what to do tomorrow...I don't know if I can drink the protein drink knowing what will come after. I knew going into this that food choices might be a problem. I like what I like and if I don't like it my throat won't swallow it. If it happens to get by, I generally throw it right back up. :cursing: I had quite an episode of diarrhea this morning. I got some benefiber even though it has a few carbs in it but I think the diarrhea:blushing: is also a symptom of my intolerance of the drink. I lost another 2 pounds though. :mad: I might just be back to my pre summer weight by the time the REAL weight loss starts. Hanging in there.
  4. belld

    Absolutely the best protein shakes

    Thanks for your insight. I agree with the two week thing. I got the feeling when I was talking to his assistant that this liquid diet was a one size fits all thing. I was told it was for liver shrinking. Unfortunately I have no choice in doctors, he is the only one covered by my insurance. I will definitely call him on Monday, until then, I am not sure what to do. I should have called yesterday. I was accepted by the insurance with a lower BMI because of all the comorbidities I have. Thanks for your help.
  5. belld

    Absolutely the best protein shakes

    I need help quickly. I have been on a whey protein shake liquid diet for 4 days now. I think I am allergic to the whey protein. I have had nausea, headache, diarrhea, and an overall feeling of yuck(cold sweats included). My doctor wants liquid, 90g of protein perday, no carbs (impossible without eating (or drinking) cardboard) and less than 1200 calories. I am so sick that I can't motivate myself to move off the couch. I can't stand the thought of putting anything in my stomach, including water. I know I was a carbohydrate addict and I expected some withdrawal but I have been miserable for 4 days.
  6. belld

    Day 3 Preop Diet

    Today started well. I increased my shakes to 3. I still feel listless and I have a headache. I tried cleaning some of my house today....I made it through the bathrooms and had to quit. I went for a ride with my husband to try to take my mind off my stomach and my head. I just didn't feel well. I had cold sweats off and on. Bless my husband . He is trying so hard to make this process easier. He even let me go to Harrah's and lose some money...which I did. All in all the day was slightly better. There was not as much nausea. Another problem I have to solve is my medication. If I don't take this med every day I have terrible withdrawal but if I take it without food, the side effects are worse. I am afraid I had to take some drastic :mad:(although not too damaging) measures to get it done. We shall see. I lost 1 pound.
  7. Holy cow! I have to have a hernia repair as well. Now I am considering asking my doctor if I can forgo it.
  8. I have been told that I will be on the preop liquid diet for THREE weeks after my surgery. I am still in the preop stage. I am interested in the xray/barium swallow thing after surgery. My doc never mentioned that. Were you told before surgery that you would have to do that?
  9. belld

    Day 2 Preop diet

    I got on the scale this morning and I had lost 6 pounds. I guess that was fluid as I was in the bathroom every 15 minutes yesterday. I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. I drank my shake and then I took my medicine which includes a calcium pill a blood pressure pill and an antidepressant. 15 minutes later i was so nauseated I couldn't move. I stayed nauseated the rest of the day. I had trouble drinking anything and so I didn't get as much water as I needed. I haven't had a lot of energy. My husband and I went to the store and walked around. I was even more nauseated and lightheaded. Will this pass? I hope so. It will take every bit of strength to do this for the next 5 weeks.
  10. belld

    Day 2 Preop diet

    I actually have to do only 2 weeks preop, but I understand that for three weeks afterward my diet will be very similar to this. Errgggghhhh.
  11. I started my preop diet yesterday and I lost 6 pounds of fluid. I know I can't maintain that but I figure 10 pounds will come off the first week of this diet. I would hold off on the new clothes. :thumbup:
  12. belld

    Day One Pre-Op

    The day started off slowly. The protein drink is gross but I think I have a handle on it now. I tried the other isopure drinks and they are gross as well. I spent the morning nauseated and with a huge headache but it eased off later in the day. It is the end of the day and I just had some broth. I think I will go to bed so I don't dwell on what else I want to eat. It is funny how your brain works. Every once in a while I would think about some food that I will never be able to have again. I hope that passes. Food can't be my friend anymore. It has been for 54 years. I got on the scale and I have gained 10 pounds since I got to NC for the summer. Wow 10 MORE pounds to lose. I thought I was just eating all the things I won't be able to have. I didn't think of it as even more weight to lose.
  13. belld

    Final Day of my old life

    I am ready for tomorrow. I have gathered my supplies. I have a family who is supporting me all the way. I have a husband who is a rock. I KNOW I will be successful. 2 weeks to surgery and counting.
  14. I am scheduled for surgery on the 4th of August and I am starting my preop diet tomorrow. I was happy to find this group becasue I kept reading about 25 year olds. I am glad they are stepping inearly but I was beginning to think maybe I was too old. My Dr. (Phillip Leggett) In Houston Tx wants two weeks of NO CARBS and all liquid. I am a carboholic and my husband worries. I have never in all my years of dieting been on a no carb diet. I want this so badly. I will not deviate from his instructions. We will see how it goes. I haven't been on a scale in several weeks but from the way I have been eating i know the scale will not be friendly. I will weigh in the morning. While I am here. can anyone tell me how to attach my ticker onto this website? I have created one I just don't know how to get it part of my signature.
  15. I have my surgery on the 4th as well. I am starting my liquid diet on Wednesday. Not looking forward to it but I have a lot of support. I hear the isopure is pretty yucky.
  16. I have to use a low carbohydrate, sugar free protein shake for my preop. What are the best tasting?
  17. My insurance company required 3 months of supervised weight loss within the last 2 years. That was a matter of considerable interpretation at the insurance company however. One person said it had to be physician supervised, another said it just had to be a structured program like weight watchers, another said it had to be my family doctor who supervised it and I just had to go in and get weighed once every month. Another person said that I not only had to get weighed, but the doctor had to DISCUSS weight loss with me including calorie counts and methods etc AND it all had to be documented. So we tried sending in family doctor notes with just weights and heights and copies of the three months of weight watchers. I was denied saying it was not physician supervised and calories were not discussed. When I received conflicting letters from the insurance company, I called. The person on the phone said that weight watchers was on the list of approved physician weight loss programs and should suffice. She put me on hold and came back and said that I was approved. So don't give up. Jump through all of their hoops. They don't WANT to pay for it. Prove that you are tougher and CALL them. Ask them to read the requirements to you. My surgery is August 4th. BTW.. not one person said I had to actually LOSE weight during all of this process.
  18. belld

    Forbidden Foods

    I am doing the "eat it all" thing too. I will find out the date of my surgery on Tuesday. I will wait until August though just to be closer to the more scheduled life of a school teacher. I want to have time to get over the possibility of gas "oops" sorry kids...ha ha. :thumbup: My head knows that I will be able to eat most anything. I have a friend at work that did this and she has been a great help with all my questions. The hardest part for me will be the sodas. I am a diet coke addict and the more carbonated the better. My friend says that she just lets the carbonation out for a few minutes and then she sips. It takes her most of the day to drink one soda. At least I will save a lot of money. Other than that, I think the bread will be hard to give up. I have never been much of a sweet eater, but since I was approved, I have had dessert every day. I know that is ridiculous and probably just a psychological thing but I also don't think I will have that much difficulty giving it up again. I am looking forward to the surgery and getting on with my life. NO MORE CPAP:smile2: that is my goal.

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