I didnt know it was going to be like this .. honestly. I jumped through every hoop my Dr's put in front of me. I had an EKG, a stress test a sleep study, blood drawn a chest xray... I even STOPPED SMOKING. I was ready for my life to begin..
I sit here 7 days after the surgery and i cant even tell if im hungry or not .. I honestly dont know if what I am feeling is hunger pains or just general low grade pain.
Also I dont get Soups being included on the diet plan for the first two weeks .... doesnt it slip right through ?!? i am so confused.
I have also decided that I despise Jello .. omg I hate this substance now more than i ever have anything else in my life.
Also is it normal that 7 days post op I have only lost 2 pounds ??
Sorry everyone I know it sounds like I am complaining but I am kind of sad right now :smile2: