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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kadr

  1. How often do you weigh yourself (daily, weekly, monthly, never) and why?

    P.S. I've been weighing myself everyday since I started my journey. It hasn't bothered me one bit until today because it said I went up by two pounds. I'm still working on my whole "perfection" issues. Just curious what the rest of you folks do...

    I have refused to buy a scale in case I become obsessed and weigh myself 10x a day too. I decided to go with the weight at the doctor's office and my clothing size (plus how I feel) instead of such a fickle number as what a scale may show me.

  2. I hate to repeat what I have seen on so many other posts, but I am getting banded tomorrow and am freaking out. So, here I am sitting at work crying out to you when I should be working.:thumbup:. I am wondering if I could just cancel the surgery and go back to being "fat and happy" even though I am not. Are the risks worth it?:crying::scared2::scared2::scared2::scared2::scared2::scared2::scared2:

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