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About Jessica27

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/05/1980

About Me

  • Biography
    I have a great sense of humor and luv to laugh. Once im your friend we are friends til the end
  • Interests
    Luv to watch movies,dancing, boweling , chillinw my peeps and talking on the phone, and listening to music pleas believe me!
  • Occupation
    Patient scheduler for radiology dept
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Single Status Update

See all updates by Jessica27

  1. Hey! I'm feeling pretty good. I'm on my 10 day work stretch so i betta be ready! I'm excited now that i can start loosing some weight! My new goal is 30 lbs down by feb 20 cause i have a wedding to be in so u know im on a tare now! U doing ok?

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