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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Moquarius

  1. Moquarius

    1 Day Post Op

    We have the same surgery date and the same hiatal hernia that was found at the time of surgery. I hope you are feeling better today.
  2. Moquarius

    Banded yesterday! Yay!

    congrats!!! I hope you have a quick and easy healing process.
  3. That was me last week...hang in there. I think the first 3 days were the worst and then although I wanted to eat, I didnt feel like I was starving. I only had to do 6 days though but you can do it!
  4. Moquarius

    I am banded!!!!!!

    I am banded too! Surprisingly, not much gas pain but pain when I take deep breaths and get up and down. Are you taking something for the gas pains?
  5. Moquarius

    Day 2 Post Op

    So, the deed was done yesterday 7/26. After reading everyone's experiences, I have to say that it was still not what I was expecting. The procedure went smoothly but the doctor found a hiatal hernia that had to be repaired as well. So, it hurts when I take deep breaths because she had to put some stiches in my diaphram. I feel moderate pain, which is only really bad when I get up or sit down and I have been taking my pain medication as recommended. I woke up around 2am and actually heard my stomach growl, which shows that its working. Yesterday I was only allowed water but today I progress to liquids. I was discharged the same day because my insurance didnt pay for overnight but I think it was better to be in my own bed. Hopefully the pain will continue to subside as the days go on.
  6. Hey Molly, how you feeling? My surgery went well but she ended up repairing a hiatal hernia as well so I have alittle additional pain. Hope everything went smoothly.

  7. I am glad to hear that you are recovering well...1 more day and then I will join you!

  8. Moquarius

    My renaissance.....

    Yes...me too! I got my call and I go in at 6am for a 7:45 surgery. This is the first time in a long time that I can't wait until Monday!!!
  9. Moquarius

    Day 3 & Still Hungry

    Thanks for the advice! I have one more day of shakes and then sunday is only clear liquids in prep for surgery...I can see the end of the tunnel and will stay focused!
  10. Moquarius

    Day 3 & Still Hungry

    Its been 3 days on these shakes and I want to understand why I can't even eat veggies for dinner. I understand the body needs low carbs and all but don't greens have vitamins and nutrients that we need? I am over the shakes and don't want jello or sugar free pops... sigh...vent over (for now)
  11. Moquarius

    approved but not happy

    My advice is to kill the nurse or coordinator in charge of scheduling with kindness and calm them everyother day to "check the status" of cancellations....yes, I am advising you to STALK the office. That is what I did. When I went in for my consult, I was given the soonest appointment they had, which was Aug 17th but after I got approved on 6/21, I kept calling and asking if there was any luck with getting a sooner date and by the 4th call...she finally said YES and now my surgery is on Monday 7/26. So, just be sure to be nice to the people in the office and keep calling! They may be able to move you up and if that doesnt work, I would speak with the doctor directly and explain that you would prefer to have surgery with her versus another office but you need it done before school starts. Good luck!
  12. Wishing this week would hurry the hell up already! I am tired of this liquid diet that I just started and just ready to get banded! Maybe I might get nervous on Sunday but today...Im just ready!!!:thumbup:
  13. Moquarius

    Well, I don't feel so bad.

    Wow...the pounds are melting away! So far so good...I can't wait to join you in bandster land.
  14. Moquarius

    Finally got my surgery date!

    Heres wishing you lots of luck! August 3rd is right around the corner!
  15. Moquarius

    Hungry- Stupid Liquid Diet

    Thanks for the words of wisdom everyone! I am keeping track of all of these tips and hopefully will experiment this weekend. And no small dinner @ enchatness1908...just protein shakes and liquids. 4 more days to go, I can do this!!
  16. Moquarius

    Hungry- Stupid Liquid Diet

    Today is day 1 of a liquid diet that I was put on yesterday after getting my pre-op testing results from my surgeon. There was no warning and therefore I didnt think to go all out for my "last meal". I am hungry...so far, I have had 3 protein shakes, which amounts to 500 calories and 60 carbs...can you say starving? I realize that my belly is not growling, however I do feel just a tad light headed and just want the day to be over. I don't know how people do this for 2 weeks but I know that my 6 days will be torture.
  17. Moquarius

    Sizing Down

    24 to 18 in 4 months sounds amazing and motivating!!! Keep up the good work and hopefully I will follow in your steps.
  18. Moquarius

    Am I being sensitive?

    No you are not being sensitive, this is a new process and its hard in the beginning. If your friend is having a dinner party, maybe you can come after they finish eating dinner and its time to hang out so you won't have to explain why you are not eating or be tempted to eat.
  19. Moquarius

    A lot of emotions.

    A lot of emotions do run through your mind when considering lapband surgery as its a HUGE step. I am like you and have been heavy all of my life and I always joke and say if I am vain as a big girl, what will happen after a 100 pound lose..lol. You should tell your plus size friends as they may secretly feel the same way. I had a plus size friend who was against surgery but now as I approach my date and she listens to my process has now decided to go to a seminar. As for the killer wardrobe, I hear ya...my cousins already told me that she wants to be called first when I can't fit my clothes anymore but the good news is that its an excuse to SHOP!!! good luck!
  20. Hi ladies...I am not getting banded at NYU but I am getting banded on 7/26 at Englewood Hospital in NJ. I go for my pre-op testing this Friday and I have already been warned that I have a loooooooooooong day ahead. I havent been put on a pre-op diet because my date was just pushed up and so based on the results I may be on a one week pre-op diet. Good luck!
  21. Moquarius

    Woo Hoo!!!!!

    Yes, its a damn good feeling!!! Good for you!
  22. Moquarius

    Let's Get This Party Started

    Good luck! You are probably already banded by now and hopefully everything went well!
  23. I am glad your surgery went well! You make it sound so easy, which is a good thing because as the date gets close I am getting nervous. Are you taking pain meds?

  24. I don't plan to tell anyone at work. I told my boss that I have to have a minor procedure and need to be out for a week and she approved it with no questions. I am at a new job and don't feel obligated to share my personal information with anyone at this point. As I lose weight, I will just say its diet and exercise because it will be.
  25. 54 pounds in 6 months sounds fantastic to me! Great job and happy losing to you.

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