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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by denise55

  1. I bought a Harley at 100 pounds lost.... i got the same response your crazy.... It's fun and very liberating.

    The weight is coming off pretty good. My first big goal is 50 pounds and I'm at 33 now. To Celebrate I'm going to learn to ride a motorcycle and buy a Harley :D I keep telling people it's on my skinny bucket list. Even though I'm getting the whole 'you're crazy!' thing from people. Actually here's my whole skinny bucket list:

    1. Ride a Harley

    2. Get back on a roller coaster

    3. Get a boyfriend (:wub:)

    4. Wear a bikini (of course, that's my final bucket list item :D)

    So, what's on your bucket list? Maybe I can add some ideas to mine :)


  2. I just got my 4th fill a dew days ago and I think I am a little to full.. I am PB'ing even after I eat yogurt.. I am taking small bites and eating very slow... Even after I drink a few sips of Water I am burping... No Pbing.. I can drink Protein shakes just fine.. Did I read this correctly that you drank beer?? how is that possible? I miss beer and can't drink it.. I have a date (first one with this guy) I think I have to cancel... I have no idea how I am going to eat. Is this okay to PB all weekend or should I stick to Protein Shakes??

    Thanks to all of you. It is VERY nice to hear I am not such an exception! I read these boards often and no one seems to have the problems I am having. Even my doctor says my case is somewhat unique to her. I know a few people personally who have gone through being banded. A couple successful and a couple not so much but none of them had my kind of problems. 1 year and 3 months into this and I am FINALLY getting restriction!! The unfill did help A LOT!! I am still able to eat what I feel is just enough. The scale is starting to go down too!!

    Let this be a lesson to you. DO NOT LIVE WITH THE BAND IF IT IS TOO TIGHT BECAUSE YOU ARE AFRAID IT WILL RESULT IN WEIGHT GAIN!!!! It can mean the difference between misery and your green spot!!

    Bonnie, Cassie and Sara I hope it all works out for you in the end! (Knock on wood) I am doing REALLY WELL with this NOW!! LOL

  3. Hi everyone,

    I am down 84 pounds since mid-January but have set myself a personal goal of losing at least 100 pounds by December 31st. I would love some company and a place to check in daily to talk about my triumphs and trials through the next 12 weeks. Would anyone like to join me and set a personal goal and share the thrill of meeting it and getting the new year off to a thinner and healthier start? If so, post your goal and check back regularly!

    Hey we are pretty much at the same place. I am down 80 pounds and want to be at 100 at the same time. I started "dieting" in January. I was banded 9-1. We have the same goals!! I am there with you!!

  4. Use fear as your motivating factor I am afraid of food getting stuck. I am afraid of being fat. I am afraid of dying from being to fat. I am afraid of failing. I had surgery on 9-1-10 and 1 fill since then. I have hardly no restriction but fears keep me from eating the wrong thing. Quite honestly I refuse to buy anything that might tempt me. I started dieting when I started going to the nutrionist for 6 months prior to surgery (mandatory). My weight was 330. I am at 247 today. I go for my 2nd fill next week. I just use sheer will power and fear to make it the next day. Plus I have learned to do an hour of cardio 5x a week. After I evercise I have a yummy chocolate Protein Shake. The shakes totally take away an sugar craving I might have. Good luck!! It's a hard journey but you have all the tools you need to make it!

  5. I actually got an apple today. I am going to try it. It's my halloween treat. I have had about 7 bags of candy in my house for a week. Shockingly enough I have not even thought about sweets. Now if I could only kick my carb addiction... :thumbup: It helps that I hae started to like exercising. I'm up to 5 days a week at the gym. I am working at full potential there. It really helps reshape your body. I have an appointment on the 11th. I hope my hard work shows in the scale.< /p>

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