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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by waitingtiljan

  1. waitingtiljan

    Are these bones?

    Ok..this might be silly, but for the past 3 months I've noticed this bone..I guess it's my breast bone. Right in the center where your ribs end and it caves into your stomach?? That bone is really "there" now. Is it normal for it to be like a hump or what? I wish I could explain it better. Hubby says I probably didn't know I had it until now..lol. I just want to know if it's supposed to be there or if I'm just crazy. Stacy
  2. waitingtiljan

    Are these bones?

    LOL! It's weird to say the least. Can't tell if I'm normal or not since I don't have a clue where bones are supposed to be. Stacy
  3. Ok..I've been freezing since I've had surgery back in January. But now I'm noticing when I go to bed that only my right foot and right hand is cold. Not just cold, but painfully cold. Why is it only one side and what does it mean?? Stacy
  4. Well...a month ago I had to have my band unfilled just a little bit. I went from 3.2 to 2.5 because I spent the night before throwing up, in the ER with a kidney stone. He just unfilled me a little to be safe. Well, that unfill was like a total unfill. I have been able to eat anything and everything pretty much. At first it was awesome. I was so tight before that I could only eat at most, 2 bites per meal. So I was enjoying eating things. I felt like I was on vacation!! An entire salad, an entire sandwich, BREAD!! You name it, I could eat it!! I haven't burped once in a month..I haven't pb'd once in a month...I haven't had a golfball in a month. Now I've had my vacation and I can't wait to get back to my filllllllled band!! I miss only eating 2 bites, I miss burping. I don't miss the pb's though. I have managed NOT to gain any weight. Although I feel bloated and not the same. I'm sad that I haven't lost a pound...I feel like I've wasted an entire month. Eating is so overrated and I'm so tired of it. Being full after a meal is the worst feeling. The feeling of guilt is overwhelming! I want my filled band back and I'm counting down the days until I go back to see my doctor. 5 more days!!!! The sad part is...after 7 months of being banded, you'd think I would have learned how to eat. I found out that I have a long way to go with that. I really need to step back and watch what I'm putting into my mouth from now on. I need to eat healthier foods and not just what's in front of my face. This month I have eaten whatever and I should have been trying harder. I will change how I eat from now on!!! I never had my "Last meal" before my surgery so I was excited when I got a little unfilled. But I now think that last meal is wayyyy overrated!! Just wanted to share what happened on my "VACATION"!! LOL!!
  5. Here are my "in progress" pics. I still have so much more to lose. Down 50 pounds since Jan 31st. Now I wish I would have smiled in my before pic..LOL!! And ok..I'll admit it!! That spot on my jeans is from the popcorn I had at the movies..I couldn't help it! I just didn't realize until after the pic was taken that it was still there. Woops!!
  6. waitingtiljan

    I'm a happppppy girl!!!!

    I just wanted to shout out that I am finally out of the 240's!!! I know it's silly, but I've been stuck there since the end of April!! Up and down for what seemed like forever. I had my 3rd fill on Wednesday and today I'm at 238. Soo woooohooo for the 230's. LOL! :whoo:I haven't seen them for 13 years. Hopefully I can just glide thru to the 220's. Just wanted to screeeeam that to someone who cares. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!:whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo:
  7. waitingtiljan

    I'm FREEZING and FED UP!

    Ok, I know I posted this right after I was banded, but this freezing thing has got to stop!! I have to go to bed with big fat socks, flannel pants, a long sleeved shirt, a chenille blanket and then a thermal blanket!! The only thing I need now is a sock for my poor frozen nose. And I live in Florida!! My poor husband is baking and I'm freezing to death. I can honestly say it's painful. My feet don't warm up, my head has to stay UNDER the blankets and it my cold hands and feet hurt! I'm overweight..aren't I supposed to be hot? By around 4am it's time to take off the socks and extra blanket. What can I do to fix this besides turn off the a/c completely which won't happen. Should I wait until an hour before I go to bed to eat dinner? Is that the problem? :think:think:think:mad:
  8. waitingtiljan

    I'm FREEZING and FED UP!

    Thanks guys. I wonder if it could be ketosis..hmmmm! I drink a lot of V8, tuna, chicken, and salad. Maybe I'm doing Atkins and don't even know it! LOL Oh boy did that diet ever make me mean. I'll talk to my doctor on my next visit. I also used to be hot all the time. I used to hate summertime with a passion. So this is so out of the norm for me. I dread nighttime because it's so hard to get warm even if I do bundle up. So weird!
  9. waitingtiljan

    I'm FREEZING and FED UP!

    LOL! Thanks Janice, but the snoring from my bedroom isn't too tempting right now. ha!!! I guess it's worth a try huh? I know he wouldn't mind. I just hope all that heat would last long enough for me to actually fall asleep. Otherise it's like now..almost midnight and I'm on the computer because my bed is just too cold! I wish my body would just adjust already and be done with winter. Sleeping outside sounds nice and toasty right now...I'm too big of a scaredy cat for that though.
  10. waitingtiljan

    Refried Beans...why not??

    So I told my doctor yesterday that I've been eating refried beans. He told me that he'd rather I eat more challenging foods like chicken or tuna. He asked WHY I ate them and I said because it's the only food that keeps me full and satisfied for hours. Isn't that the point? They are 120 cals, 0 fat for 1/2 cup and 8 grams of protien. I thought that was good. Chicken and tuna are fine, but when I eat the beans..I don't snack as much. Should I just do what keeps me satisfied? I'm still eating chicken for dinner and tuna also. I eat the beans at lunchtime most days. Do you think they are slowing me down?? I'm losing slowly..43 pounds since Jan 30th. Who do I listen to??
  11. waitingtiljan

    Refried Beans...why not??

    Well I can't see any reason to stay away from them either. I do eat the fat free beans, so that's not an issue. I think he was saying that the chicken would stay in the pouch longer and the beans wouldn't. I'm more satisfied with the beans though. I'm not eating them everyday and if I do, it's just 1/2 cup at lunchtime. If I'm still losing..I'll keep the beans. Thanks for your opinions!!!
  12. waitingtiljan

    Refried Beans...why not??

    LOL! I guess it's not a slow loss..it just feeeels like it! I'm happy with my loss so far. No..the beans give me no problems. I think they have helped me as far as hunger goes. So I should just keep doing what I'm doing...right?
  13. Can anyone tell me what I could be lacking? I just have no energy lately..do desire to do a thing! I feel fatigued, tired, and just gloomy. All I want to do is nap! What do you think I'm lacking?? Can anyone reccommend a good vitamin or supplement?
  14. waitingtiljan

    Grits.. to be or not to be?

    Grits..YES for me! I had them on the mushy stage and they are pretty easy to eat if they aren't too thick. Now I can't eat breakfast at all..it's just too tight that early. But later in the day I can eat them no problem. Also my favorite too!! Good luck!
  15. waitingtiljan

    When would one have it removed?

    There are all kinds and types of pain associated with this surgery. Everyone reacts to it differently. How long ago were you banded? It sounds like normal symptoms of the surgery to me. I had all of those. The shoulder pain is most likely gas..try gasX. The ones that dissolve in your mouth are wonderful. You'll need lots! Try liquid tylenol for the pain unless your doctor gave you something stronger. The first few days after my surgery I was in a lot of pain and was so mad at myself for having the surgery. I didn't think I'd survive the liquid part of the diet...I was mad, depressed, and just mean! LOL!!! I got through it though and I'm so happy now!!! I can eat pretty much anything so far. Don't worry...each day, you'll feel a little better and soon you won't even have a twinge of pain to remind you that you were banded. It does get better!! Hang in there.
  16. waitingtiljan

    Has anyone NOT PB'd??

    I'm just curious..have any of you NOT pb'd?? I've eaten too fast..or a little too much. I've had the golfball in the throat pain. Stood in front of the sink for a good 10 minutes trying to burp and waiting for the awful pain to go away. But never actually thrown up. I feel like I could control it if it happened, but try not to let myself get that far. Is it just bound to happen?? Or could I possibly go forever without pbing?? Just wondering how many don't pb. Thanks! Stacy
  17. waitingtiljan

    Self pay loans

    I got mine through Capitolonehealthcare.com. They have pretty good interest rates also!! Maybe check with a doctor in your area..they might know a few also. Stacy
  18. waitingtiljan

    First Fill! WOW

    I actually had my first fill on the 14th of this month and on the 21st I called to ask for another fill. They said I'd have to wait a month. The funny thing is...I can feel a change now. And it actually just kicked in that "this is a tool". I finally got it!!!! It's just there to HELP me eat less and it really does. I eat a half toasted sandwich and I'm full. I asked the nurse why I'm so hungry an hour later. She told me..it's all mental..just try to get a hold of it. So now when I"m hungry I drink a big glass of Crystal Light or a sf popsicle. Even though I'm hungry..I still wouldn't be able to eat...it just won't let me gulp food down anymore. It's a pretty good thing!!! So after my week of wondering..is this it?? How am I going to lose weight if I'm hungry?? It finally clicked in my head...I have to make it work...ME! It's weird how things just make sense all of a sudden. The best part is...since I called my docs office on Wednesday...the scale actually moved 2 pounds for me!!! I had also been gaining and losing the same pound or 2 and was so discouraged. But now I'm actually TRYING harder to eat better and it's finally working for me. Sorry to ramble..LOL! Stacy
  19. waitingtiljan

    I just don't know anymore ( Vent, sook )

    Phatty, It's not your fault at all. You described my first pregnancy to a "T". Sometimes it just happens...you'll probably never know the answers as to why. I went on to get pregnant 4 months later and have had 3 with no problems. It's just something that happens. You just can't beat yourself up or let anyone else blame YOU. I don't have the answers as far as the band goes, but I can't see it being the problem. You'll get through this..it will be tough for the moment. Just try talking to your partner and let him know how you are feeling. ((HUGS))) Stacy
  20. waitingtiljan

    Newly Banded and very emotional

    I too went through what you are going through. I had 2 wks clear, 2 wks, full liquids, 2 weeks soft. It's a very emotionally draining time. So many things go through your head..why did I do this is the one I always asked my self. It's even harder when you have to cook for a family and EVEN harder when your hubby orders pizza! LOL But you just have to reach DEEEEP down inside and tell yourself to be strong and you will make it. It's not forever like it seems. The time will pass and you'll be onto something better than broth. Creamed soups will be the best thing ever once you can have them. LOL!! You can do it girl..just find the strength to deal. Good luck to you! Stacy
  21. waitingtiljan


    Hey! Ok..how do I get myself into the gym without feeling embarrassed to be there in the first place??? I want to go..I need to go. I just feel so out of place when I do go. I know everyone has better things to do than look at the big chick walk in, but I still feel like all eyes are watching me until I climb onto a treadmill and almost blend in. I haven't been since last August. I had a trainer then and it was easier with a trainer. On my own..I feel like I just shouldn't be there. Am I crazy?? How do you build up that confidence to get your butt in the gym?? Stacy
  22. waitingtiljan


    I think I will try one of those..but for now, I still have membership at Golds Gym and dh would not be happy if I went to another gym while I'm still making monthly payments to the other. Maybe I'll just try to lose a little more weight on my own and then I'll feel a tiny bit more confident..then go?? LOL!! I just need to get over it and go already. I will be soooo happy when I don't have to think about what other people are thinking of me! It's no fun being overweight..I'm so happy to be losing finally!
  23. waitingtiljan

    Liquid Diet Questions

    I had to do only clear for 2 weeks..anything you can see through. The next 2 weeks I could have pureed creamed soups. I'd ask your doc exactly what you can have.
  24. waitingtiljan

    Any regrets?

    I'm almost 4 weeks post op. Of course I've had regrets since surgery. I think I questioned my decision a dozen times since then. I was going through withdrawal from food. I missed it. I was mad at myself because I couldn't do this without help. BUT everyday I've felt so optimistic as I lose weight. It's so great to know that I'm finally going to lose this weight that I too have been losing and gaining for 20 years. I NEED THIS TOOL!! It's very hard being on the liquid diet before and after surgery. It took a lot out of me to get through that. I'm so proud of myself because that was a very hard time for me...the withdrawal of real food. Now I am on mushy food and you really realize how you really only need food to just survive and not just to pig out for now reason. I'm perfectly happy with my 1/2 cup of refried Beans or Soup. I look forward to it. I'm happy that I'm not grabbing a bag of doritos and eating the whole bag, having a huge sub sandwich, and later feeling terrible because I'm so stuffed and "why did I do that?" I watched my mom and sister walk to my car today, coming out of the store. We are all the same size. I told myself...I don't want to look like that anymore!!!!! I felt bad because I want them to lose weight with me. Hopefully they will. It was a hard decision...you have to be ready to change. It took a lot of things for me. I just had to remember all the times I've been to Disney World with my kids, the fair, the beach, vacations. I had to remember how disgusted I was with myself for being so overweight and not really getting to enjoy the good time they were all having. Now I'm so happy with my decision and look forward to my future!!!! I'm sure most people ask themselves.."what have I done?" I think that's only normal. Good luck to you!

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