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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Bexster

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 11/26/1986

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  1. Happy 26th Birthday Bexster!

  2. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary Bexster!

  3. Thank you all for your replies and suggestions, really appreciate it. I’m seeing the surgeon next Tuesday, which isn’t as quickly as I would have liked. In hospital I had 2 xrays and a barium swallow, all which apparently were ok. I had 4ml out of my band, which has only left me with 1ml in, which doc said they need to leave in. I was unable to keep anything down before I had some Fluid removed as was so sick, but since then I have been able to eat a little, stopped being sick, but still feel nauseas. It’s more the constant pain, burning. Getting comfortable is impossible, especially when trying to sleep at night as I have to lay on my back, as it’s so painful on my side and front. I’m just very worried L
  4. Hi guys, I could really do with some urgent help and advice. I have just been released from hospital after two weeks. I was rushed in with severe abdominal pains on the left and nausea/sickness. (I had noticed this pain for a few months and it gradually got worse, until I was taken in.) The docs did several tests, which all came back clear. I had some Fluid taken out of the band, to eliminate it was this, but within a few hours my sickness stopped, the pain subsided. However the pain has since come back with a vengeance. Therefore they have decided the symptoms are band related. As I paid privately they have discharged me. The radiologist who did my xray put in his report it seems the band has slipped, however the NHS surgeon and my own private surgeon do not think this is likely. Please could you let me know if you have experienced any of these symptoms before or if you have suffered band slippage, as I'm at a total loss at what to do. Thank you Becky
  5. Hi guys - I'm replying to all 3 of you in the same post lol :frown: Hi Laura, I get the shakes something cronic! So knowing you've been fine is amazing - and a gr8 relief. I know we are all different, but fingers crossed :sad:. Good you have a pill to control the symptoms, makes life much better. Will it be your first baby? Hi Ash, Is it weird to be eating so little and yet feeling so full? Have you weighed yourself yet or are you going to do it weekly? I live in the UK so I'm paying privately as the NHS wont help So thats a bit of a worry but it if works, it'll be more than worth it!! Appt is Fri and I think they said its minimum of 3 wks for the op. From research the pre-op diet is about 2wks before - is that right? How did you get on with it? Hi Leigha, thank you for your post. The journal tip is a good one! Thank you. Thats the problem I've had with diets in the past. Either didnt work or I piled it back on! And what you say about the hunger is really comforting. And like you say it will be retraining me to eat 'normal' so fingers crossed the weight should stay off! And I take on board about the change - that is something that has become very apparent and which I have been thinking seriously about. When did you get banded, if you dont mind me asking? Thanx again guys :tongue: x
  6. Thank you Laura for your reply. Its gr8 to know that you've managed to loose weight despite the PCOS. :eek: Have you found the weight loss has helped with any of your other PCOS symptoms (if thats not too personal to ask)? Its good to know you're not hungry or have any shakes, as this is one of my biggest worries. I know I will be eating less, but wondered if it would help with my horrible hunger pains How are you feeling today Ash? I dont have an op date yet. Got first consultation next Friday - so fingers crossed! x
  7. Thanks Ashly for your reply - that has really give me some hope!! Its so hard as I don't know anyone who has had or is even thinking about having the proceedure. So thank you for letting me know about this lady. Fingers crossed for me :thumbup: Very pleased for you - having had the op. How are you feeling today? Wishing you big success :smile: Bex x
  8. Bexster

    Who to trust?

    Thanx for your response guys. I've started making a list of questions I need to ask. Didnt bother going to the consult today as the companies rep seemed too bad. Got another one booked now for nxt Fri - they have gr8 rep, are more local and seem to know what they are doing. Shame its more expensive, but with something like this - cutting costs is too risky! Thanks again Bex x
  9. Bexster

    New here...

    Hi Tanya, Hope you're ok. I havent been banded yet so cant share any sucess stories with you. Sorry :thumbup: But this forum is amazing, so many gr8 tips. I'm glad I've found it! Hoping my op will be in the next couple of months - if all goes well. How are you coping with the change? Wishing you a 'big loss' :smile: Bex x
  10. I have been slowly gaining weight over the past few years. I have PCOS and Endo. This means losing weight is practically impossible despite my hardest efforts. (Long story, so best not to even start.) With other health issues, exercising isn’t always as possible as I would like. I have exhausted all means to fight the flab. So I’ve got a consultation next Friday for the band. My concern is – will it actually work? I don’t think I over eat or really eat bad food. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t enjoy the odd take out or fast food, but on the whole I don’t eat badly. So I know with the op, my food intake will be dramatically decreased, which is always a good thing when trying to lose weight. But will it work? If all the band is doing is restricting how much I eat, will the weight really come off? (as isnt it just like a diet?) Also I struggle with hunger – I don’t give in – but feeling hungry all the time is horrible. Will the band help with this? I would love to hear some experiences so I can get some hope that this will work! Thank you :thumbup: Becky x
  11. Bexster


    Its nice to know that whatever your decision you have the love and support of your husband - that will help you. I attended a presentation about having the surgery and all it will entail not too long ago + I must admit, it did frighten me a little. It is going to be such a huge lifestyle transformation. Eating out, holidaying, even just normal things will require so much more thought and effort. But the thing to consider is - how bad do you want it? How badly do you want to be "normal" again? No drastic changes will come easily in life. But I'm sure once you see the results, you will know it has been worth it. And I'm sure in time, things will become just a normal way of life. (At least, this is what I am wishing) I hope whatever you decide, you will be happy
  12. I'm hoping to have the band soon. I'm quite scared. There are so many private clinics, how do I know who to trust? I have a consultation with a company on Wednesday, only to read on this website that they have a really bad rep. Does anyone have any suggestions or help pls? I'm really desperate now, having tried everything + dont want to make things worse by making the wrong decision of who to choose to have my op with. Any help much appreciated Bex x
  13. Hi guys, I've reached the stage where having the operation is the last option. I've got a few consultations booked. But its so scary! Who do you believe as at the end of the day - its a business to these ppl, so do they really have your best interest at heart? I've been reading up on different private clinics and there are some real horror stories. But I'm really hoping that it will work, so I can start living my life!! x

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