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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by ade74

  1. Hello everyone. I am back after a very long absence.

    1. LipstickLady
    2. ProudGrammy


      woo hoo, love your before and after pics

      you look totally terrrific!!!! i see your b'day

      was a couple of days ago!! happy b'day

      belated!!! hope you are doing well - welcome

      back to the neighborhood!!! kathy

  2. Started pre-op diet on 04/02/2012. Surgery on 4/23/2012. Who's on board? Need a co-looser!

  3. surgery day set: 03/21/2011. Pre-op nutrition class and hospital tour: 02/09/2011. Pre-op consult: 2/25/2011. Pre-op diet to start 02/24 2011. The preo-op diet seems to long for me and I'm a little worried. Can anyone tell how to get the ticker?

  4. Hey Laura, nice to be back and to see that you've reached a milestone. I've been through a lot but thank God everything is OK. I completed my 6 month diet yesterday. Only lost 12 pounds. Hoping to hear from insurance soon. Hapy new year and May God bless you. Adelaide

  5. You look amazing. You're quit an inspiration. Congratulations!

  6. Hi Ristina18, my name is Ady and I live in Maryland. I have Pcos and I've been struggling with weight problems almost all my life. I think lab-band is the solution for me since all diets have been so far unsuccessful. I have Carefirst blue choice of Maryland. My BMI is 40. How long did it take for you to be approved for surgery? Please walk me through the process. I just don't know where to start. I have an appointment with my PCP on monday June 22. But I wonder what to tell him.All I know is I'm tired of being obese.I want to be able to feel good about myself and to shop at any store.Most of all, I want to be happy. Thanks for answering and good luck for your surgery.


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