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Everything posted by kellikb17

  1. kellikb17

    Set off security

    I flew a couple weeks ago and didn't set off their detectors. I also had to go through one to get into the county admin building to get my marriage certificate and theirs didn't go off either. Maybe just call your dr to ease your mind? It may be the titanium. I'd suggest that you definitely get a patient ID card that explains that you have a surgical implant just in case something like that happens in the future again.
  2. kellikb17

    Dr. Bhoyrul in San Diego AND Tricare

    Actually Dr. Bhoyrul does most of his surgeries at the La Jolla Orthopaedic Surgery Center. Sometimes he does them at Alvarado, too. I have Tricare but I used my Blue Shield since the surgeon Tricare wanted to set me up with I didn't like. Dr Bhoyrul is amazing. You're looking at $6500 for his fees for the surgery without insurance though, just to let you know. Office visits pre-op are extra I believe. I'd call his office and ask Beverly about the Tricare thing to see if any of the places he does surgeries takes Tricare. She does most of the communication with the surgery centers and insurance companies. Or you could always check with Tricare directly to see if any of the facilities have a contract with them. Good luck!!! Btw, the surgery center in La Jolla has an amazing staff and they take such good care of their patients. I'd definitely recommend having your surgery there if you get the choice. The nurses were great, the anesthesiologist was great...they even called later that afternoon AND the next day to check on me to see how I was feeling.
  3. kellikb17

    10 days post-op

    Here I am 10 days out after surgery. When I first visited my doctor I was 260 lbs. I'm now 242. I've lost 10 lbs just since the surgery. So that's about 1 lb per day. The weight loss is slowing since I'm not doing liquids only anymore. As soon as I felt like I could tolerate soft foods I started eating them since I was so miserable and hungry doing liquids only for so long. I did liquids for a week before surgery and a week after before I started soft things. I know I probably should've waited a bit longer but I've been doing OK with things like mashed potatoes and anything squishy. Even things that are solid go down fine as long as I chew them up really really well. The only thing I've had a problem with were the stupid chocolate things DQ put in my blizzard today. They were sticky and so now I feel like they're stuck together in my pouch. I feel like I have some major heartburn. I'm going to try some of the methods mentioned in the forums about how to get something un-stuck. I'm going to sign off for now since my hubby's back with his dinner. Lucky boy gets pizza :thumbup:

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