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Everything posted by MsMackieLee
Why is it that some people blame "god" for everything? If something goes wrong, "god" was testing them. If something goes right "god" was guiding them. I'm honestly sickened by this! No really I just threw up a little. Wheres the cut off? When is someone required to take responsibility for their own actions? If you believe in "god" and have had WLS youre a "sinner" and will deal with the consequences. If you are a believer and haven't had it yet...think of this... "god" made you in his own image so ya...accept who you are and how you look, or face his wrath when he finds out you didnt think he, or his vision was good enough for you. Guess what! you arent good enough for him either! And you wouldnt be here if you were good enough for anyone else so STFU! Oh ya, and your story doesnt matter, all you "I found god" people are simply expressing guilt for what you've become and hoping someone will say "its ok". Well guess what...its NOT and no, you arent forgiven you POS! PS-none of this is exactly my opinion [or is it?], it was an exercise for a class, and it honestly made me really curious. Everything that is said in the OP are quotes from my classmates postings.
Umm, you talk to alternate lifeforms that refuse to manifest themselves in front of anyone but you. I'd compare that to "hearing voices" and conclude that you are in fact...delusional! Because the rest of you refuse to make things happen for yourselves and instead rely on a fictional characted to make all YOUR wishes come true? God youre fucking pathetic....you alone make me vomit and swallow. Im sure this is exactly what you were thinking the last time you tried it. Sorry but ya...you failed at that too. He wont huh? But "he" thinks its ok to convince "his" followers to do it for him? "Speaking the words of the lord" again, your utterly pathetic to believe in a "god" who would place such chores upon you. Responsible "TO" him? him? So why'd you get your surgery? You werent good enough then, and you arent now either. Kill yourself! Please? Ya...even though we thought people like you would die, or like kill themselves...youre still here.
I'm neither hard on myself or other people. but I do tend to tell the truth which is apparently hard for most to hear. Lets just see here...the first time he insults you and makes you feel like shit...that a sign. The first black eye he gives you...thats another sign. If you stay after that I'll feed you no pitty because clearly thats all you want! I dont feel bad for girls who are so desperate for love they'd torture themselves. If you feel youre worth less than the ground we walk on then I support those views. Sorry, Im just not here to kiss ass.
:grouphug: Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut
Again I will ask...did you self pay? I will say this...I wish the British had won. Maybe shit wouldnt suck so much, and maybe we wouldnt be in this situation. Down with the USA, up with the states.
For starters...no...i didnt mean "holy". I meant "oly" but maybe it should have been "ollie" idk, accents are hard to convey through text. Secondly...I never said that was my opinion. It was a quote, from a movie...American history X to be exact. And that whole "even after 9-11!!!" bullshit...really? So the entire country is supposed to buck up for something they knew from day one was a farce? Ya right. Were in Iraq already, its time for people to give the whole 9-11 thing up!
ha ha. This just made my day. I've read quite a few topics in this sub forum ad ms "pattygreen" doesn't seem to talk about anything but god/her religion. Its quite entertaining!
I was suprised too, but hey...the only other forum I'm part of is a car forum, and to them...they are god, and their car is their savior. I think the intelligence level here is much higher.
I'm not a believer, but I also dont know much about it all so my own opinions are few and far between.
Meh...I didnt write the script.
If you dont trust your SO....get out. I totally understand the whole "it came out of nowhere" thing. No actually I don't, there was a sign, you know there was, dont deny it, just admit you were an idiot! Honestly people come on, you listen to their voicemail? check their txts? Call them to to see if they are where they said they would be? virtually stalk their facebook/myspace friends? Set up fake accounts so you can "catch them". Youre not only pathetic...but youre proving it! Ya'lll take a a simple comment like "i had fun last night!" and turn it into some big scandal. Youve reached psycho territory, and when you go there...no one wants you. NO ONE! On another note, if anyone has been threatened, and I do mean ANYONE not just the OP....go to the police, if you dont? Youre setting yourself up and have noone to blame but the person in the mirror. Betrayalsucks ass...but not when it comes from a BF or GF. If thats all you have...find some friends [preferably ones who WONT kiss your ass] and start living an actual life.
"Yes! Turn the ragged bitch away!" "If you abuse the system I hope you die PERIOD" "Dont you need to be legal in order to get insurance? oly crap! This forum is getting me an A in an elective class...whohoooo.
"Alright, listen up. We need to open our eyes. There are over 2 million illegal immigrants bedding down in this state tonight! This state spent $3 billion last year, on services for those people who have no right to be here!$3 billion! $400 million just to lock up a bunch of illegal immigrant criminals, who only got into this country because the fuckin' INS decided, "It's not worth the effort to screen for convicted felons!" Who gives a shit? Our government doesn't give a shit! Our border policy's a joke! So, is anybody surprised that south of the border, they're laughing at us? Laughing at our laws? Every night, thousands of these parasites stream across the border like some fucking piñata exploded...There's nothin' funny goin' on here! This is about your life and mine; it's about decent, hard working Americans falling through the cracks and getting the shaft because their government cares more about the constitutional rights of a bunch of people who aren't even citizens of this country! On the Statue of Liberty it says "give me your tired your hungry, your poor..." well it's Americans who are tired and hungry and poor, and I say until you take care of that, close the fucking book! 'Cause we're losing, we're losing our right to pursue our destiny, we're losing our freedom, so that a bunch of fucking foreigners can come in here and exploit our country! And this isn't something that's going on far away, this isn't something that's happening places we cant do anything about it, it's happening right here, right in our neighborhood...I see this shit going on and I don't see anyone doing anything about it...and it fuckin' pisses me off!! So look around you,this isn't our fuckin' neighborhood this is a battlefield, we are on a battlefield tonight..make a decision: are we gonna stand by the sidelines quietly while our country gets raped? "Fuck no!!" are we gonna ante-up and do something about it? "FUCK YEAHH!!!...you're goddamn right we are!!"
If prostitution and marijuana are made legal...then I got hope. The poor will get rich and the rich will die happy.
come out Come out Wherever you are.
MsMackieLee replied to ReadySteadyGo's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi! My names MacKenzie, but you can call me Mackie, or Kenzie, or just plain ol' Mack. I'm 22 years old. I can't say that I'm a lesbian, or that I'm straight, I also cant say that I'm Bi. In my eyes, what one sex has to offer me so does the other. Here's the funny thing, I like boys with long hair, and girls with short. Girls who dress in baggy jeans and skate shoes, and boy's who wear girl pants and converse. I'm currently in a relationship, but its complicated. See I met him while in Dublin, Ireland, and well he's a local, so were doing the whole "long distance" thing right now. But he's visited once since I left a month and a half ago, and will be back in 4 days! I cant wait! I've had more relationships with girls than I have guys, but my relationships with guys have lasted longer. I've fully come out to friends, but never thought to mention it to my parents. I know they'd be 100% supportive of it, but they basically already know what I do and with whom. Im a girly girl, but cars are my passion. And basically anything else I can do with my hands. I fabricate with fiberglass and carbon Fiber alot...love making custom sub/speaker enclosures and such, but I also enjoy chick flicks and cut my own hair. Any cool people use Facebook? lols...I'm a junkie. -
You're wrong, Osama is shacked up in a penthouse high in the skies. Dining on Fillet Mignon and Shrimp Cocktail, all courtesy of the US Government. CONSPIRACY! May "god" have mercy on all of you. DEMONS! FAERIES! UNICORNS!!!!!!!!
This makes me wonder if you self-payed to have all your dreams come true. I'm eating shrimp...and its GOOOOOOOOODDDDD!
Alright so here's what I've been dealing with. I cant afford insurance. So I applied through the state. DENIED! They say I make too much money, even though I make under their bracket. So I appealed...DENIED AGAIN! However they do say I qualify for Assistance if I'm on my Employers insurance. Which basically means they'll pay for anything my employers insurance wont cover. Which is cool I guess. Only problem is...I'm seriously torn here. My employer is my family, and although I qualify [work more than 40 hrs per week, been working over 6 years], I'm not particularly sure we can handle the financial burden on the business. If it were any other employer I wouldn't care...but its my business too! The reason I'm torn? 2 other members of my family are using insurance through the business, so why not me? It doesn't seem fair but then again, life isn't always fair. I'm literally the ONLY member of my immediate and extended family without insurance and its getting harder and harder by the day :thumbup: I don't know whether to fight for my right for insurance, or just move on with my life. I have 9 more days to decide.
Ok seriously...our country hasn't been paying its debts. We borrow more than we make, and spend more than we have. I'm pretty sure we're already "bankrupt" and it has nothing to do with Obama.
So Glad I found this forum! Brand new, would love suggestions!
MsMackieLee replied to jcp2010's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi, I'm just as new as you here with just as many questions and limited suggestions. But if you're in upstate NY you might want to look into the Fletcher Allen Bariatric Surgery center. Its in Williston Vermont. That's most likely where I'll be getting mine done. They have an on site psych person too. -
WOW! "Spend Spend Spend"? More like "Borrow Borrow Borrow" ha ha...when has the US ever done anything different? Its nothing new. I love the whole Bush vs. Obama debate! Its actually hilarious to me. As for the last election, I voted for Obama but its probably because im in the age bracket he appealed to the most. Do I regret it? I cant tell yet, but looking back I can say that MTV shoved Obama down the throat of 18-25 yr olds everywhere, most of whom I dont think even would have voted otherwise. Also looking back, I don't personally see anyone who would have been a better choice. Show me a president that has done everything right, and I'll let you see my extraordinary flying pig. As for missing Bush? Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut Other things I'll mention... Abortion is wrong unless the mother is physically unable to carry. Also If its the product of rape. Gay's in the army rock! Those of you who disagree think of it as an insurance policy...theyre gonna die anyway. BP cut corners to save money. But Bush made it possible. Save the aminals people! Support the fisherman! Oh ya and dont buy Tilapia unless farmed...when we faught in vietnam we used to throw dead soldiers [friendly and enemy] in the now most popular Tilapia fishing fields...GROSS! 9/11 is NOT a joke! and its NOT a hoax. The truth [in my eyes] is that a lot of innocent people died for the dreams of 1 family. I only wish I had the forsight to plan ahead like them...maybe my room would get clean. "Kill one, save a thousand" right? Global warming is a real thing. Its happening right now, right before our eyes. One day life on earth will cease to exist and evolution will start from scratch. Its happened before, it WILL happen again. If lifeforms before US [as in humans] couldnt prevent it...WTF makes you think that switching your lightbulbs or buying a Prius is gonna change it? With that said...I recycle, have energy star appliances, switched my bulbs, convinced my parents to get a Hybrid, and I own a section of highway that I clean once a week. Its the least I can do. Disney said it best..."make a change" you just might delay our inevitable demise. Last thoughts? GO IRELAND! YUP YUP! Thats all folks! Oh god...another thing to add...why is God being brought up so much in a political thread? Division of church and state! DUHHHHH!
Ya, I checked on that with the surgeon my mom picked out [she used to work with him], and it would be cheaper to finance through my bank. I'm fearing that I'll be turned down for insurance PERIOD, which just sucks.
Hey everyone! New here, and new to this whole "process". I'm 22 and I've been over weight since I was like 10 [or earlier who knows]. I've never had trouble losing weight, I've had trouble keeping it off, and because I'm such a lucky lucky girl...when I gained it back...I was blessed with just a few more lbs each time. I know its so cool right? NOT! So here I sit at 320lbs [last time I checked] down to my very last option. About a year ago I started looking into different WLS options and decided that I felt the most comfortable with the LAP-BAND®. So about 8 months ago I started working on getting myself healthier and just preparing myself mentally for taking the actual step. I had planned on self paying from the beginning so I was never worried about all the insurance stuff [not that I have insurance anyway] so I was just going at my own pace. And then the financial situation changed drastically [as it always does] and I cant self pay anymore. I've applied for state insurance but who knows what or even if they'll cover, and its also kind of disheartening that I could have "wasted" 8 months doing my own thing because I've heard that some insurance companies have their own guidelines and stuff. So pretty much all my "plans" went down the drain, even though I had no real plans...more of an idea...and now I just have no clue where to even begin! Step 1. Apply for insurance. [Check] Step 2. Ask someone else what step 2 is [Check :thumbup:]