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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maggs79

  1. maggs79

    2 weeks down, a lifetime to go

    Yay for watermelon!! I am excited for that too! Great job on doing so well!
  2. It went great! Going in on July 12th for my first fill. :) I've lost 4 pounds since Monday--after I lost the weight I'd put on from swelling and everything. ;) How are you doing??

  3. maggs79

    Day five since my surgery

    I'm still pretty sore around my port incision--had my surgery on Monday too. I'll say a prayer for you that you start feeling better fast! Have you tries Gas Ex strips?? They worked wonders for me! I never really had any pain from gas. Plus walking really DOES help. I walked SO much after surgery. ((hugs)) It'll get better.
  4. maggs79

    Getting my "Fix" from Lapbandtalk.com

    I check it more than a couple times a day! (Which does nothing to help my work along, btw! Ha!) But you are so right...it's inspiring and encouraging to read what others have to say and see what others are going through. Plus hearing from a friend on here with encouraging words ALWAYS helps!! So thank YOU for that!! Today is my first post-op follow-up! I hope he thinks I'm doing well! I FEEL well!! Still just a little sore around the port site, but that's to be expected, I'm sure. Have a wonderful day!
  5. My surgery was ok. No gas pain or nausea for me--I got lucky I think. A lot of pain in the port incision still, though. Really swollen as well. Tomorrow is my follow up with my doctor, so we'll see how he thinks I am doing. I hope you are feeling better soon!! Healing is taking a long time.

  6. I think it's normal to have all those thoughts--I have had them! But we'll all get through this doubting period and be big "losers" together! Haha!

  7. maggs79

    Starting Anew

    Getting healthy is the whole point of the band anyway. Getting "skinny" is a perk. Ha! I'd also like to be a size 8-10...I don't think I've EVER been that size! Best of luck with your surgery!
  8. maggs79

    Friday's the Day!!!

    You have my support, fully!! My surgery was Monday and it wasn't too bad. Yes, there is pain. Obviously, but it's manageable with the meds. Don't try to be a hero, first of all--if you are in pain, take the medicine. A hurting body is not a healing body. When they say you should walk, DO it! Even if you don't feel like you can or want to. That helped me tremendously. I have had ZERO gas pains and I think it's because I walked SO much right away. They will probably give you little medicine cups of water to drink every 15 minutes--it's the perfect amount to sip at first. Don't gulp it down. It took me about 3 sips to drink the whole thing each time. But I've had no problems keeping anything down this week. Best of luck to you! Keep us posted and let us know how you're doing!!! You will be fine. I'll say a prayer for you too.
  9. maggs79


    I love reading your blogs! Because even when y ou are "wallowing", you're not! You're in the process of picking your head back up and moving forward! And that is what we all need to be able to do when something gets us down through this process! You are an inspiration to the rest of us and I'm glad I've found this site in order to meet people like you!
  10. maggs79

    The guys that are so afraid of my surgery...

    You will definitely be turning some heads by January! You're gorgeous as it is NOW! Just imagine how smokin' you'll be in a few months!! Any boy will be lucky to have you!
  11. Yay!! Congrats on losing!! And I love your attitude!
  12. maggs79

    Day 6 post op

    Have fun at the game!!
  13. maggs79

    Day 3

    I know the feeling about the soup! I'm tired of it too! I never really liked it before and now I'm just plain sick of it! Ha! Best of luck to you!!
  14. maggs79

    Day 3 post op - Full Liquids!!

    I am SO glad to be able to have a protein shake!! It makes me feel so much better than drinking water, V8 Splash and jello could ever do! My swelling is going down too, I can tell. The pain is also I think reduced quite a bit. I woke up at 4 am a little thirsty. Had some V8 juice and some tylenol and that did the trick to let me get back to sleep. Still using an icepack, but just for comfort alone. And STILL no gas pains! I think I may have gotten really lucky with that. We'll see! I had gained 4 pounds from the swelling and water retention from surgery, but I've lost that now. Let's hope the weight continues to go DOWN. Though right now I'm not as concerned with that I am with just healing and feeling 100% again. This hasn't been as bad as I had imagined it, to be honest. I only hope it continues to be a blessing and not a curse. Thanks again for all the feedback! You have no idea (well, you probably do have an idea, actually) how much it means to me to hear from all of you. :tt1: Have a great day everyone! xo Maggs
  15. Don't get me wrong, the shakes get old regardless! But I have found that I really like the EAS AdvantEDGE vanilla flavor.

  16. maggs79


    Yay!! Congrats! Keep us updated!!
  17. maggs79

    4 months post op only down 30?????????

    My doctor said 5-10 pounds a month is normal and good. So you are right on target! He also said if you lose weight too fast you may also end up with some hair loss! Eek! It sounds like you are doing great! Congrats and keep it up!
  18. maggs79

    Everyone has bad days.

    Have fun getting the "whiny" beat out of you! And I agree completely with your blog today. It's something I know I struggle with as well. Thanks for sharing.
  19. maggs79

    Too Tired for Words (OK Not Really)

    Happy 3 week b-day!! That's exciting! Also exciting to me to hear that you're up to working out only 3 weeks out! I plan on going to the gym in my apartment complex starting next week, but ONLY to walk on the treadmill. Well, we'll see how I feel. Thanks for your comments on my blog, btw! Have a great day!!
  20. maggs79

    My BFF...

    ...is currently an ice pack. Ha!! I can hold it perfectly with my left arm against my belly while I type on the computer. Couldn't have planned it better myself. :tt1: Still doing ok--no gas or nausea to speak of. Just sore and a little tired, but that's fine with me! Oh, and today I really want a piece of pizza. Haha! Not gonna happen of course, but living in Chicago, it's like a LAW to always be up for pizza. LOL Full liquids tomorrow! And that protein shake is calling my name! (I never thought I'd ever be saying that sentence in my lifetime!) My follow up is Friday! I hope my doc thinks I'm doing ok. I took a shower today--best feeling!! I just stood there like....yeah... Ok, this blog was kinda random. And I haven't even had any vicadin yet!! Haha! I think I'll keep it short tonight. Hope everyone else out there is doing well!! xo
  21. maggs79

    I'm alive! ALIVE!!! *muwahahahaaa!!*

    And officially a Bandster!! This will be long, I apologize in advance. :tt1: Surgery went REALLY well. I went to Day One Health in Chicago and everyone there is phenomenal! I got there are 5:00am (half hour earlier than scheduled) and NO ONE was there! The place was dark! Ha! But not for long. We got let in a few minutes later and completed the rest of the paperwork, then went back to prep for surgery. Again, I cannot stress how awesome everyone is there! I think I am going to get them a thank you card and bring it Friday for my follow-up. ANYWHO--once they wheeled me back into the O.R., another nurse came in singing a Michael Jackson song-- "You are not alone...I am here with you." I said, oh that's good! They started to "strap" my arms onto the boards and I said "and this the part when I'm asking myself 'what the heck am I doing here?'" My anesthesiologist (sp?) said "one time I actually had someone jump off the table and say 'forget this' and leave!" That made me laugh. Then he gave me something to "relax" and I woke up in recovery! I was very sore, but asked for some pain meds and that was NICE. Once I got the thing out of my nose, I decided to walk--a LOT. And this really does help! I lapped the area countless times. Started very slowly, but was jogging a while late. J/K! Yeah right! But I was walking at nearly "normal" speed. Everytime I would pass the nurse's station they would ask if I was ok and if I was nauseous. I NEVER got nauseous (yay!) and haven't had any gas pains yet either. (Hopefully I can avoid the majority of that.) Didn't get to leave until about 2:30 because I was waiting for the doctor to do my swallow test--which tastes like butt, by the way! Ha! They gave me a little can of apple juice to get the taste out of my mouth. That juice could have been a steak dinner! It was amazing!! Got back home around 4 and had a little chicken broth, SF popsicle and liquid Vicadin. Called my parents and they were really surprised how good I sounded. I may have talked their ears off. LOL But my dad is considering the surgery as well, so I talked in depth about everything! Finally took a nap from about 6:30 till 9. Will go back to bed soon, but was able to have a jello cup and TWO cups of hot tea (no milk!) And some Vicadin for dessert! Who knows how I will feel tomorrow, but I do not regret this so far! Even with the pain in the incisions. That will pass and I'll be on my way to a new life. The name of the clinic is very fitting...Day One. I feel like it's my birthday!! Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and well wishes! I will post again tomorrow--hopefully as upbeat as I am right now! xoxo Maggs
  22. I am drinking the EAS Advant-Edge shakes. Pack of 4 for around $4 at Target or Wal-mart. Vanilla is my favorite flavor, but chocolate is pretty good too. They are really tasty! And filling, which is good when you have to do the liquid diet for 2 weeks!!

  23. maggs79

    the post op journey

    I know all about takin' those pain meds like they're goin' out of style! And yes, the port incision is most definitely the most tender...ice packs are an arm's length away for me right now. I can't start protein shakes till tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it! I'm so sick of chicken broth. Blech! Day two has definitely been more difficult than day one. But it'll all be worth it. Keep in touch! Best of luck!!
  24. maggs79

    An Interesting Journey So Far

    Very inspiring!! Thank you for sharing your story!! Blessings and continued success to you!
  25. maggs79

    Day 5 post op

    I am SO happy for you!!!

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