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Artale NY

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Artale NY

  1. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> Hi all! <o:p></o:p> I am not a frequent member of this forum all though I feel close to the members as we all have that common denominator to share. The idea of weight loss has changed immensely for me. This time last year when I first got the band I clocked in at 385 lbs and today I am down to 290 lb. Of course I am in debt to the band as it put me on track. This post is for the person who might be struggling with the total concept of what is really going on. <o:p></o:p> What has changed along the way for me and is bringing success is the knowledge that the band was just a tool and I said was because for 3 months I have had no fluid in my band. Yes no fills!!, a completely empty band. One Saturday evening I had a piece of salmon that got caught in the band and for 4 hours I was vomiting like a sailor on ship leave for the weekend!!! It was terrible and probably the worst experience one could imagine all though I am sure there are plenty of stories on this forum but after the doctor took out all the fluid which of course gave me immediate relief I knew at that moment that it would be the last time that I would have and episode like that ever. You see I never took responsibility for my eating habits growing up. I was and amature athlete and with all the calories I burned food never really was a problem until I married had 4 kids and a desk job. Well that changed everything as my weight ballooned. This experience with the band has put my on a journey that was responsible for me to research information which is knowledge. Let me explain. <o:p></o:p> For most the band is a last resort to over coming a chronic problem. I think for many what is going on is and imbalance of the metabolism. Getting your body back in balance will take more than a band. . It is a great beginning tool for people that need a starting point but in this posters opinion the band must be let go at such a point if long term success is the goal. Tightening the band and opening the band of varying degree’s to get a “sweet spot” is all well and good but it is not the long-term answer. The long term answer is speeding up your metabolism. Fine we all know that but exactly how, is the question. There are virtually hundreds of books on this subject. Some of which have value and some that don’t but I am not here to critique any method but to enlighten you to what has worked for me and what I believe to be the holy grail of health. <o:p></o:p> #1) Water is essential for weight loss and is at the top of the list because its properties by design speed up the metabolism. Water molecules get converted into energy and that energy will keep you metabolic rate higher. I suggest you drink water between meals as the water dilutes stomach acid which can have and effect on digestion. Cold water takes more energy to convert than water that is room temp. Cold is better if you can handle it. <o:p></o:p> 2) Eating small meals spaced out every 3 to 3 ½ hours approx 5 meals per day can not be over looked. The body is amazing in that if its not feed regularly the metabolism will slow down so feed your body so not to slow the process down. <o:p></o:p> 3) Chewing food and eating slowly is of course the heart and soul of the Band and The reason why the band is effective. Your body can only metabolize a certain amount of food at one time per meal and anything more will be stored. Ladies that means right in your hips! LOL!! For men well the over hanging gut comes to mind. <o:p></o:p> 4) Exercise : The bottom line here in my travels is walk at least 5x a week And build muscle mass 3x per week. My metabolism has sky rocketed because of the exercise and weight training and as a secret one should eat right directly after work outs. A small snack is fine. You want to keep your metabolism up and this will do that. <o:p></o:p> 5) What to eat? What I mean is the type of fuel that will burn and sustain energy!!! I am a firm believer in metabolic typing which is a individual approach to diet and health. This is not a one size fits all program. We all have individual finger prints and what one will eat can have very different effect on another. One mans food is another mans poison. Please go and get William Wolcott’s Metabolic Typing book which has been ongoing research since the 1930 !!! A whole bunch of scientists and doctors have been involved in the accumulation of this research of health.You will not believe how you will feel once you subscribe to this new shift in nutrition and diet. You will always struggle if you do not eat the right food for your type. Get the book!! <o:p></o:p> www.healthexcel.com<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> 6) Detoxify your body Use infrared electric heat sauna lamps that can be built for under $100. Put them in your bathroom and sweat out the toxins. Release the toxins out of your body through this amazing method. Toxins do interfere with weight loss as they put the body’s system out of balance. Not only is this treatment great for weight loss and putting your body back into balance but it’s a way to fight cancer and the potential for serious disease. Dr. Larry Wilson a 75 year old physician with a medical degree from MIT will astound you with his electric sauna and its benefits. Infrared Electric Suana’s have been researched by NASA as the only method of exercise and detoxification for astronauts taking long space flight. Yes this therapy gives you exercise benefits as well. www.drlwilson.com<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> In conclusion I would like to add that not having any fluid in my band has not altered my weight loss as I am losing about a 1 ½ lbs per week consistently. My metabolism is high and I don’t feel chained to the band. Of course not everyone is ready for this leap but remember at such a point you will have to let go and its something to think about. I wish everyone all the best in their quest to good health. I hope this information helps one person or more! <o:p></o:p> Artale <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>
  2. Artale NY

    Something to Think About

    Excellent and insightful !!!
  3. Artale NY

    Something to Think About

    They are not my ideas but research done by many credible people. I offer you to read the same info as I to potentially help your efforts and depature from the band. The word "off track" is the same as imbalance and that can have multiple significance. Don't put so much faith in the band as faith in yourself. thank you fo the kind words! It took a final blow to the mind to change my thinking.
  4. Artale NY

    Something to Think About

    Absolutely!!!! the only reason I decided to get the band in the first place was because I was so off the track that I needed to be reeled in. The band put me back on track and now I can do all the right things that make for a healthy life style. Some of those things I mentioned in this post. Everyone that has a band at some point won't need it anymore. But you have to work at that and some want a quick fix to a life long struggle of bad habits. It happened to me ,I was not immune but I no longer want to visit a doctor if one day I happen to eat a little faster than normal. I don't enjoy the feeling of choking and chest pains or damaging the band. No I decide to work around the band and do the right things. I learned my lesson at a high price but I'm back!!! and it feels great!! Keep the faith!!!
  5. Artale NY

    Something to Think About

    I don't think you are trying to be obnoxious. And for many to get down to your goal weight is a major struggle. But one has to remember that the band does not cure your root problem in regards to your weight gain. I know some that go up and down with their weight on the band and thats because the total concept is still not yet in place. For years I was eating the wrong food, not being active enough and doing everything wrong until I was so heavy that I was in a critical mode. The band is a great starting point and for some it will take awhile to let it go. I dont suggest that you walk away from the band but look into many other alternatives that address health and weight loss because the more you go down this road the less you will need the band and the associated problems that can occur. (food get stuck etc...)
  6. Artale NY

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Great going !! every day 1 step closer to your goal !!
  7. Artale NY

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Sometimes the "why's" are so complex! The band has helped me with the overeating issue but of course its not the cure all. It absolutely helps curb the big portions but recently I have moved into speeding up my metabolism due to aerobics and weight training and I give you and excellent site www.musclenow.com which was developed by all natural body builder franesco castano. I ordered his program and I am very pleased with it. Many, many helpful areas that tie into speeding up your metabolism which is the real culprit. The body truly wants you to eat but the how much and when and what is the issue. Great excellent program well worth the money! Check it out!! Lots of luck and thanks for sharing your story!
  8. Artale NY

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Bandida, I am no doctor or professional but I will say this much. The band is only 1 part of the whole process by which success will breed. The band is a start and food choices and excercise are critical. Increased metabolisim is vital so I hope that is a part of your weekly plan because the band just alone will be a difficult road. Today I do cardo- aerobics and weight training to speed up the metabolic rate. There are so many choices when it comes to excercise so do what you enjoy and make it fun. Thats the key with excercise. Variety !!!!! Do a few different things swimming, walking, riding a bike but stay as active as possible and good luck. You can make it happen!!!!!!! No excuses!! You will do it because you want to!!!!!
  9. Artale NY

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Great thread ! For me its been a combination of things. Married life and taking care of children more than myself and night time eating along with very poor portion control did me in. As a youngster up to about 28 yrs old I was pretty much at my normal weight for my height 5'10". Through middle school and up through college I was very athletic baseball, basketball football. Weight lifting cycling I really enjoyed the runners high and was even into yoga but after marriage (30) my activity level dropped and the weight started gaining and gaining and with some depresive things going on at my business with my partner and the wife and kids I felt like I didnt care anymore about me all though I didnt admit it to myself. THe next thing I knew 10 years of marriage and I was 300 lbs from 215 lbs and than after another 6 years I was at 385 lbs wow !! near 400 lbs. I realized today I eat wrong, wrong foods, night eating, huge portions and eat because I loved food and nothing seemed to slow me down. After getting the Band it stopped me from over eating and now I chew slow and my food choices are better and since July 06 I lost near 60 lbs and I weigh in at 330 lbs so every day I weigh myself to remind myself that a 200lb man can easily become a 400 lb man. That will never happen to me again. I am fat because I let myself become fat and today I am headed toward my normal weight because I recognize that this is what I want and the band is there to assist in the process. I wish all of you the best in your private quest to regain your health!
  10. Artale NY

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Great thread ! For me its been a combination of things. Married life and taking care of children more than myself and night time eating along with very poor portion control did me in. As a youngster up to about 28 yrs old I was pretty much at my normal weight for my height 5'10". Through middle school and up through college I was very athletic baseball, basketball football. Weight lifting cycling I really enjoyed the runners high and was even into yoga but after marriage (30) my activity level dropped and the weight started gaining and gaining and with some depresive things going on at my business with my partner and the wife and kids I felt like I didnt care anymore about me all though I didnt admit it to myself. THe next thing I knew 10 years of marriage and I was 300 lbs from 215 lbs and than after another 6 years I was at 385 lbs wow !! near 400 lbs. I realized today I eat wrong, wrong foods, night eating, huge portions and eat because I loved food and nothing seemed to slow me down. After getting the Band it stopped me from over eating and now I chew slow and my food choices are better and since July 06 I lost near 60 lbs and I weigh in at 330 lbs so every day I weigh myself to remind myself that a 200lb man can easily become a 400 lb man. That will never happen to me again. I am fat because I let myself become fat and today I am headed toward my normal weight because I recognize that this is what I want and the band is there to assist in the process. I wish all of you the best in your private quest to regain your health!
  11. Artale NY

    Advice on size of 2nd fill

    I am new to this forum and what a great place to communicate ideas and experience. I rec. my first fill in early july and since then I have had 3 fills. I have lost 40 lbs but what I noticed for me (and every person has different results and different feelings to their fill) is that I need to go slow. Too much of a fill will make you very uncomfortable as we all know and for some the experience can be terrible. I suggest to all go slowly and not try to rush the process. Yes you will lose weight more slowly but your experience will be better and you will obtain your goals over the long haul safely and with good experience. Also going slower helps you gauge what foods you need to chew better than others. To have a very strong tightening feeling in the throat and chest ( and i have had this ) is not the way to go. I did throw up once and its not a pleasant experience ( due to not chewing enough) I realize that the band is only 1 factor in the sucess of weight loss. The other 2 is food choice and exercise and if you can rely less on the band and more on the other 2 than it becomes a more enjoyable ride. Putting to much weight (no pun intended) on the band and not enough on food choice, Water and excercise will make it harder. Yes ! get your fill will needed but only after you can honestly say that you also have been doing all the other factors. The band is only 1 component of weight loss and your in charge of the other factors. You cant rush success !!! If your like me than you took along time to get fat so going slowly is no big deal. A friend of mine lost 200 lbs on the band and it took him 2 1/2 to 3 yrs!! I'm sure it was worth the wait!

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