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Debra G

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Debra G

  1. Debra G

    Had My Fill Today!

    I did lose more weight then I thought. I thought it was 4 pounds, truned out it was 6.5 pounds from the last Doctor's appointment. Not to bad. I get a fill of 1/2 cc when needed each time, that's enough for me. I had wanted to lose enought weight to break that 200 pound mark, by my birthday June 16th. Not going to happen:sad:, but on the up side, I'm down 82 pounds in all from last year's brithday.:bored: CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOR MORE INFO ON ME AND MY GREAT RECIPES OF THE DAY AND SO MUCH MORE. http://life-after-lap-band®.blogspot.com/
  2. Debra G

    I Cried From Pure Joy!

    Thank you sandif for the wounderful birthday wish.Yes this is a huge acheivement for me. Again thank you.
  3. Debra G

    I Cried From Pure Joy!

    Thank you imaluckydog for your lovely comment. With so much heard work am geting there. Again thank you
  4. Debra G

    50 Pounds Lost - Woot Woot!

    How wounderful is that. You rock and congrats on your 50 pound weight lost, I know the feeling. When I got on the scale and saw that I had lose 90 pounds today I cryed from pour JOY! YOU ARE SO AWESOME! keep up the great work. LOVE IT!
  5. Debra G

    Had My Fill Today!

    Hello Gorda123 here is the address to my blog sorry for that have a look and let me know what you think, great recipes of the day on there. And am so happy to say i lose 90 pounds in all up to this date. I broke my 200 mark. Smiles. And all the best to you on your wounderful journey. keep in touch. Life After Lap Band
  6. How are you janetjourneytoslim, hope you are doing fine, drop me a line to tell me how you are doing.

  7. Hi Bklynike how are you doing. Just a few lines to say hello to you, I hope all is well. Your band-friend.

  8. Debra G

    feeling better

    Hello Khunt719. Am very glad that you are feeling better now.I to had to learn how to use my Lap band. It's just a tool and like any tool we have to learn how to use this tool. Am a gourmet cook and I had to retrain my self in my cooking to fix foods that can be eaten with this Lap-Band. I have a blog on so many great tips and wonderful recipes that am sure you and your family will enjoy. So have a look and I keep up the good work. Life After Lap Band
  9. Twice the deliciousness of dipped strawberries by using melted bittersweet chocolate and white chocolate for this easy and enticing dessert. CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOR INFO ON THIS RECIPE. AND SO MANY MORE http://life-after-lap-band.blogspot.com/
  10. This is a favorite with both Adults & and Kids. Your kids will enjoy helping you make this ice cream sandwich. CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOR MORE INFO ON THIS RECIPE AND SO MANY MORE. http://life-after-lap-band.blogspot.com/
  11. Debra G

    A Little Uncomfortable After My Fill!

    I had my 1/2 cc fill on Thursday and I'm feeling tight. This is the amount I get all the time - it has worked for me, until now. I have been sick for a few days now, not 100% myself. And I have not eaten anything since Wednesday night. All I have been able to eat was Jell-O, and my low-cal ice pops. Even my boost is not going down well. I lost 5 pounds from Thursday, down to 201 now. I try to take my 3 mile walk on Friday but I had to cut it short, because I felt like I was going to throw up. So I went back home. In the past when I had this feeling it would take a few days before I would be ok again. This is takeing a little longer to get back to my 100% self. So if I'm still feeling this way on Monday I think I will need to go back to my Doctor's office and get my frist unfill.:frown: CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOR MORE INFO ABOUT MY JOURNEY AND MY RECIPES OF THE DAY. http://life-after-lap-band.blogspot.com/
  12. Debra G

    Men Are Nicer To Thinner Women!

    I do agree. All man are not the same that's for sure I married one of the good ones. LOL. Thank you for your wonderful comment.
  13. Debra G

    Men Are Nicer To Thinner Women!

    This is what I have experienced and noticed. This is only my view on this - it may not reflect everyone else's view. Men are nicer to thinner women. The reason I say this is, now that I have lost close to 86 pounds, I have noticed some differences in men's behavior towards me. They are offering me their seats, holding doors open for me, letting me get in line ahead of them, fighting to keep the elevator doors open so they do not close on me, more men are saying good morning, looking and nodding toward me in a friendly way. A few have have even tried to pick me, up - even men as young as my 30 year-old daughter! (I am a happily married woman and would never take the bait, but... it's nice!) No matter what our ages are, we as women still like to know we still got it! LOL. When I was 86 pounds heavier, not many would offer their seat to me (while at the same time they would offer their seat to a thinner woman right next to me) or hold the door for me - and they probably prayed I would not get on to the elevator because of the capacity of the elevator's weight load. There is a lot of discrimination in this country against heavier people. I'm still the same person with a good heart with or without the 86 pounds. The reason I bring this up is that I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and I saw a huge difference in the way men interact with me. Again, this is only my point of view. Please share your comments on this - I'd like to hear from others about this particular situation. You can check out my blog to follow my journey at: :bored: http://life-after-lap-band®.blogspot.com/
  14. This traditional cajun-Creole dish will please the palate with it's mix of robust flavors! With this dish, you can bring Louisiana to your kitchen. I'm sure it will be enjoyed by your friends and family. CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOR MORE INFO ON THIS RECIPE AND SO MANY MORE:thumbup: http://life-after-lap-band®.blogspot.com/
  15. Debra G

    Had My Fill Today!

    Thank you crsti41. For your kind words. All the best to you and good luck to you as well. Am sure you are doing wounderful also.
  16. Debra G

    Recipe Of The Day! Lemon Ice

    What a summer treat on a hot day. This tangy treat can be made in adults-only and kid-friendly (no booze, just juice) versions. Make this in advance.To have enough time to freeze this dessert, it’s as simple as can be: water and sugar are boiled, mixed with lemon juice and lemon zest and frozen until ready to serve. CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOR MORE INFO ON THIS RECIPES AND SO MANY MORE.:bored: http://life-after-lap-band.blogspot.com/
  17. Debra G

    Going in for a fill today!

    Looking forward to today - I'm getting my 6th fill - 1/2 cc, which works for me. This has been a very slow month for me losing weight, the scale has not moved much - I know I lost at least 4 pounds - maybe more than that, I'll find out when I get to the doctor today. But on the upside, I'm very grateful and happy for all the weight I have lost, and I view the scale as my friend, not my enemy. I'm still cooking my delicious meals - I so love my cooking, lol. I've been a cook for a long time, and I'm so happy I'm still able to do it - and to share my passion of cooking with all my friends and family and all my blogger friends. So untill I come back, that's all for now. :eek:
  18. Debra G

    My Love Affair With Food!

    I had the best affair of all times. We loved each other, understood each other, wanted each other. When I was sad FOOD was there for me, when I was happy FOOD was there for me. I woke up wanting it and went to sleep wanting it. In the mornings when I opened the refrigerator it would say "Hello Debra, how was your night, I miss you", and I would reply "I am well, I could not wait to see you too". I would say "what do you have for me today to eat?". And I would hear "hummm - take a look - I have some goodies in here for you eat, be happy lets start our day together". And my "Food Love Affair" would start all over again. Food has never let me down when some people have - I could always count on my food, to give me that extra boost and that happy feeling in my heart. When I had a hard day at work, I knew there was something waiting for me when I got home - my food, my best friend. Food never said 'no' to me, it was always "yes Debra!". I finally had a long talk with my food and told it I must end this affair - it was no longer working for me. And I did cry, I must say knowing that it was coming to an end. I made sure to tell the food we will see each other again, so it's not good bye, just so long for now we will meet again one day. The day I said goodbye was the day of my surgery, October 26, 2009. I felt like I was detoxing from something I had been with a for so long. We eventually became reunited, not as the love affair we once had, but as dear friends. I set some ground rules to my food friend: I will only come to you to eat healthier, not use you as a crutch, nor let you become my whole life again. So my love affair is no longer, but I now have a healthier friend - MY FOOD and I. I know this may sound nuts but its really how I used to live and how I viewed my food. :eek: CHECK OUT MY BLOG. FOR MORE INFO AND MY JOURNEY. http://life-after-lap-band.blogspot.com/
  19. Debra G

    My Love Affair With Food!

    Thank you.. tedsmom28 For your great commet. Hope to hear from you again.
  20. Debra G


    Thank you you for looking at it. I will try very heard to keep things updated on it.
  21. Debra G


    Satisfy your sweet tooth with this under-200-calorie treat. Who says you have to skip dessert to stay lean? The following low-calorie confection lets you indulge without any of the guilt. CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOR INFO ON THIS RECIPE AND SO MANY MORE! :eek: http://life-after-lap-band.blogspot.com/
  22. Debra G

    My Love Affair With Food!

    Thank you.. suthrndelite For your wonderful comment.
  23. Debra G

    My Love Affair With Food!

    Thanks christiemr.. Yes it's heard to let go when food was our main focus. But on the bright side we still have our best friend, well I do that's for sure, but as you said in a much better way. I look at this way bander's are some of the strongest people I know, to make such a change in our lives . WE ARE STRONG.. Thank you and good luck to you also..
  24. Debra G

    my 2nd fill....

    A total of 8.75 cc that's alot for your 2nd fill! You feel NO tightness at all? The doctor's say the band works for most, but there is a small percentage where it does not I hope you do not fall in that percertage. And you should get in the scale it my surprise you, you may fine out that you lost some weight, do not be afraid of that scale any more the scale is your new friend say hello to it and ask it to be nice.. LOL Am on the scale so much my husband tells me you on it again.. I live on that scale grins..Get on that scale. Best of luck to you! CHECK OUT MY BLOG IT MAY HELP WITH FOOD TIPS. Life After Lap Band
  25. Hello to all my friends and cooks out there, here is another one of my dishes for you to try out. Hope you like it. This is a great Greek recipe that is not only healthy but tastes good too. A wonderful appetizer great for the summer and all year round. It's called a cigar because once it's rolled and stuffed it looks like a cigar. CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS RECIPE AND SO MANY MORE! :eek: http://life-after-lap-band.blogspot.com/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
